and now there are 3

ARCH down.

  SALT down

 RADIX down

  no one corp can stand alone

ATTACK  or get



   once we fall

 well you know

  2 corps left


 or stand alone


ARCH down.

  SALT down

 RADIX down

  no one corp can stand alone

ATTACK  or get



   once we fall

 well you know

  2 corps left


 or stand alone

there’s a big difference between losing your sector and being down


ARCH and SALT or legitly down and basically gone. 


RadiX still does dreads. we had 4 battles today. won 2 out of 4. 

Losing a sector doesn’t end your corporation. Just go and fight for another one. Not to mention BEAST still qualifies as a small corp, you guys can fight in/for Vanguard Outpost without fear of Arch/OWL/NASA bothering you there.


The majority of Arch was absorbed by OWL. Arch isn’t gone so much as decommissioned. There are still some 40+ people there that have chosen to stay.

SALT was much smaller, so being absorbed did actually more or less end the corporation.

Only reason Planetary Dynamics doesn’t hold multiple sectors right now is bc one of our officers was a legitimate xxxx and spent all of our iridium on a boost that sped a section up BY AN HOUR. *many facepaw*

Apparently FDEF doesn’t exist?

Only reason Planetary Dynamics doesn’t hold multiple sectors right now is bc one of our officers was a legitimate xxxx and spent all of our iridium on a boost that sped a section up BY AN HOUR. *many facepaw*



Try comparing that to NASA, which decided to build a shield emitter catalyst as well as a weapon booster only to find out that that combination is really good at losing games – then promptly decided to upgrade the shield emitter catalyst, command tower (which has a useless upgrade) before finally upgrading shield emitter and weapon booster.


Then after that, upgrading a missile turret for full week before being able to move on to upgrading plasma turrets


Then currently, being the victim of one of the bugs that happens when upgrading turrets.


We’ve wasted a ton of iridium as well as a ton of time!

statue you are a master of misclicks! 

but hey! we have that +360pts module!

statue you are a master of misclicks!

but hey! we have that +360pts module!

396 in t4 )))

statue you are a master of misclicks! 

but hey! we have that +360pts module!

By curiosity of our CEO our dread was halted for two weeks because he clicked to upgrade shield to t4, and whole dread was naked then  :01515:

owl exists for almost 2.5 years in this game now, for many months we were only 5 players in these times, and also for a long time after the dread system started, we never had a permanent sector;


we still never considered us “down”.


we never asked any other corp to merge with us either; we respect groups for their own pride, independence and engagement*; not for their sectors on the map, but for their courage and cunning they bring into battle.


i can only say i encourage this and respect this in anyone loyal towards his own corporation; while i find it pityful and weak if someone can only shine by discrediting others - but a task to cleanse such behaviour is completely the burden of a person versus him/herself.


i look forward to future battles and adversaries.


and nice poem :slight_smile:


*) and especially cool logos.

Losing a sector doesn’t end your corporation. Just go and fight for another one. Not to mention BEAST still qualifies as a small corp, you guys can fight in/for Vanguard Outpost without fear of Arch/OWL/NASA bothering you there.


The majority of Arch was absorbed by OWL. Arch isn’t gone so much as decommissioned. There are still some 40+ people there that have chosen to stay.

SALT was much smaller, so being absorbed did actually more or less end the corporation.

salt’s CEO is still there. Just rippin joined RadiX and a lot of SALTs did too. 

What about Arch anyway? They had so many Sectors…why did they break apart?


What about Arch anyway? They had so many Sectors…why did they break apart?

from what i’ve heard, nuclearhail got in a fight with engle, engle left and joined owl. then nuclearhail left arch and joined the corp of the person who he just got in a fight with. yeah doesn’t make sense to me either. 

from what i’ve heard, nuclearhail got in a fight with engle, engle left and joined owl. then nuclearhail left arch and joined the corp of the person who he just got in a fight with. yeah doesn’t make sense to me either. 


you may want to get your facts straight before you post things like this. That isn’t entirely what happened, nor is it why Arch broke apart.

you may want to get your facts straight before you post things like this. That isn’t entirely what happened, nor is it why Arch broke apart.

