Capped resources? No Star Marathon?

Well, OmegaFighter just wrote, what most of us that are not biased and irrational, are actually thinking.

Very well written, constructive and direct post, the way I expect it to be. I applaud it, plus it saved me my time as well.


I could have just wasted even more of my time on the Forum, started a much bigger fuss about this resource cap limit, but all has been said already. There is not much to add.

I just don’t want to bother or argue with people, who are corporate robots. You can’t reason with them. They can only see one reality - their own.

Bottomless pit is without bottom. Don’t feed it. Just ignore it.


Tomorrow there will be Update 1.4.3 Discussion, but I doubt that it will even get opened at this point.

They are doing this, because they can.


I actually play with higher or worse ping now than ever before for a month or so. It’s like 30-35% worse. It gets even worse, if I get a match of 10 or 12 players on each side.

Around 30 ping is now 45 ping on European servers and 60 on Russian server is now almost 90 ping on average.

American and South Asian servers are the same as they had been in the past.

That’s not an improvement, but degradation of online services. It’s enough to notice.

With all that money, you would think that opposite would happen…

9 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Around 30 ping is now 45 ping on European servers and 60 on Russian server is now almost 90 ping on average…

1st world problems…

Btw this has nothing to do with their servers.

3 hours ago, OmegaFighter said:

And get banned too? ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

What I am going to say I do not say as Forum Moderator or GM or whatever, I say this as the player OmegaFighter burning in madness.

Alrighty, I think that this change is the ultimate next step of idiocy.
Reason given by devs was that this is necessary for future development, well… yeah if it should stay profitable.

They start to throw around xenocrystals and that is nice. But it is now too many, everyone can stockpile resources, some people just click because they have all they need, so basically the grind for a brand new alien ship would be… non existent. So what we get now is brand new resources, and a limit on xenocrystals. This technically forces us to spend resources on Thar’Ga, or we pay 50 to get Tai’Kin and spend it there. Like me, and I refuse… And I get exactly this:

Destroyed. They have been destroyed, they have not been exchanged for other resources, they have not been sold, they have been terminated. My effort has been punished, it has been taken away from me. Not replaced but just eliminated from any database. Because playing is wrong. Wanting to gain resources for things I want, that is wrong. I am supposed to spend on things that they want me to spend on, not my own. I can not fulfill my own wishes because the system refuses to let me do so, and what is that? It is xxxx. To say the least. I knew they were to implement a cap, I was kind of fine with that, I expected something like 999? Around that number. What we got today was just a kick in the face to every single veteran that valued their resources and saved for things they ever wanted. Now they are forced to spend them.

In a few weeks it will probably look like that “R14 destroyers make their comeback” - For one day, get them as long as you can. Oh wait the resources you have available are not enough. Guess what, now you have to spend on bundles. Just one idea of how this could be used against us very hard, one out of many.

I do not want to say like ‘yo guys xxxx this game it’s over’ but this clearly giving me the feeling of that, all our efforts, vanish. Insulted, Diminished. That’s what they are, our efforts where thwarted. Literally fucked right through the middle. Because it was not profitable. And even if is not just for the profit. The last thing it is for is our (players) advantage. It is just to mess with us. It is not giving us anything. This is potato.

Oh but hey there is that nice bundle for 50€ to get you Tai’Kin and 90 days of license! No. It’s a damn overpriced pack that I would not even buy if it contained half-assed cookies, just for the principle. A naked ship which nodes you can not even buy because the current cap was literally given 0 thought into? A node that costs you literally 310 even tho the cap is 300. Yes this sounds like a very smart move. Not.
BUT YOU GET 1.5x RESOURCES! Yes and what for? Reaching a certain number and you will lose 1.5x more resources  for nothing! It’s 1.5x more frustration, literally. 

TL;DR: That 200/300 cap is xxxx, it was given no thought into and it was just made to xxxx with us. It is important for future development, in their book. But it will make it just harder for us as it is. I am a game master, a forum moderator, I have given them feedback. And you know what? I have told them that adding a cap in general is xxxx. I told it them many times, I told them that if they do it it should be at least 1000x or the shitstorm will be real. Did they listen to me? You see it now, no xxxx was given about it. My feedback was not valued, a player who gave them years over years of service, over a hundred days of time. And not to forget, the money I gave them. It was not valued, not considered. It was overriden by very primitive ideas that may eventually lead to a profit margin if we are dumb enough. But I hope we are not. Please proof that you are not. Do not support this, I certainly will not. Regardless of my position I can not take this at all. This is bullshit and should not be tolerated.

