and now there are 3

Arch merged with OWL. The idea had been in the works for a while before the incident that more or less expedited it. Pretty much everyone involved is very happy about the merge, those that aren’t went elsewhere. I respect their decision to do so. You can’t make everyone happy.

Then everyone who actually holds a sector in Fed Space and speaks english- in fact every major Corp at all- is allied or friendly now. Radix doesnt have Sector and can savely be ignored, so the whole thread can be closed or filled with funny pictures.



Bla bla bla Arch. You killed a top 5 corp for over 2 years in all leader boards in 3 weeks. That’s an amazing achievement there.


It appears you intended to break up my corp from day one. Now that I come back and review all this intel. Makes no sense, but its what ever.

The anger from the betrayal caused me to stop playing the game for several months. But now I am back.


From what I have read over the last 2 threads put in my thread,. I see you got a long history of dishonoring agreements. I stopped playing the game until recently.

Still never got to mess with a dread. I wasted a lot of gold for it(iridium from loot in pvp). Now it sits dead in a hanger, or worse disbanded.

The grind is so insane I will not bother to try again.


Arch merged with OWL. The idea had been in the works for a while before the incident that more or less expedited it.


My spy done it all!

I’m proud.

He has returned

I see now that someone really does take this far too seriously.


NuclearHail, Tillowaty and whoever else you want to accuse didn’t destroy these corporations. What happened was, they just consolidated into one corporation so that they could work together apart from the players that seemed to have disappeared.


No corporations being destroyed here…

Your corp has bin killed,now it’s your turn.

Any last words?

I see now that someone really does take this far too seriously.


NuclearHail, Tillowaty and whoever else you want to accuse didn’t destroy these corporations. What happened was, they just consolidated into one corporation so that they could work together apart from the players that seemed to have disappeared.


No corporations being destroyed here…




Arch was never destroyed. If anything, Nuke made Arch into a very great corp, and then the members of that corp moved and consolidated under a new corp tag, with the hopes of creating something even better with more fun for all players involved. You wouldn’t understand this as you already take this topic way too seriously…


Arch was never destroyed. If anything, Nuke made Arch into a very great corp, and then the members of that corp moved and consolidated under a new corp tag, with the hopes of creating something even better with more fun for all players involved.

Pardon me for asking, is that why [LIAR] was made too? One cant help but notice the consistancy of how Nuk gets into officer position and next thing you know he makes a new corp.


The necro happening in this thread is astounding.

I see i am still very hated. Hate all you want, but at least THE CORP was stable before nuke hijacked it. And from this thread your beloved nuke has a long history of betrayal.

At least I am honest and you can take me for what I say.


To say my corp was not fun seems inaccurate. We were laid back, and yet one of the most competitive corps in the game until I trusted Nuke who screwed me over good.

So good I never got to fly a dread. and I am the bad guy… WTF…

… and yet one of the most competitive corps in the game …


…and I am the bad guy… WTF…

don’t worry, you both are


Truly, I find it sad that you haven’t gotten over this, after what, a year? This is just a video game, and shouldn’t be taken very seriously, especially not as seriously as you are taking this whole thing… 


Let’s look at why some of us view you as the bad guy, despite what Nuke may/may not have done.


Instead of seeking an apology, or being a respectful, reasonable person about all of it, you rage hard, say some things you probably shouldn’t, and leave everyone with the impression that you are childish and rude. If you want to keep respect from people, take the high road. Forge a new path or try to repair the broken one, but do so without being a total a-hole about it. I’m not saying Nuke isn’t clear of wrong-doings. I’m just saying you could have done things differently to avoid the mass hatred/disliking you have acquired, and maybe could have even been brought back into the corp, a corp that Nuke did a very good job of bringing out of the ashes of a former, well-respected corp.

Pardon me for asking, is that why [LIAR] was made too? One cant help but notice the consistancy of how Nuk gets into officer position and next thing you know he makes a new corp.



let’s map it out lol. Nuke becomes officer of The CORP, then ceo and hijacks, turns into arch. arch is meh, merges into owl becomes officer. takes a crap ton of owl members goes and creates LAIR. Loses his head (and reputation #SurpriseSurprise) and joins DESU. Now, he can be with ppl who rage a lot and ppl who are really really nice and really really patient who put up with ragers. Wonder if he’ll become CEO? 


I see i am still very hated. Hate all you want, but at least THE CORP was stable before nuke hijacked it. And from this thread your beloved nuke has a long history of betrayal.

At least I am honest and you can take me for what I say.


To say my corp was not fun seems inaccurate. We were laid back, and yet one of the most competitive corps in the game until I trusted Nuke who screwed me over good.

So good I never got to fly a dread. and I am the bad guy… WTF…

Ah but you see, you only make it worse man. A lot of the ppl on this forum are nuke’s lil’ puppets who do his bidding and crap like that. That does not represent all of SC. Also, you should have repoed arch, but you let him keep it. 


Truly, I find it sad that you haven’t gotten over this, after what, a year? This is just a video game, and shouldn’t be taken very seriously, especially not as seriously as you are taking this whole thing… 


Let’s look at why some of us view you as the bad guy, despite what Nuke may/may not have done.


Instead of seeking an apology, or being a respectful, reasonable person about all of it, you rage hard, say some things you probably shouldn’t, and leave everyone with the impression that you are childish and rude. If you want to keep respect from people, take the high road. Forge a new path or try to repair the broken one, but do so without being a total a-hole about it. I’m not saying Nuke isn’t clear of wrong-doings. I’m just saying you could have done things differently to avoid the mass hatred/disliking you have acquired, and maybe could have even been brought back into the corp, a corp that Nuke did a very good job of bringing out of the ashes of a former, well-respected corp.

He did put a lot of time and money into it. Being a CEO is not easy, even though it is a game. You learn a lot of politics and how to patch hurt feelings and stuff like that. I understand why he was pissed but he really didn’t help himself either. 


*[LIAR] has a better suit to it, don’t you think?

… and joins DESU. Now, he can be with ppl who rage a lot and ppl who are really really nice and really really patient who put up with ragers. Wonder if he’ll become CEO?

knowing mzhleckiy for couple of years, I have my doubts :smiley:

*[LIAR] has a better suit to it, don’t you think?

knowing mzhleckiy for couple of years, I have my doubts :smiley:

tru liar does work. 


ye idk mz, but heard that lots of rage is in desu and ppl get yelled at. 

I will probably uninstall again and not play for how ever long.


My “THE CORP” thread has been dead for the longest, then yesterday it gets hit which puts me to the other thread.

How am I not suppose to say something??? So much to respond too.

And yet Again I am the a**hole and childish wtf…

I have been nothing but polite 98% of the time. I am often being personally attacked or harassed in both global and purple chat.

I do my best to spin it around or simply ignore it, but it gets really old.

I think it is because I am too nice and thugs like to prey on what they think is weak.


Most of you don’t have any where close to what I have spent into this game, if you did you would take it serious too.


Not even the CEO anymore  and I am still getting reminded nearly every day.

If people weren’t constantly reminding and insulting  me over it, maybe I would get over it.