and now there are 3

Ehmm…i dont know…kurdi is writing mad xxxx in bad english… After DarkDirks reasonings that almost sounded mature its a real shock. …Still my view of Wolfpack as the “mature” Corp just went down the drain. And i am just too old to join in and insult kurdi myself, i cant even bother to post a pic with trollface. I suppose i am off these games diplomacy, its just not my age anymore.

When we’re being accused of doing several things that the Wolfpack has never participated in.

After we maturely enough explain what is up, we’re being called out as lyers.

You should not expect a mature reaction at that point.

Hell, I’d even expect something more hostile then that

Actually i was under the impression that i never accused anybody of anything and that i was comparably nice especially when u think about the general tone of this forum. Also i am not surpised about the hostility, that is at is is, i am more surpised how crude the hostility is. You know, i am more used to the sublime passive agression and veiled insults of the more experienced gentlemen. Even NASA has yet to manage such open rage as kurdi jst produced, as far as i can tell. Still its alright, i am not mad or such…i am just disappointed. 



>mfw this whole thread


Also, there’s no diplomacy in this game. The very nature of this game is punishing, and the mentality of “us-versus-them” is what makes success in here.

WPK succes is to be able to create unbeatble wings. wich Owl dont have :slight_smile:

owl didnt have members to fill a wing for the most part, so true, we had no idea about SQ; things change.

you are stepping in and making fun of things, you do not even comprehend, which is okay, i never expected you to.

the accusations of dirk, etc. are their personal opinions, and i made it clear that this is not the offical stance of us, so if you talk about specific topics, talk to the people, and keep our tag in respect, as we do yours; i expect this from a ceo who knows us for such a long time like you, especially, since we treated you always as a respected guest, even if you overstepped your boundaries. so if you got issues, you can come to me, and we have a personal talk. and i will make sure, this time you remember exactly who I am.

and just so you know, at least, i am proud, that i am not only playing if my team is winning anyway, and also willing to include weaker players, so they grow. since owl was never about only taking the best, we were always about growing, and most of our core players worked themselves up on their own accord.

@noskillz: what do fake attacks have to do with gaining sectors? nothing.

also nobody fears kurdi, no matter how mad he is, don’t be ridiculous.

so, it still is the same theme here. what i learned: arctic tries to cuddle with wpk and tries to establish owl as the new villain. wpk is biting, since they got so many alliances, they run out of enemies once again. and some of us owls do not know when to shut up and “who who who” around.

so, i can only ask to the individuals from owl posting here: just let it go. don’t feed the trolls.

otherwise, as i stated, it does not matter whether it is “friendship alliances” and “knowing russian” and “being really strong and epeeny”, or “fake attacks” or “fake corps” or “fake accounts” or whatever, fact stays up, these problems are coming from the game itself, and are made possible by the game, and are not regulated through the game and they are - in the long run - hurting the game.

especially because alliances should not be what they are atm. since all we are creating here is a friendship club, ignoring most of the corporations out there, and hinder their growth. it is not good for the playerbase, if the existing veterans become more elitist over time.

all we have done is ask friends for fake attacks on our sectors so we can hold them for one more day, and defend, or park an attack for friends and use it or recall it later as far as i know, while most of the attacks turn out to be fake attacks by others anyway. we have no farming accounts, nor do we need to make non attack pacts, nor do we care about this diplomatic nonsense here, and arctic should really stop to try to troll others into stuff like this. It is really poor personality you are showing here, kid.

To the concern about fed sector, we do intend to make games against NASA, since for owls friendship always meant also to blow each other up, and try to play exciting games, and try to make fair teams aswell.

To the concern about fed sector, we do intend to make games against NASA, since for owls friendship always meant also to blow each other up, and try to play exciting games, and try to make fair teams aswell.

Hey, that was the original plan anyways! As long as it’s all in good fun, which it has been.

Also, there’s no diplomacy in this game. The very nature of this game is punishing, and the mentality of “us-versus-them” is what makes success in here.

so is that why you slander? 

so, i can only ask to the individuals from owl posting here: just let it go. don’t feed the trolls.

and arctic should really stop to try to troll others into stuff like this. It is really poor personality you are showing here, kid.


See this guy? He is the Quee… Pardon: the King of passive/aggressive, but when you wake the beast you should find yourself a spot in the dark.


P.s. the whole thread could be fun (people assuming things and bs everywhere), instead it almost gave me diarrea.

Pardon: the King of passive/aggressive


thank you!

so is that why you slander? 


Coming from the king of slander himself. Calling others hypocrites and then being one yourself isn’t going to get you anywhere.


I think we all missed the mark here. The point I have been trying to make all along is that these game mechanics are being abused by many corps and that they need to change. Regardless of who is doing them, they are extremely broken mechanics and make it far too easy for powerful corps to completely shut out the smaller corps.


Ketriaava created this thread here: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27867-redesign-the-sector-conquest-system-important-read-this/#entry331310)

and I created this one here: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27952-a-new-dreadnought-sector-map-and-sector-ownership-system/#entry332651)


In these topics we both suggested similar ways of fixing sq so that it is fair for everyone, and so that it is impossible to shut people out of games. This will also be a surefire way of guaranteeing that a corp won’t be able to hold on to sectors without resistance. They will have to battle to retake it after every cycle.


I had a nice, civil conversation with Cr0 yesterday regarding all of this, and we both found common ground. The current sq system is heavily focused on politics, whereas the old sq was more focused on games. I think that a balance needs to be struck, so that people can still participate in the politics, but those who don’t like the politics can still play games. Also, I think we can all agree that the lack of advertising is a bit more important of an issue. I mean, what good is it to have all of these great features if your player base can’t support them very well?


So please, let’s stop this bickering. You will not change someone’s opinions/beliefs without evidence, so stop trying.

so is that why you slander? 

Ain’t slander when it’s the truth, kiddo :slight_smile:

Ain’t slander when it’s the truth, kiddo :slight_smile:

:wink: it’s funny how a lot of these ppl bashing wpk were people who were crying aimbot a while ago. just goes to show that there’s a long history of bashing. 




this forum is also extremely dead. if you look, the vast majority of the people on here are NASA-OWL forum warriors. Queue t5 instead ppl so we can get games. 

I cried aimbot? When?

I cried aimbot? When?

…i didn’t say you did. other people did. you have had a long history of bashing in other ways. like going in our corp thread. 

So   OWL  

  at the beginning  of this post

 there was a simple question

   do you want to kick the dog


 are you going to step up?

So   OWL  

  at the beginning  of this post

 there was a simple question

   do you want to kick the dog


 are you going to step up?


huh? kick the dog?

huh? kick the dog?

i meow so im not the dog. 


So   OWL  

  at the beginning  of this post

 there was a simple question

   do you want to kick the dog


 are you going to step up?

There was a question? All I see is lines with two words and some random number of spaces in and around them. Maybe a period, but sure as heck no question mark. Not even anything phrased like a question, or implying one.

 are you going to step up?

There was a question? All I see is lines with two words and some random number of spaces in and around them. Maybe a period, but sure as heck no question mark. Not even anything phrased like a question, or implying one.




  at the beginning  of this post

