CBT Forum access

I have this problem. can you please link my account. I can neither access the beta forum or login to the game.


i still have not get cbt invite…

Wanna have access for beta forums too :slight_smile:

no access

No access to the beta forum yet. Thanks

Same here,

Nicnkame: Lother

Email: luismlorca@gmail.com

Can u invite me to CBT forum? i have invite to beta… its third day…

I am in the beta, however when i tried to log in with the account im in the beta for, it says it does not exist. So i mad this account with the same email and everything. What do?

same situation as Jensin. no access to cbt forum.


Please be a little bit patient your accounts will be activated soon;)

Thank you, I’ll wait.

awaiting access to close beta forums Rage_SuperMario@hotmail.com

I have recieved beta access but as of yet no access to the CB forum section.

The game is amazing! I like’it wwww much!

The access to beta forum … i dont like’it:)

I am playing game but no access to CBT forum.

email: www.iztar_95@hotmail.com

nickname: mikelanjelo

thank u so much for beta invitation still waiting for beta forum acces love the game so far , grat work

game downloaded now just not accepting my username and password

no access but i downloaded application



Thanks for your nice words and please only use this thread for the closed beta forum application.

If there are some other problems feel free to message me.

All of you should get the access in a little time.

I also have no access to the CBT forum even though I am testing the game. Could you sort that for me pls.
