Balance Of F2P and P2W 1/18/17

I think that the next update will bring more buffs for Thar’Ga. Call me crazy, but hey, nobody expected a buff in the 2nd patch, either.

to be fair ellydium should be based on passive regenerative health over just healing higher than 8000dps. (blasting 6 good meatshots in a tyrant thermoactive weap. to a tharga did not kill milf… I hate you milf)

18 hours ago, Koromac said:

I think that the next update will bring more buffs for Thar’Ga. Call me crazy, but hey, nobody expected a buff in the 2nd patch, either.

No, wrong! The other way round!!

In the first patch after release of the Ellydium Thar’ga gunship, the Developers (devs) buffed the game because the Thar’ga seemed to be more or less weak in regard to other ships in battles. This was probably due to the relative minor research development states (not many Xenocrystals spend, not many ‘nodes’ researched) of the individual Tharga ships involved in combat-logs. From these data the devs ‘learned’ that a buff would please their goals : to make it more attractive to buy xenoxrystal containers for Tharga, to get Galactic Standards (GS) for real money, etc.pp.


Now, we already have the situation that more and more Tharga ships with research-levels developed >9 --even full researched rank15 Thargas-- are on the battlefields. So from this new combat-log data the devs will most probably learn that the Tharga ships from rank 9 to 15 are Over Powered (OP) - Millfeuille is proving exactly this and gets his combat data through to the devs. It is the only way to make the devs aware that something should be done, because forum opinion in regard to Thatrga is pro-and-contra and a constant little over-complaining in regard to new things is to be expected from the forúm – with a peak in the early/initial phases-- anyways!


Yesterday I had the pleasure to be in T4-t5 PvP together with Millfeuille, and it was not that fun. He even shot me on the fly when other players had only weakend me but not destroyed and I was damaged in serious fight with another player. Millfeulle on OP-Tharga came along, flew by and cheaply took this kill, too, he has no shame. The only way I do understand this is, that I did help, that by this OP combat-data, produced by Millfeulle and other OP-Tharga players , the devs will nerf the Ellydium ship-line in the end! Besides this it was not real fun, it was chaos and carnage!

Well, you got that right. Still, waiting for the nerf cunami.

I can’t help but think of your profile pic as…


what the heck is wrong with the tail?!  ![:008j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/008j.png “:008j:”)

I have no idea what you’re talking about xD

there is just something wrong with the tail… its not spinning the right way for me… ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

It spins faster in the last sec or is it just me?

…sometimes it feels like the body is spinning faster than the tail and it get squeezed like a towel ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 hour ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

…sometimes it feels like the body is spinning faster than the tail and it get squeezed like a towel ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

We should discuss the topic at hand.

We’ll see how dev nerf thar’ga in the upcoming patch, if still unbalanced after patch, I will upload more videos of thar’ga spawn farm gameplay.

The patch,m when will it come? 1week 2weeks?

I just thought of the most disgustingly P2W option to this whole situation.

What if resonating crystals/charges/ammo/whateveritscalled did 100% bonus damage to Ellydium ships like in Specops.

On 1/25/2017 at 1:17 PM, LaenZero said:

It almost seems as though you are trying to lead us to the conclusion that the Thar’ga is not broken. It almost seems as though you are saying that those who disagree with you are a group of ignorant people who are stupid and irrelevant. It’s almost as though you make an argument against those who complain, rather than an argument for what they complain about. I certainly hope those weren’t your intentions, and that I have simply misconstrued the meaning behind the words of such a respected community member.

I am not saying that Tharga is not OP. I am not saying that it is. It’s kind of in a weird gray area where the skillcurve of this ship is very high, but people who learn it well can wreak immeasurable havoc.

This ship in an average pilot’s hands is still extremely mediocre and easily focused down. However I do agree with most people in this thread that a rebalance could help, potentially.

I AM saying that having a Tharga is not a guaranteed ticket to winning 100% of games. Simple. My case? Look at other players who are not Milf and Max who own the Tharga. They are not high threats in battles, especially when they do not know how to play with those ships.

It still has a weakness of having to play aggressively in order to draw out its greatest strengths - something that Milf and Max can do because they are innately aggressive players. Their playstyle works in synergy with this ship’s strengths, creating a very powerful combination. Exploit that weakness and deny them the kills and they will suffer accordingly. Very few people have figured this out - Kosty and I have figured it out back in 2015 when Milf was farming T3 with Base and it worked astonishingly well.

This situation does NOT mean that Tharga is OP however. You cannot base a ship’s statistical performance on a few outliers like those two.

Video slightly related: how we countered Milf, who was winning battle after battle in T3 back in the day and people were complaining on the forums about losing to him all the time:


3 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

Productive things

Good. I am glad to see this post, this is what should have been posted originally. It is helpful and direct.

I must disagree with some things though. The Thar’ga is not a mediocre ship. I perform far better in a Thar’ga than I have in any other gunship, and not only I am no more than an average pilot, I consider myself to be a rather skittish engineer pilot who spends alot of time finding ways to run away effectively, or bait his opponents. But really I suppose, all of that is just me picking at small irrelevant things, and is not productive.

Unrelated: Dang, that video… Brings back memories. That was my first time flying dreads, you can see me selfdestructing in the very beginning of the fight. It did not matter in the end though, as your coordinated defensive tactics dwarfed the comparatively blind stumbling of our side. I never got to see this side of the fight, and I am thoroughly impressed. I shall have to find friends and develop the art of teamwork.

1 hour ago, LaenZero said:

Good. I am glad to see this post, this is what should have been posted originally. It is helpful and direct.

I must disagree with some things though. The Thar’ga is not a mediocre ship. I perform far better in a Thar’ga than I have in any other gunship, and not only I am no more than an average pilot, I consider myself to be a rather skittish engineer pilot who spends alot of time finding ways to run away effectively, or bait his opponents. But really I suppose, all of that is just me picking at small irrelevant things, and is not productive.

Unrelated: Dang, that video… Brings back memories. That was my first time flying dreads, you can see me selfdestructing in the very beginning of the fight. It did not matter in the end though, as your coordinated defensive tactics dwarfed the comparatively blind stumbling of our side. I never got to see this side of the fight, and I am thoroughly impressed. I shall have to find friends and develop the art of teamwork.

on unrelated note, here is another angle from the same battle

just realized Radix is missing 1 player .-.




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