CBT Forum access

No Beta Forum for me either.

Need CBT forum access, thank you

No beta forum access for me, Never got a 2nd email.

no beta forum

I don’t see the beta forum. I just got my invite 2 days ago.


All of you should get access soon.

And Oreland it is not your connection, it is a known issue.

I have recieved beta access but I don’t see the CB forum section.

I have the Beta Access as well, but don’t see the forum.

I need access to the beta forum as well.


I have the key but can’t access


I do not see the CBT forum, justastrangerlica@gmail.com


I do have access to the beta, but no acccess to forums

email: olorin(at)one.lt

nick: Sajuuk

same here access to the beta but not to the beta forum

email: dwindhorn@hotmail.de

nick: Frinos

Got access to beta but not the forum

got beta access and no forum

Still no access. No rush tho. :slight_smile:

No acces



no access to forum

nickaname: dyrbal


Beta access, but no beta subforum access.

Gets getsdevil@hot.ee

All of you should get access the next days.