beta beta beta!!!

Start the official chant in anticipation of beta. With the addition of the SS of the dreadnaught this game is looking to be quite a tactical one which Im excited for. Cheers

Start the official chant in anticipation of beta. With the addition of the SS of the dreadnaught this game is looking to be quite a tactical one which Im excited for. Cheers

Thank u for waiting with all of us ) But be patient ) Beta will open in the coming days )

Nice to hear this, I cant wait to try this game.

Nice to hear this, I cant wait to try this game.

I’m sure u’ll love it )

I liked to play Space Games since I was a small kid;) and I will do my best to support you with much feedback.

I liked to play Space Games since I was a small kid;) and I will do my best to support you with much feedback.

Oh, thank u so much, we appreciate your attention :slight_smile:

Thank u for waiting with all of us ) But be patient ) Beta will open in the coming days )

The open beta!

Very good to read this.

Congratulations to the team.

The open beta!

Very good to read this.

Congratulations to the team.

Thank u :wink:

But not OPEN beta, we’re almost ready to start one beta that is closed - CBT.

OBT wiil start a bit later )

Even if it is Closed Beta, it shows that the project is working good and gives us hope that this will become a great game;)

Even if it is Closed Beta, it shows that the project is working good and gives us hope that this will become a great game;)

The project is working - be sure )

The project is working - be sure )

of course it is. CBT should be quite interesting. Thanks for the update. Im not much for posting a thousand posts, but I do read alot on the forums and participate when I can.

i am a tired of this wateing game. when?!?!? Ps what do open beta users get?

Thank u :wink:

But not OPEN beta, we’re almost ready to start one beta that is closed - CBT.

OBT wiil start a bit later )

Ok, ok.

The game is wonderfull you and are modest people, I sure that gonna be a sucess and the OBT is near. :00444:

i am a tired of this wateing game. when?!?!? Ps what do open beta users get?

Just be patient;) it will start soon and I think it is worth waiting a little more time and than you can enjoy the deep space and all the explosions of your enemy;)

For rewards there arent any information at the moment.

of course it is. CBT should be quite interesting. Thanks for the update. Im not much for posting a thousand posts, but I do read alot on the forums and participate when I can.

You’re welcome )

We’re glad to every participating member, so welcome - again ))

The game is wonderfull you and are modest people, I sure that gonna be a sucess and the OBT is near. :00444:

Thanks ) but still, we’ve a lot of work to do )


Information on OBT will be provided later, and CBT is smth we all keep waiting for ) there’s not much left to wait )

So excited for this, maybe we finally get a proper Sci-Fi spaceship game that is actually fun to play, and doesn’t require you to put hundreds of hours into it :slight_smile:

hmm i hate wating.

how many people are wanting to enter open beta? (if you know):fed004:

If it’s too few, and we need to spread the word, then tell us.

For now, I just don’t want any “competition” :wink: