Balance Of F2P and P2W 1/18/17

15 hours ago, Milfeulle said:

just realized Radix is missing 1 player .-.

Don’t worry, Dirk was a completely useless LRF and even though we all love Doc he sucked back then ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) he’s a lot better now though, thankfully. So basically we had 2 half players who added to 1+6=7! Can’t beat my logic!

17 hours ago, LaenZero said:

Good. I am glad to see this post, this is what should have been posted originally. It is helpful and direct.

I must disagree with some things though. The Thar’ga is not a mediocre ship. I perform far better in a Thar’ga than I have in any other gunship, and not only I am no more than an average pilot, I consider myself to be a rather skittish engineer pilot who spends alot of time finding ways to run away effectively, or bait his opponents. But really I suppose, all of that is just me picking at small irrelevant things, and is not productive.

Unrelated: Dang, that video… Brings back memories. That was my first time flying dreads, you can see me selfdestructing in the very beginning of the fight. It did not matter in the end though, as your coordinated defensive tactics dwarfed the comparatively blind stumbling of our side. I never got to see this side of the fight, and I am thoroughly impressed. I shall have to find friends and develop the art of teamwork.

Glad we both came to an understanding. We’ll just agree to disagree, since I also have personal experience flying with and against Milf and other Thargas.

Good luck in your squadding endeavours ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) at least you are being proactive about things unlike half the whiners on here nowadays.

28 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

at least you are being proactive about things unlike half the whiners on here nowadays.

Yeah, at least, unlike the whiners that whine about whiners, I want to harvest energy from that perpetuum. Problem is, the matter you need for this physical reaction, you can only harvest from BS.

I like how you say : " since I also have personal experience flying with and against Milf and other Thargas. " YOU and I know both that if that is the case, hes going easy on you, simply becasue there is a million other instapops that are easier to hit than you in an ECM.

I want to remind you that MIll is not the only good player in the game, and if some “demons” from the past “WOULD” awaken you would quickly see how AVERAGE this ship really is.


21 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

I am not saying that Tharga is not OP. I am not saying that it is.

okay. so you are not saying anything of the both, you say…

21 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

I AM saying that having a Tharga is not a guaranteed ticket to winning 100% of games. Simple. My case?

your case is valid in itself. but also milf can lose games, we all know that ptfo can win games. your case does not register to realize, that thargas need also to be endgame developed, and have the additional items milf uses aswell, like the energy converter, to get to that point. So it’s more than just simple skill, and nobody can do statistics with these prerequisites fast enough, it has to be exemplary, because large parts of the population do not own that said ship at that level, nor use the mechanics to their fullest.

But stating something is OP basicly means “it’s not just imbalanced, it’s op” as in game breaking and not fun on the long run. It’s never more than a statement about abstracts and aesthetics. And while I understand, that you might struggle to have that ship perform in the same way, some of us do know Milf in other ships, and so do we other players. While it may not change much with Milf (which it actually does), it does also change other players which are WAY weaker than milf into almost the same level of indestructible. So it definitely needs some mechanics changes. Even if this is up to the devs, and how they do it, it is completely valid to discuss this.

21 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

This situation does NOT mean that Tharga is OP however. You cannot base a ship’s statistical performance on a few outliers like those two.

I do think, you can base a ships statistical performance on edge cases, in fact, if you study game design, you discover, the edge cases and case studies are everything about endgame balance, since it was you as the game dev who caused the imbalance in the design process on purpose. Besides, without any case studies, statistics are worthless

I do not get why you are so vocal about “not really saying it’s not OP”, so I just tactical facepalm

Seriously, objectively, I am happy I can deal with the game as it throws this stuff at me, but honestly, objectively, if you don’t see the OPness, lets agree to disagree then. While I can hold my laugh together.

looking at the outcome of the poll, holy molineux, by all the gabens, 1 out of 5 has 50%, every political party would rejoice at this. It’s also a statistic after all.

about the video from max: I do not think we can blame the devs for player content. And it kinda shows the energy converter off, which was probably underused until now, and is one of the imbalances*, that make the ominous tharga such a myth. I think the main problem I feel is they should respond faster to actually all polled issues, soon. I do see the things, that the TharGa shows, as exceptionally urgent, I have to admit. Even if it is fun to try to kill or killsteal Milf and similar, it would also be fun to play SC again for once.

*) note, imbalance as in on purpose. It does not mean, “nerf that”.

3 hours ago, Oregyen said:

I like how you say : " since I also have personal experience flying with and against Milf and other Thargas. " YOU and I know both that if that is the case, hes going easy on you, simply becasue there is a million other instapops that are easier to hit than you in an ECM.

He actually targets me first. And then we obviously end up losing because my team is getting slaughtered. Don’t assume things that you don’t know dude.

2 hours ago, g4borg said:

it does also change other players which are WAY weaker than milf into almost the same level of indestructible.

This is where you are wrong. I have played against people who are very easily “above average” pilots and they are easily countered in the Tharga. They are actually not that big of a problem, it is only when the Tharga snowballs for players that can actually get kills easily is when it is a problem.

One of my many examples before I left:


3 hours ago, g4borg said:

I do not get why you are so vocal about “not really saying it’s not OP”, so I just tactical facepalm

Because it is only a problem  in certain cases , I have said this before. Contrary to what people purport this ship as: a gamebreaking, hand-me-a-victory-on-my-silver-platter gunship that everyone can easily use to get a 69.00 w/l ratio.

I am not against a rebalance of this ship (see earlier posts in thread) but I am against the mentality of complaining about problems that are not even that big of a problem.

Thar ga isn’t SO broken. But some build are.

Especially builds based on the special Matter Absorber, even worse when it’s combined with Energy converter (Hello milf).

But a more common build won’t be game breaking. At least not as game breaking as vigilant can be.


To be exact, there are a few tweaks that needs to be done to make things fair :

Matter absorber (special) :

  • Heal should either be capped at a fixed heal/seconds or splited over 10 seconds whatever the heal value is.

  • Shouldn’t work with Energy Converter for obvious reasons

Alien intuition :

  • Using reboot should remove the damage buff too. Or make that reboot don’t remove the target debuff, and make that you can disable manually Alien Intuition.

Matter Absorber (module) :

  • The heal on kill shouldn’t stack

Combat shield :

  • Only one can be active


Another thing that need to change :

  • Nodes unlocked should be available whatever the ship rank is (but still requires you to equip the node’s parents)

The current build mechanic limit quite a lot the possibilities. You are pretty much forced to take a bit of everything. Which is stupid. I’d like to be able to go full shield, and totally forget about hull. Or the opposite. Or don’t take a single active module. 

Just now, Swifter43021 said:

To be exact, there are a few tweaks that needs to be done to make things fair :

Alien gun…gun… *cough*

58 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

I am against the mentality of complaining about problems that are not even that big of a problem

So having a game where a guy gets 30 kills in a beacon hunt ( this is not a this or that player problem, there are many), and ppl just die and die and die, thats not a big problem. Do you not see an issue with the thing called FUN? I can deal with these things but i also have 3 years advantage. Think outside your buddiebox. Would you enjoy soloing in hard Q, when games are broken like, let’s spawn aliens into the pvp that attack everyone, broken? Is it really a mentality you have to fight or just reality? I know it currently seems fitting.



57 minutes ago, Oregyen said:

Do you not see an issue with the thing called FUN?

You play videogames for fun? How heretical.  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

I’m a sadistic SOB so I play to win, tryhard, and punish myself. If I didn’t want to do that I wouldn’t have played SC for 2200 hours

58 minutes ago, Oregyen said:

Would you enjoy soloing in hard Q, when games are broken like, let’s spawn aliens into the pvp that attack everyone, broken?

We were both there when those awful alien spawns occurred. We both adapted and prevailed, there is nothing different from how that can apply to this situation.

And you know me - I mostly soloqueue in this game anyways since I’m no longer wing commander for dreads or l33gz.

1 hour ago, Oregyen said:



Trying to defend this ship right now is akin to trolling. Anything other than broken mess or ‘OP’ is laughable.

Go into game and look at the mk1 engine mods in store for it. Before this ship came along those modules alone would have been enough to make any ship considerably more monstrous. That is not an issue of player ‘skill’ as the ship will not take standard modifications in that area. So the choice is better or nothing. Two is a greater number than one and an added ability (teleport) is better than not. This is step one in putting together a fit for most, left to right and to only gets more ridiculous from there.

Additionally how many of these ‘easy’ thargas opened up the alien intuition (70% and up Dam) or one shot (Tharkth) cannon before it was pushed to R15 and R11 to unlock.

In a little test over the weekend I decided to play all 3 T3 tournaments solo Q with randos in my cheap build R9, no gunship weapon damage upgrade, pretty energy unstable. By the time the 3rd match had came around each time and me and my randoms were facing full wings I realised my only issue was with being too bold. The 2nd we got a couple of kills ahead we could win as whole wings could dive on my randoms and not chalk up kills as fast as me alone. Easy gs im not complaining.

This is a really bad sign, im a below average gunship player in a less than ideal fit and I have never gotten others obsession with T3. Wiping out half a wing in seconds in that setting is bizarre. So I don’t think the problem lies only with the maxed out T5 fits or with decent players having access to that.

Its the ship itself that requires some serious toning down of almost every aspect of it, something that I do not believe will happen soon enough for most.

Im not one to say that the ship shouldn’t be better or at the very least different, it should be. For example something simple like the 2k teleport can punish you harshly if forgotten about. But the better capabilities of this monster seem to both way way overshoot being an improvement and are essentially locked out for many players for now.

Additionally all the talk of this single ship seems to have made many forget just how powerful the dart, gargoyle and vigilant have become, often being a deciding factor in many games. Three ships I loathe now as they all support camping play that’s slowing the action down.


Ship so broken that even in tournament, entire enemy team self-destructed and instantly won the battle, never seen it happen before. I’m glad that the hefty nerf is coming tomorrow.

7 hours ago, Oregyen said:

So having a game where a guy gets 30 kills in a beacon hunt ( this is not a this or that player problem, there are many), and ppl just die and die and die, thats not a big problem. Do you not see an issue with the thing called FUN?


4 hours ago, JCNB said:

Trying to defend this ship right now is akin to trolling. Anything other than broken mess or ‘OP’ is laughable.


With Thar’ga the Game is ::   PvP = PvE/PvAI   in t5 now!!

Non-Thar’ga pilots are like AI bots in t5  now!!

25 minutes ago, avarshina said:

With Thar’ga the Game is ::   PvP = PvE/PvAI   in t5 now!!

Non-Thar’ga pilots are like AI bots in t5  now!!

Bots are better then most t5 players.

I can do 15 kills every game easily.



1 hour ago, Milfeulle said:

Ship so broken that even in tournament, entire enemy team self-destructed and instantly won the battle, never seen it happen before. I’m glad that the hefty nerf is coming tomorrow.

Funnily one of the few times I won against you + eugen together was when I wasn’t flying OP thar ga…

And also when your team self destructed for no reason at all.

The first problem is the damage output and the second problem is regenerative abilities outweighing damage intake. Everything else is ok and i don’t support disconnecting because-> win clinging.

1 hour ago, Milfeulle said:

… I’m glad that the hefty nerf is coming tomorrow.

You know for sure? From where?

13 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

This is where you are wrong. I have played against people who are very easily “above average” pilots and they are easily countered in the Tharga. They are actually not that big of a problem, it is only when the Tharga snowballs for players that can actually get kills easily is when it is a problem.

You got balls for this statement, I’ll give you that.

I don’t think I am wrong, there are lots of pilots who are not “above average” and still get dangerous. Albeit, there is also usually one Tharga on the bottom, most are at the top. Also, I have played a lot against all sorts of people in both timezones, and I do play frequently. For me, Milf isn’t even top of the line, he is just the murrican ninja.

It is of course right, that the snowballing effect occurs, we can meet there, and since I know you have some sort of battlefield awareness, I can probably reconstruct how you justify that position. I would call that a secondary effect however, so we could say it is kind of dynamic, as in, mechanic-dynamic-aesthetic. For me, therefore, that is part of the balance issue of that ship, especially when thinking about it the dev way (which only asks the question: are the mechanics somehow influencing the latter in a wrong way)

In fact, I think I know exactly what you mean, so I just tell you, maybe you should listen to other perspectives in this aswell. I think we both agree, there are multiple ways to fix this, so nerfing isn’t the only solution!

8 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

I’m a sadistic SOB so I play to win, tryhard, and punish myself. If I didn’t want to do that I wouldn’t have played SC for 2200 hours

2000? hahah. try harder. nah joke, doesnt matter so much with that amount anyway, but srsly, oreg probably has more playtime than you anyway. i dont see you in subpar ships, so i think, i am way more masochistic than you are. I dunno why, but srsly, the unloved ships with their green modules just magicly want me to play them, while the full purple cookie cutter premiums gain only dust. I can only suggest you to try that too, as it gives a very nice perspective on average gameplay. Especially exploring R10-13 was awesome until the tharga arrived, or in the time of xmas weapons, which were nice in the destro play to have. You missed something, when you returned and only played the new toys. Albeit not saying you didnt play different stuff, I saw that.

I also dont blame u, i would have probably done the same.


Also since you were talking about Milfs killer style: no player is totally fixed in his behaviour. That is the other wrong assumption, which however is quite popular, and I made that too once. It’s self deception however. Players evolve and change. Good players can even switch gamestyles after training. Milf is good as a killer on the field, but that can be anybody, with the right training. He was always good with offensive ships. That’s the point, if we are discussing balance: we have to assume, everyone knows the game, not just constantly try to express our own understanding.

13 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

He actually targets me first. And then we obviously end up losing because my team is getting slaughtered. Don’t assume things that you don’t know dude.

Actually, that is exactly what he seems to talk about. Everybody thinks “they are targeting only me!”. And Milf isn’t a fool, he always targets ships that pose a danger, first. No mercy style. Way different than my duelist “okay, get here, lets fight, arrh sh*t you killed me” kind of targeting.

Even tho, Milf, sometimes you play with your food too much.

Still, don’t assume, you got some occult insight in this, just because you are used to play with those people. I do accept it tho, as a certain special treatment, as being known by the enemy changes things. There are only a few people who can constantly deny me in a match with every move, and all of them know me, even if basicly only by constantly facing me, in fact you gotta substitute a bit if the enemy knows you, and you know the enemy, from both sides of the equation. You can even see that at esports. You gotta accept it limits your horizon of perception, both yours and your enemies, naturally. And it influences a lot of your personal gameplay. We all reach “no mercy” sometimes.

It creates a bubble around every perception, and if we do not talk, we will never expand it. We become blind to change. Being a vet even needs more meditation about this, not less. Being aware of battlefield situations e.g. denies the killer instinct e.g… If I gotta be the killer in a match, dont ask me what happened. You are not just fitting your ship, you are also fitting yourself.

We are all gamers here, more or less. That isn’t really meant to counter you tho, it kinda just got philosophical, so yeah lets see what happens.

For the original topic:
IMO in an ideal free2play you can only buy cosmetics for your money.
In StarConflict you can buy way more. You can buy anything with money.
Synergy, ships, weapons, upgrades.
With unlimited amount of money you can max out your account in no time. (this is not necessarily bad)
So in SC you can buy progression as well.

Their old/new trick is that the new content always unbalanced and OP. Its always worth to buy, Destroyers, Alien ships, New grinding ships, new guns, and you don’t have access to them without paying or grinding alot.

Based on my experience at the release date only the paying users can have the new ships, so the paying users has a short timeframe
when they are in a clear pay2win situation. Later the hamsters can join as well, and if they are lucky they can be op abit. When average Joe can get the OP stuff is not OP anymore, and new content is already on the way. 

