and now there are 3

So   OWL  

  at the beginning  of this post

 there was a simple question

   do you want to kick the dog


 are you going to step up?

Ahhh now i understand why this Topic has only a “owl” as tag. I thought it was just product placement.

Still don’t know what you mean, why should i want to kick a dog? Let him sniff dammit,




What do fake attacks have to do with gaining sectors? nothing.


Everything , how can you not see that?

Gaining sectors is not only about the offense.

It’s also about your opponents defence.

When you can’t get through because of the fakes makes the biggest difference on gaining sectors.

That’s a solid fact that you shouldn’t try to go around



so, it still is the same theme here. what i learned: arctic tries to cuddle with wpk and tries to establish owl as the new villain. wpk is biting, since they got so many alliances, they run out of enemies once again. and some of us owls do not know when to shut up and “who who who” around.


You should open your eyes a bit more and see that we started to feel offended by what YOUR corporation did

Nothing to do with ArctiC, Radix or anyone else but your corporation.


We’ve invested a shitload of time, effort and energy in getting what we want.

There was a new gamemode, we decided to go for it and we did it

We bossed around SQ for a good, good while.


When you go around and tell everyone how we got this far by abusing a broken system

WPK told you that it was different and you called us out for lyers?

It’s disrespecting, offending and I will not stand by where my brothers are called out on this.



You’re telling us that individuals are calling us out


When an individual wears an corporation tag and goes public to call other corporations out

Can you see my problems with that statement?

It’s not working for me.



You should’ve tried a simple excuse towards us for the disrespect and the agressive stands towards us to begin with

Especially considering our past,

Last time there was trouble, we’ve been helping you out and this is what we get in return.


It’s **dis-gus-ting **and no, blaming Radix is not going to work

so, it still is the same theme here. what i learned: arctic tries to cuddle with wpk and tries to establish owl as the new villain. wpk is biting, since they got so many alliances, they run out of enemies once again. and some of us owls do not know when to shut up and “who who who” around.



It’s **dis-gus-ting **and no, blaming Radix is not going to work

but you aren’t cuddly! Especially if that profile pic is a selfy.


And blaming RadiX always works! 



There’s nothing wrong with abusing something until it’s fixed. It happens in every game, and it’s by no means exclusive to Star Conflict.

That said, sometimes people decide to get angry about it first, before doing it themselves.

If we can back up a bit and realize that sometimes people get frustrated over that sort of thing (essentially trying to beat them before joining them) maybe we can start to get along again.


WPK has had my respect in the past. They still do, whether or not there are fake attacks.


I would like to ask that Kurdi (and/or whoever else is in charge of running WPK) make a statement on WPK’s policy and actions. The rest of the corporation should follow suit.

It’s very easy for internal management to squabble and disagree, and for that message to come out garbled to the rest of the players.


RadiX, on the other hand, has done an excellent job lately of burning any respect I have had for them. But I don’t have to blame them for anything, they rarely do anything in sector conquest anymore so the only time they were relevant was when they held a safe space sector. They didn’t use it, so the bigger corps rolled in and took it back. You’ll notice that FDEF is still quite active, and thus we haven’t bothered that sector. (Though if that activity slips, we’ll gladly take it ourselves.)


Don’t burn your bridges if you don’t have to. Fake attacks are still necessary in Jericho space, so until the problem is solved, I don’t care about them.

Note that OWL has never had more than two fakes on a sector. This has let us hold a sector for an additional day at most, which in turn has let us get more OWLs to actually fight in Dreadnought battles. (Defense wings and all that.)


I’m not the primary spokesperson for OWL. But I’d like to think we could coexist without petty political squabbling. :slight_smile:

There’s nothing wrong with abusing something until it’s fixed. It happens in every game, and it’s by no means exclusive to Star Conflict.

That said, sometimes people decide to get angry about it first, before doing it themselves.

If we can back up a bit and realize that sometimes people get frustrated over that sort of thing (essentially trying to beat them before joining them) maybe we can start to get along again.


RadiX, on the other hand, has done an excellent job lately of burning any respect I have had for them. But I don’t have to blame them for anything, they rarely do anything in sector conquest anymore so the only time they were relevant was when they held a safe space sector. They didn’t use it, so the bigger corps rolled in and took it back. You’ll notice that FDEF is still quite active, and thus we haven’t bothered that sector. (Though if that activity slips, we’ll gladly take it ourselves.)


Don’t burn your bridges if you don’t have to. Fake attacks are still necessary in Jericho space, so until the problem is solved, I don’t care about them.

