Bring back Permanent ship colors

Recently i noticed that changing any color i had already bought for my ships before whatever patch introduced it, results in the voiding of my previous purchase of a color choice for said ship, and now requires me to buy it back with Standards again. I think this idea is ridiculous and needs to be changed back, customization is already limited to premium currency and having to spend real money most of the time, i was ok with colors being limited to whatever ship you bought them for before but they stayed there for you to put on as you please, but taking that away and restricting us to one time purchases that don’t allow us to experiment with different colors without losing those we paid for already. common now that’s just stealing from players. Please think about bringing back the old color settings that i know now give you a warning before changing said colors to warn you, a new purchase will remove your old customization, which really isn’t clarifying that its either just changing the color itself or removing it from your account which it does, back to the old version that allowed us to keep colors to whatever ship we decided to spend money on to make them look better in the first place. :fed001:


Just a suggestion…already lost colors without realizing it and had to buy them back sadly with the standards i had, don’t understand why this change was even necessary other than the fact of just getting more out of players… e9a578fbd5687a5c4ad03b37e2b0bfbf.png


Edit-Added the warning for customization changes as of now…

Usual justification: “You are paying for applying the paint. You have to pay someone and buy the paint each time.” :stuck_out_tongue:


By the way, since I started playing almost three years ago, paint jobs have always been a one-off. Have you stooped playing for a very long time?

can’t remember that colors were ever permabuy items.


only stickers were permabuy items long ago, and who bought them then, can still apply them to any ship, however they were also more pricey.


color schemes may be permanently changed back and forth, if you win them in various ways, but also just those which come for free, or per dlc, anyway.


not saying, that there aren’t possibilities there to expand the system for this, because this would be the ideal place to concentrate on more optimized monetization, instead of expanding it in progression stuff.


still doubt tho, that it was ever, like you described; at least i cannot remember this.

Let me clarify as my post may have been a tad confusing, the previous feature with colors on ships was that yes they were one buys, available to said ship you bought, but you used to be able to take them off in favor of others, yet you kept the color schemes unlocked for said ship not all but that ship you bought them for. No i have not been away for awhile, been decently active for 2 years, just recently after going back to a ship i was testing color schemes with, i realized it opted me to buy back the colors i just had, I can’t be the only one remembering this feature and realized the new one in place??? The new system in place that of course includes that neat little warning as displayed above, basically makes the colors a one time thing and absolutely unchangeable without having to pay to get the color again…nothing of this new feature was mentioned in a patch recently at all, and i only recently stumbled upon it, and realized the new limitation they added for whatever reason.

I remember the system, as well… I miss it.

It’s been gone for over a year, now.

I remember the system, as well… I miss it.

It’s been gone for over a year, now.

Has it been that long? yikes can’t believe its been that long since i changed ship colors apart from presets…

I just generally paint all of my ships black xD

i remember when you could keep multiple colors for a ship too - i was appalled when i applied a new preset to my piranha and saw the old preset not being free to reinstall… ffs…

I just generally paint all of my ships black xD

I typically use the invasion skin, yet felt like putting custom colors on my destroyers, which led to me removing 720 standards worth of colors from my Antares without realizing it…that and a preset off my archon which just annoyed me enough to consider bringing it up.

I have to used paint since I made my jaggy. Always used those ship skins you get from events. They’re free and look way better. XD

nah best suggestion is let us paint them like we did in war thunder (pink tanks and planes)

nah best suggestion is let us paint them like we did in war thunder (pink tanks and planes)

I’ve just done it. Feeling strange now  :008j:

You are paying for applying the paint. You have to pay someone and buy the paint each time


Truth. All like IRL )

All like IRL )

IRL people trade xP

IRL people trade xP

That’s a good one) 

IRL people trade xP


hehe nice comeback XD



nah best suggestion is let us paint them like we did in war thunder (pink tanks and planes)


I present you “The Dildonator” in case you forgot about it :wink: :


hehe nice comeback XD




I present you “The Dildonator” in case you forgot about it :wink: :


I am sure that women will take it over any men. xD

I am sure that women will take it over any men. xD


It depends…

I miss the temporary paint for credits that would last a week and then revert back to default.   They haven’t had that for almost 2 years now though.   It used to be just like the camo system in a certain popular Tank game.   

Truth. All like IRL )


IRL people trade xP


That’s a good one) 

I believe you all just went off topic from the actual point, games aren’t supposed to be like real life fully or else they are boring, in this case the feature was there and good, now without ANY knowledge given to the players it was changed and is now ridiculous. I really hope devs consider reverting this feature back, if we pay for a cosmetic, we should be able to keep the dang cosmetic and change them as we please, explain to me why else it was taken away other than just taking more money out of us…and not even adding information on the change in any patch logs, its a pain to the process of already having to pay real money to change the color of my ship for crying out loud, IN A GAME that is centered around space ships… :fed014: