Battle Ready status in the Hangar

Simple suggestion.

I have seen players playing high-end matches with only 1 ship for too long now. It’s an old issue, but it still needs to get addressed. I mean it.

We got some conditions in some game modes, like Tournament event and Dreadnought battles, but this should be fully active in ALL GAME MODES.

For example, someone only carries a Tackler or a LRF in their lineup and then that person becomes the Captain. Odds of such unfortunate fate are not in our favor. The list goes on…


The only solution to improve the discipline and military codex of the mercenaries is this suggestion. It is still optional, though.

Battle Ready Status is only shown, when a player fulfills certain conditions.

  • Players have all 3 or 4 of their ships’ slots equipped (when 4th one actually becomes available, it must always be 4)

  • Players have all Implants/Crews active, which actually covers their ships’ ranks or above

  • Players have all of their slots equipped with Mark 1-4/5 equipment (no empty slots should remain)

  • Players have equipped any type of ammunition and missiles


There should be a bonus displayed somewhere in the hangar, to remind players of their status.

You want to achieve BRS - Battle Ready Status!


Benefits of such actions/discipline:

Free Synergy gain is increased by 5% - 3 or 4 ship slots used in the hangar, if available (ammunition and missiles included)

Credit gain is increased by 5% - all equipment slots on all ships are vacant/installed

All Implant/Crew slots used on your ships - Standard Synergy gain is increased by 5%


Bonus for all 3 fulfilled conditions: Battle Ready Status (The Special Icon or the message notification will be displayed in the hangar)

Option 1:

Doubles all 3 available bonuses ( 10% for all)

Standard and Free Synergy gain is increased by 10%.

Credit gain is increased by 10%.


Option 2:

You gain ONE EXTRA loot spot during trophy search phase , if you win a battle.


Option 3: (recommended)

You gain all listed bonuses from Option 1 and 2.

  • Standard and Free Synergy gain: +10%

  • Credit gain: +10%

  • 1 extra loot spot during trophy search phase (if you win a battle)






I don’t understand one thing: are you forced to use 3/4 ships + all equipment in order to queue, or you just get bonuses by doing so?


1 hour ago, ShonFrost said:

I don’t understand one thing: are you forced to use 3/4 ships + all equipment in order to queue, or you just get bonuses by doing so?

I do not want to restrict the players. This is not a mandatory requirement, but an incentive.

If they follow this, Mercenary Centre will reward them with a small boost for their efforts. This applies for PvP and PvE, including Special Operation as well.

Then I think the suggestion is really good. +1

Players can use 3-4 LRF/tacklers so this won’t resolved when they’ll be captain. And players have the choice to equip how they wan’t their ship, if I don’t want to use ammos or missiles that my choice. And If I want fly a ship without equipement I have the right too.

You forgot one thing, when we start the game we’ve got only one ship so players won’t be able to play !


I don’t see the point of NOT having the slots full.
I even get MORE rewards for just having this? ++++++++++++++++++
So yes! +1(trillion) to this!

@Wolwolf: If you want to play ego, play ego - eh single player games!

6 minutes ago, Wolwolf said:

Players can use 3-4 LRF/tacklers so this won’t resolved when they’ll be captain. And players have the choice to equip how they wan’t their ship, if I don’t want to use ammos or missiles that my choice. And If I want fly a ship without equipement I have the right too.

You forgot one thing, when we start the game we’ve got only one ship so players won’t be able to play !

Please, re-read my post then.

Firstly: I thought of everything. This is not a restriction or a limitation. It’s an optional objective. You can still continue to play with your preferred setups and/or unequipped ships.

Secondly: Even if you use 4 LRFs’, the aim is not to restrict the player from using any classes of ships, just make sure that they are “motivated”, if they choose so, to at least equip them/prepare them for battle.

23 minutes ago, Wolwolf said:

if I don’t want to use ammos or missiles that my choice. And If I want fly a ship without equipement I have the right too.

No, you don’t have the right to do so because you ruin the experience of other players.

Also, nobody is forcing you to bring 4 ships, Koromac is suggesting to give a bonus to players who bring 4 fully equipped ships. 

It’s a + from me too of course. This should have been implemented already a long time ago. Or at least a warning system telling players to not be stupid. Just like in the texts during OS jumps.

Although, I am more radical in this. I would force players to use all their options available. Since there is a rank system, everyone should have 3-4 ships in a close rank range. Same with modules: modules use a wide rank range now so they can be used on several ships. No excuse for not mounting ships or not equipping them. 

