CBT Forum access

no access

SpiritHanyou <Username

Heero_Yui_ZeroGundam@Hotmail.com <Email

(NVM, got it)

Good day,

I have no access to the beta forum.

Username: Zlobo9laz


still need access.

Username: JaniR


Can play the game, but dont have access to CB-Forum.,

username: ™ĂŔĊĤ-ΆŇĢĖĿ™

email: monkeynutz911@gmail.com

No access

user: Mallorn

mail: ni.andrey@gmail.com

I Have acess to forum but no acess to beta i have download the game but dont accept my nick and password ?


tks for help

I Have acess to forum but no acess to beta i have download the game but dont accept my nick and password ?

According to what I read on the forum, you should use your e-mail, not your nick for log-in.

I have recieved beta access but I don’t see the CB forum section.

Same here too!

No access it seems.

Does any of the administrators read this topic at all?

I have acces to the game, but not yet to the forum. (Baly94; baly94@gmail.com)

Does any of the administrators read this topic at all?

I am reading it, but for game related questions it is better send a message to me.

Same here too!

I Have acess to forum but no acess to beta i have download the game but dont accept my nick and password ?


tks for help

You need to use the email for game log in.

No access Bl4ck999 rockthemob@gmx.de

Edit double post

Just got into beta, need forum access.



I have beta, no forum

Username: Cringer

email: gdix1812@gmail.com

Need beta forum access.

Celestin tritronlord@hotmail.com


Were things reset? Cause I cant login to star conflict its been a couple months since ive played.

I am already on the Russian forum, but can I also have access to the English-speaking CBT forum?

Username: Neuromant

Email: nikita.demchenko@gmail.com