Note that OWL has never had more than two fakes on a sector. This has let us hold a sector for an additional day at most, which in turn has let us get more OWLs to actually fight in Dreadnought battles. (Defense wings and all that.)


I have spoken with g4 about the fake attacks and we have come to an understanding. 


I really don’t care about your respect KT and neither do a lot of your former friends who are quite pissed at you now. 

FDEF’s sector isn’t active. IDK what your definition of active was, but that breaking the truce was all about capping our sector, whether you acknowledge it or not.


Fake attacks aren’t necessary. Fake attacks show a desperation to hold a sector. Try capping a sector and holding it with skill instead of exploiting a bug. Also, stop making excuses.

I have spoken with g4 about the fake attacks and we have come to an understanding. 


I really don’t care about your respect KT and neither do a lot of your former friends who are quite pissed at you now. 

FDEF’s sector isn’t active. IDK what your definition of active was, but that breaking the truce was all about capping our sector, whether you acknowledge it or not.


Fake attacks aren’t necessary. Fake attacks show a desperation to hold a sector. Try capping a sector and holding it with skill instead of exploiting a bug. Also, stop making excuses.

FDEF was arranging games and using the sector. You were not. If we’d done it to spite you, we wouldn’t have waited several weeks to do so.


I’m curious to know who you think is so pissed with me. Perhaps they should speak to me themselves.

You should be aware that while you had my respect, I was a major advocate for you and your corporation. This community doesn’t like you, and I used to think you deserved a chance. For a while, you even proved me right, and that giving you the chance had been the right decision. However, destroying that respect was your decision to make, and until you make attempts to repair that respect, you will have none.


Also, fun fact: The truce was never with you. It wasn’t with BEAST or FDEF either. The truce was between NASA and Arch, which has now extended to OWL.  If we mutually agreed to ‘break’ it in FDEF’s case now, we could. Because it doesn’t include them. They merely benefit from it.

As far as I’m aware and have been told by them, they have made good use out of the sector and are actively working to use it for the purpose we have told them they can use it for. They can at any time choose to do something else. We are not holding this over their heads. It merely means that we can start attacking it again should that be the case. They’re more than welcome to defend it in that case, too.


If FDEF has a better idea, they can take it up with me or anyone else in NASA/OWL leadership. Because, you know, we actually like them. And while I respect BEAST, they aren’t exactly winning hearts and minds over with threads like these.

I’m curious to know who you think is so pissed with me. Perhaps they should speak to me themselves.



You should open your eyes a bit more and see that we started to feel offended by what YOUR corporation did

Nothing to do with ArctiC, Radix or anyone else but your corporation.


We’ve invested a shitload of time, effort and energy in getting what we want.

There was a new gamemode, we decided to go for it and we did it

We bossed around SQ for a good, good while.


When you go around and tell everyone how we got this far by abusing a broken system

WPK told you that it was different and you called us out for lyers?

It’s disrespecting, offending and I will not stand by where my brothers are called out on this.


This is a forum of individuals.

The first one who called you out was a nasa member. You (singular) just used the whole topic to play up.

This is artificial drama, and has nothing to do with your theories about tags and stuff.

I wasn’t told anything.

I already stated the official stance, also with harsh words to my own corp. Hold them to it.

I don’t see why I owe anybody an apology. But you can have as many as you want. So sorry, if people accused you of malpractice. As you can see, we have been accused aswell. Everybody, let’s just accuse everybody! You seem to have totally missed the point of my post, which is about how nonsense this whole accusation BS is. Which is a tagless observation.


I do not blame Radix for anything in this regard, especially if I say ArcTic, that’s not Radix. I do not even understand why you build a connection between this and the “insult”, and what I should blame them about, except to play big brother yet again. Drama intensifies? Cuddling practice?

I think ArcTic can handle me on his own.


If you did not follow the previous topics and how stuff was handled, you might want to research that, so you understand my words better.

Most people seem to have understood exactly what I said.


It’s spelled liar btw.


And before you start your glorious tale about what you worked for so hard, dude, we worked hard aswell.

I am not going to reply to you about this anymore.

   do you want to kick the dog



once again you miss the point, and it was the same point that was the problem in fed space before. NASA and OWL/ARCH are allied SO OWL wont attack NASA. That doesn’t leave many opponents left so the few that remain get driven out of fed space, guess what only OWL and NASA are left, they have to play each other. but there is no one left to attack with them so the sectors just sit, and no one cares. No smaller corps want to play because they get stomped over and over.

