Bring back Permanent ship colors

I believe you all just went off topic from the actual point, games aren’t supposed to be like real life fully or else they are boring, in this case the feature was there and good, now without ANY knowledge given to the players it was changed and is now ridiculous. I really hope devs consider reverting this feature back, if we pay for a cosmetic, we should be able to keep the dang cosmetic and change them as we please, explain to me why else it was taken away other than just taking more money out of us…and not even adding information on the change in any patch logs, its a pain to the process of already having to pay real money to change the color of my ship for crying out loud, IN A GAME that is centered around space ships… :fed014:



Much rather keep it serious than have it played off as a joke by a developer himself…

Mil i know there is a pink color in the game i wasnt meant it tho, i mean it gives the template to u so u can do anything on it can u imagine? 


P.S thats not the name we gave it u have terrible memory (it was Armadildo)






I’ve just done it. Feeling strange now  :008j:

Ikr in space pink ship doesnt poke ppl’s eye much, i mean cmon!! its space everything around is already too far from regular so having a pink ship …


But in a battlefield at ww2 when u spawned all the tanks all the pressure on u , the thoughts of the tactics , high ground and cover or such and BOOM!! u have been killed with a cannon from nowhere and when the killcam shows the killer its like “u have been killed by a pink tank sir pls delete the game!”

Recently i noticed that changing any color i had already bought for my ships before whatever patch introduced it, results in the voiding of my previous purchase of a color choice for said ship, and now requires me to buy it back with Standards again. I think this idea is ridiculous and needs to be changed back, customization is already limited to premium currency and having to spend real money most of the time, i was ok with colors being limited to whatever ship you bought them for before but they stayed there for you to put on as you please, but taking that away and restricting us to one time purchases that don’t allow us to experiment with different colors without losing those we paid for already. common now that’s just stealing from players. Please think about bringing back the old color settings that i know now give you a warning before changing said colors to warn you, a new purchase will remove your old customization, which really isn’t clarifying that its either just changing the color itself or removing it from your account which it does, back to the old version that allowed us to keep colors to whatever ship we decided to spend money on to make them look better in the first place. :fed001:


Just a suggestion…already lost colors without realizing it and had to buy them back sadly with the standards i had, don’t understand why this change was even necessary other than the fact of just getting more out of players… e9a578fbd5687a5c4ad03b37e2b0bfbf.png


Edit-Added the warning for customization changes as of now…

This system had been the same since the begining of it. Pilots aren’t purchasing colours, they’re painting for a paint job.

This system had been the same since the begining of it. Pilots aren’t purchasing colours, they’re painting for a paint job.

Sorry, but this simply isn’t true. I do not have a memory of a goldfish.

We used to time limited color customization for credits or GS. If you paid for credits, I think it was limited to 1 or 3 days and the other option was GS, which was permanent.

And it stacked, I think. Even, if it didn’t, there should be a credit option , just to play for certain number of matches!

you could purchase stickers as permanent option or temporarily, but colors were always per-ship-paint-job basis

This system had been the same since the begining of it. Pilots aren’t purchasing colours, they’re painting for a paint job.

No, It hasn’t that is a lie, the paint system has been changed numerous times lessening their actual value towards players by restricting them more and more over time you know this. And in response to your earlier statement to me, the idea of the system has been the same, but the actual cost and features have been changed many times.



you could purchase stickers as permanent option or temporarily, but colors were always per-ship-paint-job basis

Yes we went over that, the point is that they were permanent for the ship you bought it for, not others but for that ship in particular, but now that is no longer the case and they are limited even more to simple one time uses.

Similar theme

So, it’ll be there for now on.