Well at least it is an answer. So i ll believe it, tx Arctic. Surprising that a get an answer from the guy that is currently bashed by anyone while the others make only useless comments. Or perhaps not. by the way  am not interested in personal squabbles, if id get a well crafted lie id also be happy. I am a politcal roleplayer at heart.


Anyway, wasnt engle in Owl all the time?

you may want to get your facts straight before you post things like this. That isn’t entirely what happened, nor is it why Arch broke apart.

I think you  wanted to say:


Take this Arctic


and clean up around the mouth … you’ve got the remains of something brown.

Well at least it is an answer. So i ll believe it, tx Arctic. Surprising that a get an answer from the guy that is currently bashed by anyone while the others make only useless comments. Or perhaps not. by the way  am not interested in personal squabbles, if id get a well crafted lie id also be happy. I am a politcal roleplayer at heart.


Anyway, wasnt engle in Owl all the time?


Long story short and without too much details (from my OWL perspective):

  • True, Engle was an OWL before Arch.

(and personally for me he was always an OWL, all the time. But back in time OWL was an EU heavy corp without significant US playerbase).


  • Arch had some internal conflicts/misunderstanding/whatever. (pick one, or ask somebody from there, who wants and can tell more).

  • When some of Arch the players decided to join to OWL, they left behind whatever was in the Arch and joined to our friendly and happy nest.

  • Each player who joined to the OWL made it as his/her own decision. Feel free and try collect the reasons if you have too much freetime :slight_smile:


  • As KT said Arch still has 40+ players so they are not down at all.

  • HOWL doesn’t have a sector and they have 140+ players. Are they down? No.



  • OWL is stronger than ever, we have so much fun together with our old and new members.

  • We are glad to see how many players selected our nest. 

  • Our doors are still open for anybody who can accept our rules and who would like to Hoot with us.

Ah well tx. So much mistery… what were the misterious internal conflicts? For every answer an new question…it is strange for sure since Arch was so sucessful. Normally a successful Corp doesnt just break down, since everyone is riding the lucky strike. Ah well…unluckily i dont know ary Arch players i could ask for details…i am too curious anyway.


I suppose you need a Core group of about 5 good players…if most o these are gone Arch is down and done for.


I checked da map its mostly NASA now and even Beast…if beast has own Sec times are really down…and some Coprs i have never heard of…is Anger even english speaking? Well if it goes like in Gundam now Nasa will break off in a violent slinter group and eternal war will go on…

you may want to get your facts straight before you post things like this. That isn’t entirely what happened, nor is it why Arch broke apart.

ah then you tell the story. :D 


Ah well tx. So much mistery… what were the misterious internal conflicts? For every answer an new question…it is strange for sure since Arch was so sucessful. Normally a successful Corp doesnt just break down, since everyone is riding the lucky strike. Ah well…unluckily i dont know ary Arch players i could ask for details…i am too curious anyway.


I suppose you need a Core group of about 5 good players…if most o these are gone Arch is down and done for.


I checked da map its mostly NASA now and even Beast…if beast has own Sec times are really down…and some Coprs i have never heard of…is Anger even english speaking? Well if it goes like in Gundam now Nasa will break off in a violent slinter group and eternal war will go on…

fed space is really inactive. RadiX is trying to get active but i can only do fed dreads on friday nights so it’s hard. hopefully things will start to get more active, I finally found people to help me lead the corp. 

ESB does not have a sec at all…and while Nasa holds lotta sectors they dont have Gold sector. Gold sectors are held by FDEF and Arch. Its kinda strange…Wolfpack also has some secs in Europe timezone…thats it for english speaking. Alas u cant say Arch is down while they hold one of two G-scsi nfed space.