So IMO StarConflict is pay2win atm. the grindwall is too high to call it free2play anymore. The time between the paying users and the average players can get the same content is already too big.
The funny thing is, you always need the latest OP content to keep your advantage, so you have to keep paying. This means the things what you get doesn’t even keep the value.

Like I said in another post : p2w isn’t the opposite of f2p.

And with the events devs constantly do, you can get pretty much everything if you play every day.

Yup. You can even get a r15 thar ga for free.

Don’t forget that they gave us easily 500 xeno until now. And now we can get up to 180 per week if you do 4 missions a day…


Once the events are finished, yeah, the grindwall is horrible.

But during the events, you can get pretty much everything.

48 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Like I said in another post : p2w isn’t the opposite of f2p.

And with the events devs constantly do, you can get pretty much everything if you play every day.

Yup. You can even get a r15 thar ga for free.

Don’t forget that they gave us easily 500 xeno until now. And now we can get up to 180 per week if you do 4 missions a day…


Once the events are finished, yeah, the grindwall is horrible.

But during the events, you can get pretty much everything.


Well this no longer applies to me. I was once a daily player of SC, until I left gaming all together and it only became casual gameplay. I only come back to the game on holidays, and on certain hours. I pass from time to time on youtube channels watching kostyan, and that’s all. The forum posting is relatively new for me, as I was interested in the discussions about Thar’ga.

My ‘returns’ usually occurs when the events are over, OR the events requires something I hadn’t from the last ones. So my only way to get this stuff is with grinding.
Due to the fact you should sit in front of SC, grinding for hours during a month just to get any single craftable ship, I just don’t do it.

I only got my Saw one recently, and IMO, it’s the best ship I have, but with a casual gameplay, you’ll never get another one.

So my situation is : 30 monocrystals, 10 xenocrystals , and no ship parts, nothing.
I got ton of basic resources, even the required neodium , but since I didn’t have the monos, they’re useless.

I don’t have any destroyer. And now thankfully I think that’s was a good idea.

So the question is : Are any of the craftable ships accessible to the casual gameplay, or does it requires 2 years before getting anything decent? By the time you get it, it will be largely outdated.

I just don’t want to waste my life for a game. That’s it. The destroyers and all that BS that came along were still manageable, since I’ve changed my tactics. I dropped the usage of ships I used to fly ( guards, covert ops, engineering frigates ) because of it, The only things I fly now are gunships and Saw one.

But Thar’ga is an exceptional case. Unless you have an ECM on your side, with a special Mjolnir, you’ll have a very hard time.
I return to the game to cool down my nerves and have a bit of fun, not to make me rage quit.

I won’t be coming back until it’s fixed.


47 minutes ago, _Bl4ck said:

Are any of the craftable ships accessible to the casual gameplay, or does it requires 2 years before getting anything decent? By the time you get it, it will be largely outdated.

IIRC I have about 87% of the ship components needed to craft my Tharga when I stopped playing. I have 100% of the xenocrystals needed.

And this was from playing like maybe 2-3 pug games per day, a 5 minute pve, maybe a leegz match or two if Milf invites me for like 2 weeks total. Less than an hour’s work (which can barely even be classified as work since I was, y’know, playing the damn game as how it is meant to be played). I didn’t even do my OS dailies or collect all of my possible GS from the sectors, much less hunt for mysterious containers in OS.

The only time that I could recall having to grind a significant amount (i.e. >10 pvp matches) was when there were the “capture x beacons and win a pvp battle” missions and MM decided to give me team battle > survival > team battle > combat recon _ad infinitum. _I just got fed up with that, asked Eugene to squad, and then we got plopped into a Domination match.

Once I was done with those missions or whatever it was, I played 7 Days to Die with my other friends. Simple.

Maybe that will help you gauge how much you need to play.

2 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

It took me 2 years of almost daily PvP gameplay to get my 1st craftable ship… so yeah something like that ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

That’s bc u suk tillo ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)