This is the nice version. Yes I use profanity in this, not to be a badass but to spice my opinion with the right words. And even this would probably be censored. Because opinions against their ideas fueled with TRUE anger are wrong. I am mad, I am not tolerating this. And I will say any word necessary for this xxxx to get removed or changed into a fair system. Thanks.



51 minutes ago, Koromac said:

I actually play with higher or worse ping now than ever before for a month or so. It’s like 30-35% worse. It gets even worse, if I get a match of 10 or 12 players on each side.

Around 30 ping is now 45 ping on European servers and 60 on Russian server is now almost 90 ping on average.

American and South Asian servers are the same as they had been in the past.

What i noticed as well.

Before the patch i could use the “open” option for faster matching and i had mostly a stable ping of 25-50 (on nearly all servers). Today my “average” ping was 150-1000 (depending on server) and even when i just wanted europe my “average” ping was 150-400. The game isn´t playable with these rates. I hope more or less that it is just the “everyone sucks the download and after 1-2 days the ping goes back again” but for what anymore?

I have no real goal in front of me atm cus everything i do is basicly just pveing me through 1 match after another. Progress in terms of the project ships is neraly unnoticable and gaining the 4 daily monos (yeah i never do the SCL ones) is an forcing for me cus of the boring OS part with jumping through the sectors and backsuicide myself…

Leveling and maxing the ships is more or less an “selfpunishment” cus of the contracts so what is left after these factors? Imo nothing. Trading has the strangest and worst solution they could find and useless stuff get´s dust cus no one needs it and everyone has it.

Star conflict is my favorite game and I have been playing for a long time.

I like Star conflict because you can fight solo, fight with friends; craft ships, and lots more. Personally, I like to collect items that you find in Open Space and at the end of pvp and pve games. However, I am very upset regarding the latest star conflict update. I recently purchased a license to allow me to collect more items for storage and maybe craft/manufacture ships later when I decide. However, all pve and pvp games that I play now destroy the items at the end of the game. Not only have I been unable to collect alien composite panels from the missions where you assign ships; there is now no point in completing my dailies for mono crystals in open space as these are destroyed as well. My license is now obsolete for the purposes that I purchased it for.

The update has ruined my experience of the game and is very upsetting  ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”) - I hope that the cap on resources is lifted so that my gaming experience of Star conflict can once again be a pleasant one.

Your friend,


For those who did not notice, you’ll be pleased to know that Tai kin parts minimal price for trading is 300 GS.

Yeah, you heard me right.


300 GS for something that is available through hourly missions is an INSANE price.Especially when you need about a hundred of each. 

I was so looking forward to this update. I even did public test server which I avoid. Little could I have known that this update would be the worst thing that has happened to this community since I started in June of 2014.

Placing the cap on items is not only strange it renders the following features useless to all but the newest players. License - now worthless. Daily bonus containers - here’s what you won know watch it burn in a red text box. Event missions/awards - Oh you’ve been saving up? Sorry all the event loot burns and you get NOTHING.

The decision making process that went into making the “cap” must have been well…there couldn’t have been a real process, or this would never have happened. If they would have asked ANY of the players who have been here for more than a month they would have received all the input they would have needed to avoid this absolutely stupid decision.

Don’t give me the garbage about trying to level the playing field for newer players, or trying to balance out who can get what and when. Bottom line is you penalized your faithful player base… those of us who have actually invested time and money into trying to build this community.

I became a GM to try and help make this a better game, to keep people in line with the rules so a broader client base would stay after visiting. Retention was a common theme in my discussions with CMs and Devs. This unvetted change (the cap) has all but destroyed my confidence in the administrative team to further develope this community.

Based on the number of players I have seen quit in the last 12 hours, I would guess you have less than 24 hours to correct this before you loose a major portion of your veteran players and a good portion of your volunteer staff.

