beta beta beta!!!

Anyone got in yet?

The suspense is killing me!

check you email. :smiley:

check you email. :smiley:

It’s empty like…like my head maybe. fed015.png Ha-Derp.

Did you get it? Or this is some mind-trick you play on me?

It’s empty like…like my head maybe. fed015.png Ha-Derp.

Did you get it? Or this is some mind-trick you play on me?

A fresh list with closed beta invitations just went out so you should recieve an email very soon.

A fresh list with closed beta invitations just went out so you should recieve an email very soon.

i will look in about 30 minutes just in case, that way if my heart is broken, i can start to bang my head on my desk lol.

i will look in about 30 minutes just in case, that way if my heart is broken, i can start to bang my head on my desk lol.

me 2

So did anyone get invited? I was picked from the CBT Access thread (my post was removed, which I think means I was picked) and I’ve also applied for the beta with the same email but I didn’t get an invitation.

So did anyone get invited? I was picked from the CBT Access thread (my post was removed, which I think means I was picked) and I’ve also applied for the beta with the same email but I didn’t get an invitation.

I believe you should be getting an email, id check your spam folder etc. Who knows, Ive been here since January myself, my first post was removed as well but I had forgotten my nick which most new it anyways, so I reposted but well see, I have yet to check my email. Building up the anticipation :fed_cool: or rage, one or the other lol.

Some people from the first wave are already in game, a second wave of invites will go out in some time.

Some people from the first wave are already in game, a second wave of invites will go out in some time.

*jealous face*

lol have fun all

*F5, F5, F5*

hope to see you soon!

Just as i tought im going in BANG 15 hours worht of downloading stuff and right now i dont feel good, since my computer will need to be shut down soon, it would start over tomorrow but it wont be finished…aaaaargh…10kb/s holy shhhhhhhh…

There are many people downloading so it will take some time;)

There are many people downloading so it will take some time;)

Hope they finish soon so i could start downloading faster then!

got my email this morning and downloaded it at 650 kbs a sec!!! (really fast for us)

got my email this morning and downloaded it at 650 kbs a sec!!! (really fast for us)

someone shoot me…still have 5 hours of work left lol. But by then should be dled and rdy to pew pew

someone shoot me…still have 5 hours of work left lol. But by then should be dled and rdy to pew pew

I’ll shoot.

10 kbs? that is like forever. check with your provider because something is wrong.

wait and see

wait and see

see what?