 We could have more games if more corps attacked and saw sectors changing hands.


OWL and NASA are allied

  now let me draw this out to the final conclusion

its only OWL and NASA left

NASA beats down OWL/ARCH again

 and only they remain.

See the picture, get it, That’s what is coming!

You could stop it but you don’t,

  you are making your bed have fun lying in it.

these are my opinions and in this case I speak for no one but myself

   Good For You



I think you are oversimplyfying the situation.


Owl has one wing in fed, and partly because some EU dedicate themselves to get up early, still it is nowhere near “omg lets attack those sectors!”. Nasa has a wing usually, since they are there all the time. Owl had a small amount of US playerbase, now we with Arch players and others (!) joining, we have some US playerbase aswell, so yes, unforuntately, being allied to NASA before the whole thing happened, we have our friendships, and do leave most of the sectors unchallenged between us, simply because it would be a cat and mouse game anyway. This does not mean, we do not want to engage them, as there is no no-attack treaty, nor do we plan to do such things, pew pew nasa is fun.

In fact, we always played it out, if we met in battle.


It is quite a different situation, than in sectors, where playerbase would be there, but larger corps keep a power block.


Nobody stops you from attacking us or fighting for sectors, nor do we block off attacks by fake attacking every day what we hold, until there are no spots left; nor do we plan to hold something while attacking a third party non-stop and having non-attack treaties. You think the problem is corporations, but the problem is playerbase.

Also, fake attacks like that stopped working anyway with some new mechanics. Well. At least it needs more microing now to abuse it.


The whole situation also started as fed sectors got trimmed - which also led to a playerbase shrink -  and the sectors we are talking about are a lot fewer, than before. So no, it’s not the same thing.

Changes to how sectors work, also made it harder to hold on to a large amount of them. Of course we are preparing our Dreads to get ready for the next tiers, and have our own interests, we do have a lot of players to cater.

once again you miss the point, and it was the same point that was the problem in fed space before. NASA and OWL/ARCH are allied SO OWL wont attack NASA. That doesn’t leave many opponents left so the few that remain get driven out of fed space, guess what only OWL and NASA are left, they have to play each other. but there is no one left to attack with them so the sectors just sit, and no one cares. No smaller corps want to play because they get stomped over and over.

 We could have more games if more corps attacked and saw sectors changing hands.


OWL and NASA are allied

  now let me draw this out to the final conclusion

its only OWL and NASA left

NASA beats down OWL/ARCH again

 and only they remain.

See the picture, get it, That’s what is coming!

You could stop it but you don’t,

  you are making your bed have fun lying in it.

these are my opinions and in this case I speak for no one but myself

   Good For You



so what’s da problem again?

You not gettin free sectors or wut?

I still don’t see the problem here.


Halffast, you are still capable of launching attacks at _any _of NASA or OWL’s sectors. So can any other corporation in this game.


Instead, you are sitting here in this thread complaining about a problem that isn’t even a problem. Moreover, 1.2 allows for you to launch an attack with an incomplete wing and _still _have the chance of having a full 8 with soloqueued players. There is literally no excuse for you to not take the initiative and start launching counterattacks against NASA or OWL’s sectors. It’s a win-win for both sides, considering how all of us get games.


The same applies for the rest of the NA corporations. The inactivity in Fed space is ridiculous. Patch 1.2 is supposed to mitigate this problem to a degree, and no one is taking advantage of the new mechanics.


Come get some, and stop complaining about the status quo because it can always be changed with some effort.

omg, drama conflict. 


Just play the game


I’m curious to know who you think is so pissed with me. Perhaps they should speak to me themselves.

You should be aware that while you had my respect, I was a major advocate for you and your corporation. This community doesn’t like you, and I used to think you deserved a chance. For a while, you even proved me right, and that giving you the chance had been the right decision. However, destroying that respect was your decision to make, and until you make attempts to repair that respect, you will have none.


I’m surprised they haven’t spoken for themselves yet. Perhaps you should examine your friends list and count those who are missing?  


I really don’t care about your respect any more. You destroyed your own corporation.