As for the rewards: It looks like every single positive action from a player has to be rewarded otherwise many would not even bother trying to do the right thing… just like reading instructions if you know what I mean.


For the rewards some players get mad for gaining more efficiency, at least in PVE. Maybe an increase in efficiency would help convince them to use a full line up to those with fully synergized ships.

CinnamonFake, can you provide any information, whether this suggestion is possible to implement?

Provide some details, please.

CTB has been gone from Random PvP, what is the problem with players bringing 1 ship? Even if they equip 4, such player will still use only 1, and cheat the system. 

36 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

CTB has been gone from Random PvP, what is the problem with players bringing 1 ship? Even if they equip 4, such player will still use only 1, and cheat the system. 

I was actually wondering about that today. Is it ever coming back?

I can’t even remember why it was removed now either

54 minutes ago, millanbel said:

I was actually wondering about that today. Is it ever coming back?

I can’t even remember why it was removed now either

It is available in Leagues, and who knows what other “competitive game modes” Devs decide to let us play in the future, of-course Custom is there too.

It did not fit into Random PvP philosophy.

4 hours ago, xKostyan said:

CTB has been gone from Random PvP, what is the problem with players bringing 1 ship? Even if they equip 4, such player will still use only 1, and cheat the system. 

That’s not the point, xKostyan.

This suggestion encourage players, not restrict or punish them in any way. This isn’t about cheating the system. It’s more about the code of conduct in the game.

Point is, that players should make some effort to win, for the team as well and not just for themselves.

This will still not guarantee a win, but it will improve teams’ chances, even if only slightly.

This suggestion is optional and it provides a small incentive bonus or boost.

I have seen botched matches, just because someone took only 1 ship, like a Tackler in Combat Recon and we all know what that means. Botched match means NO LOOT!

There is a difference, if someone loses because of lack of skill, or because of laziness.

Skula1975 says: no log -> no bug

I say: no effort -> no reward

C’mon, just fully equip all 4 ships, like you change your underwear on a daily basis.

I would even make Launch button disabled, unless you do so, but like I said, it’s not mandatory.

I don’t need to lose matches, because someone wants to sit in stinking underwear.


Your proposal only incentivise to have multiple ships EQUIPPED, that is it, not being able to fly, not promoting learning of diversity, not being flexible and adaptive, just the fact that you have them equipped. This Solves nothing, quite the opposite in fact. 

27 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Your proposal only incentivise to have multiple ships EQUIPPED, that is it, not being able to fly, not promoting learning of diversity, not being flexible and adaptive, just the fact that you have them equipped. This Solves nothing, quite the opposite in fact.

That’s not exactly the case. I added additional conditions. It’s all in my suggestion, just read it whole. Of course, It isn’t perfect, but it would be much better, than it’s now.

  • Players have all 3 or 4 of their ships’ slots equipped (when 4th one actually becomes available, it must always be 4)

  • Players have all Implants/Crews active, which actually covers their ships’ ranks or above

  • Players have all of their slots equipped with Mark 1-4/5 equipment (no empty slots should remain)

  • Players have equipped any type of ammunition and missiles

26 minutes ago, Koromac said:

That’s not exactly the case. I added additional conditions. It’s all in my suggestion, just read it whole. Of course, It isn’t perfect, but it would be much better, than it’s now.

  • Players have all 3 or 4 of their ships’ slots  equipped (when 4th one actually becomes available, it must always be 4)

  • Players have  all Implants/Crews  active , which actually covers their ships’ ranks or above

  • Players have all of their slots equipped with Mark 1-4/5 equipment (no empty slots should remain)

  • Players have  equipped  any type of ammunition and missiles


52 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Your proposal only incentivise to have multiple ships EQUIPPED , that is it, not being able to fly, not promoting learning of diversity, not being flexible and adaptive, just the fact that you have them equipped. This Solves nothing, quite the opposite in fact. 

How can I not reference your endless wisdom after this?

On 7/20/2016 at 0:52 AM, xKostyan said:

How can I not reference your endless wisdom after this?

This game is old and limited in coding, so that means that there are technical restrictions. CinnamonFake said that they would have to tweak MM as well.

If that wouldn’t be the case, then I would also add that you can only have 1 random ship of one specific class (not role), but the point of this thread that you improve player discipline, when it comes to equipping ships. Even if the builds sucks or the ship composition, it is still better than only one ship in the lineup, which is probably not even fully equipped or not at all.