You can’t continue to cut the legs out from under this community and expect it to grow.

They were saying it had to be done for technical reasons, but I don’t believe that.

Then again, I’m not entirely sure how they store data, or why it was suddenly a pressing issue NOW and not something that could be implemented…gradually?

We need to spend too much time with managing economy, missions and tasks instead of playing relatively freely whatever we like whenever we like and focus on pew pew. 

41 minutes ago, Seraphym1 said:

I was so looking forward to this update. I even did public test server which I avoid. Little could I have known that this update would be the worst thing that has happened to this community since I started in June of 2014.

Placing the cap on items is not only strange it renders the following features useless to all but the newest players. License - now worthless. Daily bonus containers - here’s what you won know watch it burn in a red text box. Event missions/awards - Oh you’ve been saving up? Sorry all the event loot burns and you get NOTHING.

The decision making process that went into making the “cap” must have been well…there couldn’t have been a real process, or this would never have happened. If they would have asked ANY of the players who have been here for more than a month they would have received all the input they would have needed to avoid this absolutely stupid decision.

Don’t give me the garbage about trying to level the playing field for newer players, or trying to balance out who can get what and when. Bottom line is you penalized your faithful player base… those of us who have actually invested time and money into trying to build this community.

I became a GM to try and help make this a better game, to keep people in line with the rules so a broader client base would stay after visiting. Retention was a common theme in my discussions with CMs and Devs. This unvetted change (the cap) has all but destroyed my confidence in the administrative team to further develope this community.

Based on the number of players I have seen quit in the last 12 hours, I would guess you have less than 24 hours to correct this before you loose a major portion of your veteran players and a good portion of your volunteer staff.

You can’t continue to cut the legs out from under this community and expect it to grow.

Glad even you guys are starting to see the light now.  Hopefully they’ll actually pay attention now that so many people are leaving.(Key word is “hopefully”)

Am I still the bad guy or what???

2 hours ago, Weylin29651 said:

They were saying it had to be done for technical reasons, but I don’t believe that.

Then again, I’m not entirely sure how they store data, or why it was suddenly a pressing issue NOW and not something that could be implemented…gradually?

That’s total BS. 

I’m a dev, I know how computers work. There’s never ever a technical issue were numbers can’t be above 200 unless you pay.


And even if there were one, there’s always a solution. 

The first one that comes into my mind : add bundles recipes. 

You spend 50 of a specific resources, and you get “Box of 50 [insert name]”, which you can open whenever you want. 

7 hours ago, Weylin29651 said:

They were saying it had to be done for technical reasons, but I don’t believe that.

They did not. Actually they said it is very important for the future development of the game, which is an even worse ‘excuse’. I am sure it is important for them, not for us.

hm, i said, the technical excuse cant come this time, but i didn’t hear it this time yet

sure that wasnt just my mentioning of it?

they got a bit cautious with that excuse. there are quite a few people - actually there always were quite a few people - who have some idea about code and stuff.


14 hours ago, xKostyan said:

I bet half development team on patch day was like:

“Let’s see Koromac’s reaction”

to be honest, i hope not, that would even make it more sad.

i logged in into the uo server i was dev on for 7 yrs. my player char - which by now is over 15 yrs old - still is quite rich there; their player numbers have increased, and that with an engine your father would call dated with people working for no profit. Even there we had a guy, who owned enough stuff, he could buy the world over 2 times, as the oldest and most active blacksmith, with a range of at least 3 hours a day for 5 years (!), you could say he was the hamster. And still, we never ever looked at any economy balancing attempt only at him. We all knew, he is an exception, there are others.

If a few kids can realize maturity, i hope adult people can too.

Communication LVL 9000.

Fresh from FB:


5 minutes ago, Gizmomac said:

Communication LVL 9000.

Fresh from FB:





I bet my left testicle that the message with reward in it will have like 14 days expiration ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

56 minutes ago, Waiban said:




So it’s not destroyed, but it will flood your email instead?

1 hour ago, Waiban said:



Storage is full if even one of the items is over 200 so that fix won’t work.

They removed monos last week from loot so one of the the two incentives to play is gone. 

The other is xenos. Once I do all the xeno mission i can do I quit. I am never gonna get my ship done.