The forum is basically the only part of the community that dislikes me. Sure i have some seals that hate me for clubbing them and a little baggage from my previous corporation, but other than that, i have more friends and allies than you do. I have friends in OWL (surprise), friends in NASA (surprise), friends in russian corps, and lots of other places. I have no shortage of people that like me. Also, if i’m a complete xxxx, why do good players stay in my corporation? Basically the only people who have beefs with me are NASA-OWL people and tbh, that’s because im tired of the crap you guys pull. I’m not the only one too. Just not everyone is a forum warrior like you are ;) 

… i have more friends and allies than you do. I have friends in OWL (surprise), friends in NASA (surprise), friends in russian corps, and lots of other places. I have no shortage of people that like me…

Who let the kids out? “i have more friends than you”, what is this, daycare?

After my several day vacation, I am back, and I need to throw some things in.


  1. The NASA-OWL alliance was created many months before dreadnoughts existed, so like others have said, we have developed our friendships and created a bond between our two corps, and breaking that bond would offer neither of us any fun, nor any benefit.


  1. On the thread I created, we gave the small corps a choice. The original terms of holding the two sectors were that they must be active. We weren’t going to give out free sectors, because lets be honest, if NASA and OWL wanted to, we could hold every sector in the US time zone in fed space (and we almost have done that). We took RadiX’s sector for two reasons. We didn’t feel that RadiX qualified as a small corp any longer, and we saw zero activity in that sector ever since RadiX took it. The latter of these reasons was the true reason why we took the sector. If the sector isn’t going to be used for battles, then why give it away when a more capable corp can come in and easily take it, a corp that is capable of holding the sector even if it is attacked.


  1. All the small corps (and radix) in fed space are more than capable of launching attacks on NASA or OWL sectors. The CDF alliance, radix, and BEASTs comprise a large number of players, and you should all easily be able to fill several wings to launch attacks.


  1. FDEF’s sector isn’t as active as jericho or empire sectors, but for fed space it is decently active. I have been regularly seeing 1 battle there per night (on average). As per the terms of that sector remaining safe, that qualifies as active and being used.


On a separate note, g4 brought up a good point. Player base is a huge issue when it comes to dreadnoughts. There simply aren’t enough active players in the US time zone. The splitting of fed space also led to a decline in dreadnoughts in fed space. When all fed space sectors were available in US battle times, there was a lot more activity in the smaller corps, as there was more room. NASA and Arch at that time had their sector grabs and competition going, but there was still a portion of fed space that was held by all small corps. As soon as the split occured, NASA and Arch (and now OWL), lost ground to fight each other for, so we “invaded” the space that the small corps had been using and holding. I personally wish it could go back to that, as none of this politicing in fed space really happened.


Now, HalfFast, we gave the smaller corps (which included BEASTs) two sectors to use to compete free from NASA/OWL/Arch interference, but no one took advantage of that. Stop complaining about the fear of getting stomped on over and over when you have a place to play without that fear. Small corps are now down to 1 sector to compete in, and if you don’t keep up the activity in that sector (which you have been keeping up so far, so props to you), NASA/OWL won’t hesitate to step in and take it.


As for fake attacks or w/e in empire/jericho space, fake attacks are not useful in taking a sector, Kurdi, you are correct about that. Player/corp skill is what allows you to take a sector. However, fake attacks (or alliance attacks that don’t show, w/e you wanna call it), make it extremely easy to hold a sector. Esp. when the alliance corps are only charged 20-40 iridium per attack. Simply launch 8 fake attacks on each one of your sectors, have none of them show, and you will never lose a sector. How do you think SCORP has managed to keep their sector at 100% and how other similar corps manage to do the same? Now, I still have immense amounts of respect for WPK. It is a great corp with highly skilled pilots, and it would seem that whatever fake attacks they did at the beginning of dreadnoughts have ceased, and now they rely soley on skill for sector control, and I greatly respect that.  :012j:



I really don’t care about your respect any more. You destroyed your own corporation.


And here you go with your slander again. KT didn’t destroy his own corporation. Spreading lies about things that you know nothing about is one of many reasons why so many players have no respect for you. Whether you care about someone’s respect or not doesn’t show much about who you are. What shows who you are is how you act, what you say, and how you present yourself. This statement of yours above presents a very negative image.


PS: just a word to the wise, you should care how some people view you, as some people in this game have connections, and could easily ruin your reputation with your “allies”

And here you go with your slander again. KT didn’t destroy his own corporation. Spreading lies about things that you know nothing about is one of many reasons why so many players have no respect for you. Whether you care about someone’s respect or not doesn’t show much about who you are. What shows who you are is how you act, what you say, and how you present yourself. This statement of yours above presents a very negative image.


PS: just a word to the wise, you should care how some people view you, as some people in this game have connections, and could easily ruin your reputation with your “allies”



This is why i am quitting forum drama…