Battle Ready status in the Hangar

Well we’re trying to give achievements for progression and playing your role in the fights, do usefull stuff. But that’s more looks like reward for reasonable behaivior, it will not solve the problem with it :\ For example, when I’m playing domination some ppl chose long range and don’t want to chose another ship, even if their team is lack of fast ones. But we can’t restrict them to do that, they have to have a choise anyway.

2 hours ago, Koromac said:

. Even if the builds sucks or the ship composition, it is still better than only one ship in the lineup, 

Wrong, it is not better and neither it serves any purpose. Such eould only make sence in CTB setting.

You should not be rewarding equipped ships, you should be rewarding progressing/being experienced in roles. Which is compleately different thing from your suggestion.

On 7/20/2016 at 3:12 PM, CinnamonFake said:

Well we’re trying to give achievements for progression and playing your role in the fights, do usefull stuff. But that’s more looks like reward for reasonable behaivior, it will not solve the problem with it :\ For example, when I’m playing domination some ppl chose long range and don’t want to chose another ship, even if their team is lack of fast ones. But we can’t restrict them to do that, they have to have a choise anyway.

Exactly. It will not solve the exact problem, but it may work beneficial towards such problem, reducing this issue to a manageable degree.

In fact, imposing mandatory restrictions would actually do the opposite.

Solution is, to reward such behavior with the following bonuses. It may not be much, but it adds up. It’s worth it, because it’s rewarded!

Basically, they are getting combined rank 15 Implant/Crew bonus + additional 1 loot spot, to improve their chances finding more or better loot.

4 hours ago, Koromac said:

Exactly. It will not solve the exact problem, but it may work beneficial towards such problem, reducing this issue to a manageable degree.

This particular “solution” will not. Rewards have to come through flying a role, not through having it equipped