CBT Forum access

All are in!

I require access as well.

Same issue for me. I’ve been playing the game but no CBT forum is visible anywhere. By the looks of it very few or no people who got beta access had the forum unlocked for them? Email: burntcustard@gmail.com

I can not access the closed beta forum, I have been playing the game for several days.


Me to FlankCobra@gmail.com Already 4. legionary 3rd class :smiley:

Me, c0d3i0n1c@gmail.com

Same here, no access CBT Forum… also i wonder if i should be able to play already. Atleast i fail to login.

You have to make sure you have a yuplay.com acct AtlantisThief.


i don’t have beta forum access…

nickname: z4r4thustr4

email: daniel.ziesche@gmail.com

Thus Spake Zarathustra

Yeah i know a little stupid joke, but i don’t have strength to resist ^^"


I received the Beta invitation email a few days ago but didn’t get a forum account. So I don’t have access to the beta forum (also can’t login into the game)


I don’t have the CBT Forum access, but i think you knew that already by the fact that i posted here… :fed004:

Nickname : ShadowRider

Email : J_Liebert@comcast.net

I also need access to the CBT forums

Nickname: Vedrit

e-mail: ryhen_muyo@hotmail.com

I need access too…

Nick: Spettro

mail: biel_than@yahoo.it

P.S. Thanks for let me in… :002j:

Ich got the Beta Kay but can’t see the CB Forum.

Same as everyone else :wink:

Got in yesterday, no beta forum access so far.

I can’t log in.

Yuplay nick name: crydanor

regitstered e-mail: tokibogyo@vipmail.hu

Likewise, I got my beta invite yesterday but no CBT forum for me to lurk in :slight_smile:

Nickname: Thearto

e-mail: thearto@hotmail.com

Same here, got beta invite but no CBT forum…

Nickname: mikelanjelo

E-mail: www.iztar_95@hotmail.com