Arkhos Core [Arch]



!\Incoming communication from Mercenary Command Headquarters.\!


Arkhos Core is a new up and coming powerful corporation with a proven track record of skill and integrity. Having recovered from a corp that was run-down and past its time, we have risen to take our place among the best of the best. We are still very new by comparison to the other top corps out there, but we give them one hell of a fight.


To improve that end, Arkhos Core seeks experienced and skilled players to join our ranks. Think you have what it takes to fly with us? Then keep reading!


Rules and requirements of Arkhos Core:

  • Must speak English, and must participate on TeamSpeak. If you cannot talk, you must listen. We have a TS server whose details will be made available to you upon entry.
  • Must have 700+ PvP battles, but 1000+ is preferred. Experience in game is vital. As we come from a corp that was taken apart, there are some with fewer battles who have been grandfathered in. They will be removed if they do not get up to spec soon.
    If a player is admitted with fewer than this minimum, then they have been admitted on a trial period to test their skill. If they prove themselves, they are allowed to remain in regardless of their battle count.
  • Must have a 1.20 win/loss ratio or better at the time you apply. There’s some leniency once you’re in, but we expect you to do well. There’s also some leniency on this if you impress your recruiter, but as a general rule your ratio should be at least 1.00.
  • Must have at least a t3 lineup, unless on trial period.
  • If you have been accepted into our ranks, you must maintain yourself. You should be participating in the tournaments if you are able, and you should be learning to improve your teamplay to better perform in said tournaments.
  • Must be at least 18 years of age. There is some leniency here, but ultimately if you are mature your age is more or less irrelevant.
  • We expect you to be respectful and thoughtful at all times. There are many reasons to be upset by this game, but when you are in public, you must maintain your composure. You are a representative for us and that carries weight. If you are found to be in consistent and/or drastic violation of this, you will be removed from the corporation no matter how skilled you are.

We pride ourselves in our integrity and skill. This is the most important part of your identity while representing Arkhos Core.


What you get by becoming a part of Arkhos Core:

  • Respect and integrity. That which keeps us in line keeps us in high regard.
  • Novelty. We are a new corp. Everyone likes new things. You get to be a part of something glorious, as it begins.
  • Opportunity.  As we are up and coming, there is plenty of room for you to make a name for yourself.
  • Community. We train and play together. We lose together and we win together. And of course, we receive our location rewards together. We are friends and teammates first.
  • Knowledge and Improvement.  We have quite a few players with very extensive expertise in the game and its nuance. And a few players quite adept at finding Mk5 blueprints…
  • And of course, fun. We strive to have a good time while still being a force to be reckoned with.


We welcome anyone and everyone to apply if they think they can prove their skill!


So, that brings us to…


Officer List:

[NuclearHail](< base_url >/index.php?/user/248365-hailstorm084/)


Vice Presidents:



Wing Host Officers

Any officers in Arkhos Core not listed here hold the position as an honorary title only. Officers listed for the ability to host wings have the position for that purpose only. They cannot invite players without explicit permission.


Feel free to send me a message, either in game or on the forums, regarding anything related to Arkhos Core.


We look forward to flying with (and against) you all!

welcome to the forum and good luck

Oh so DrDeath and kaiju left THE CORP, and started a new one with you guys. Either way, welcome aboard.

Welcome to the fray.

The requirement of 18 and up seems a bit tight but it’s your corp so you do what you want.

oh CORPv2


Have fun guys!

Good luck! We fought three of you last night in Sec Con, and I really wondered where this new corp who already had T5 ships came from. Now I got my answer :slight_smile:


Welcome to the fray.

The requirement of 18 and up seems a bit tight but it’s your corp so you do what you want.

There will be some leniency on that one, it’s more a precaution than anything else.



Oh so DrDeath and kaiju left THE CORP, and started a new one with you guys. Either way, welcome aboard.

oh CORPv2


Have fun guys!

DrDeath holds his rank as an honorary title only, as does BaeconHo. We are indeed a new corp. (And I’d prefer not to be thought of as CORPv2, haha)


Good luck! We fought three of you last night in Sec Con, and I really wondered where this new corp who already had T5 ships came from. Now I got my answer :slight_smile:


Our first few nights of Sector Conquest have hopefully put some new competition out there. Thanks everyone!

Our first few nights of Sector Conquest have hopefully put some new competition out there. Thanks everyone!


That they did :slight_smile:

The requirement of 18 and up seems a bit tight


I like it, people like MrDuck wouldn’t be able to join in the first place.




“Welcome” to the game, hope you start this new corp in a better way and gain the respect of the rest, you look like you will do a good job.



“Welcome” to the game, hope you start this new corp in a better way and gain the respect of the rest, you look like you will do a good job.

Thank you!

If you find anyone in Arch acting out of line, please report their behavior to me (and take screenshots if you can). Integrity is extremely important, but I obviously cannot monitor my members so closely all the time.

Thank you!

If you find anyone in Arch acting out of line, please report their behavior to me (and take screenshots if you can). Integrity is extremely important, but I obviously cannot monitor my members so closely all the time.


Sure I will, looking forward to see your corporation prosper.

. (And I’d prefer not to be thought of as CORPv2, haha)


Ok CORPv2 guy. :slight_smile:

Arkhos Core’s hold on the GS sector has, sadly, expired. But be wary, for we are gearing up, and we have our eyes on another one!

I have made it my policy to hold this corporation and its members to high expectations with the hope that it would encourage us to do better than our past. While anger at this game (or any game, for that matter) is common, outbursts, especially in public, are unacceptable. Kaiju has made outbursts more than once, and I have warned him about it consistently.


As there is clearly no sign of improvement, Kaiju has been kicked from Arkhos Core.


I said I planned to enforce integrity. I meant it. If Kaiju cleans up his act on his own, he may be allowed to return in the future. But I do not care how skilled you are, your composure comes first.


Thank you for the head’s up.

To all members of Arkhos Core!


It’s time to choose a new logo. We need something to show the world when we hold GS sectors.


So, here are a few options. I’m open to feedback from anyone and everyone, though if you’re in Arch your opinion obviously carries more weight. :slight_smile:


I personally prefer Option B.



Option A / Simple: 






Option B / Glow: 






For copyright clarification, these were commissioned by me and do not belong to anyone else.

my vote goes to A :slight_smile:

If you want to have opinions of people other than you corporation members, please open this discussion in the [Round Table](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/227-round-table/).

As corp member I should honestly say i don’ty go crazy for them buit i would vote for B. My graphical suggestion is to reduce the black stripes anyway, they r too chunky, make them a little bit thinner. It should give a better result :wink: Also is absolutely needed to add some shiny glossy effect in photoshop :wink:

If you want to have opinions of people other than you corporation members, please open this discussion in the [Round Table](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/227-round-table/).


Then why delete the posts with opinions from those who are in Arkhos Core?


As corp member I should honestly say i don’ty go crazy for them buit i would vote for B. My graphical suggestion is to reduce the black stripes anyway, they r too chunky, make them a little bit thinner. It should give a better result :wink: Also is absolutely needed to add some shiny glossy effect in photoshop :wink:


I commissioned these as I do not own Photoshop at the moment (and my skills are fairly lackluster). I will see if I can get lines thinned as that was something I was also thinking of, and clearly a lot of others agreed before their posts got deleted.


If not, it will make for a good placeholder. Hopefully they can update our logo later if need be.

I like the glowy version more too. They don’t look super cool, but what ever does? It should be unique enough.