and now there are 3

Pretend i went back, combined all the pictures into 1 file and reposted it, to lazy to do it, but intent is what counts right :slight_smile:

My life? Thats why I stopped playing since about August or so. Just came back for the goodies which will probably be disappointing.

I have noticed this game is has a lot of trolls like you. S


Left the second day did you? Who the hell are you fooling? Because it sure is not me. I remember the conditions of your rage quit.

Your spoiled brat self wanted officer and went to NASA.


As far as those screenies any one can pull a screen shot at a choice time. Even then still top 10. At the time those were taken; Nuke or was running the show because I was gone.

You trolls complain i am not there with your day to day cry baby crap. I give you all a temp ceo and you still screw me. I just can’t please spoiled brats.



If nothing else this game has taught me to hate everyone more.




Also, I love how deluded you are. You come in here, necro a thread expecting everyone to side with you, and then you throw a toddler’s tantrum when we call you out on your shet and then play victim.


You’re like the highschooler no one wants to hang out with.



That basically sums it up

I used to think you were ok, but now you have been added to the list.


oh no, not the list!?

Hey man, let’s be serious for a second.
I don’t think people are happy about the fact you “lost” your corp (or w/e happened), that can be really unpleasant.

Problem starts when you keep saying: “I had one of the best corp in this game”.
That’s just not true at all.
Your corp’smate were mostly good in only 3 things: trolling the forum, raging in game towards other players, zerging and farming lower tiers… Ops they were 4.
Sometimes your guys were so damn unfriendly with your own players that most of them (the good ones at least) runned away.

That’s the sad true. Noone ever was scared by your old corp’s tag, neiter considered players with CORP tag good or friendly or just whorth attention.

So if you want to keep saying that: accept the fact that all you can get from the playerbase is this thread.

Hey man, let’s be serious for a second.

but u can’t be serious.

Truth bomb has been dropped…

but u can’t be serious.

You know me, I’m a cutie pie. If I see a bunny headed toward a running train I have to save it. Shooting at his legs.

hell ban

A ban from a message board that lets the user continue viewing posts and making posts,

 but that makes it so no other message board users can see the banned user’s posts.

The hellban puts a forum poster in a sort of Twilight Zone.

 hellban > permaban

^ this would solve everything.Wouldn’t it?

Whatever trolls. Obviously my corp is not the best now,  because betrayal killed it. I never said it was the best.

I said top 5. Towards the end when I trusted others while I was away. The numbers dipped below top 5. Many only dream of getting to top 20 let alone number one for several months.


The devs changed the rules for most sectors owned at the end and changed it to influence score. At that time we have captured well over 1000 sectors we were clearly number one by a few hundred.

My corp was about dead then, because I had work. But either way Hate me for being successful and happy someone screwed me over. It seems like that all you trolls want anyways.


You guys can use all the reasons why you want to to discredit the numbers. But we was there in all leader board and sustained for longer than most.


You guys wont miss me, but I will probably stop playing. The reason I came here in the first place was my email was getting blown up over this hate speech for me.

The same reason i will uninstall again…


Not that any of this matters, but this whole tread brought up old crap.

The funniest thing is all your trolls claiming low I play teir pvp. I had rules against Ace farming. There will always be a few violators.

But the fact is most of you farm t2, or worse t1 if it was allowed…

I have yet to see most of you in t5(R15). Its all I play except for those dailies. and again most of you fly with protection on.


Your corp’smate was mostly good in only 3 things: trolling the forum, raging in game toward other players, zerging and farming lower tiers.

I was already there. If you knew why, then you would not be taunting me now…


hell ban

A ban from a message board that lets the user continue viewing posts and making posts,

 but that makes it so no other message board users can see the banned user’s posts.

The hellban puts a forum poster in a sort of Twilight Zone.

 hellban > permaban

^ this would solve everything.Wouldn’t it?

But the fact is most of you farm t2, or worse t1 if it was allowed…

I have yet to see most of you in t5(R15). Its all I play except for those dailies. and again most of you fly with protection on.


You’re a bloody idiot.

Whatever trolls.

Stop talking to yourself.


I said top 5. Towards the end when I trusted others while I was away. The numbers dipped below top 5. 

It was the zerg leaderboard, I won’t argue that your corp was in torp 5 of zergs.


You guys wont miss me, but I will probably stop playing.

At least for once you said something good (and true).


To bring it to the point, you first come back, say stuff which was/is totally not the case, we throw the truth on your face and now we are the trolls? 

Welp. You seem to be quite stubborn, we all tell you the same thing and you’re still thinking you are right, like you could never be wrong, but that’s actually what happened and what is happening, you are wrong, damn wrong. 

If everybody turns against you, isn’t it you then who is doing things wrong? Or do you go with the most unlikely probability and think we are all wrong and you are totally doing things right.

But the fact is most of you farm t2, or worse t1 if it was allowed…

not true! mecron doesn’t farm anything lol. 


also, most of these guys i see in t5 when they play. i know my pilot rating is usually 9k or above unless i do t2 tournament for vouchers. 

The funniest thing is all your trolls claiming low I play teir pvp. I had rules against Ace farming. There will always be a few violators.

But the fact is most of you farm t2, or worse t1 if it was allowed…

I have yet to see most of you in t5(R15). Its all I play except for those dailies. and again most of you fly with protection on.


And you wonder why everyone hates you?


Also, by “a few violators” you must mean 75%+ of your corp. Back in the days when the Corp was still at thing, I rarely saw Corp members in T3+.

not true! mecron doesn’t farm anything lol. 


also, most of these guys i see in t5 when they play. i know my pilot rating is usually 9k or above unless i do t2 tournament for vouchers. 

I actually farm the tears of people named DrDeath for my next summoning.

I actually farm the tears of people named DrDeath for my next summoning.


you could just say ex CORP members who have a reputation for being raging little children, that way kaiju and mothership could be included in your farm of tears

you could just say ex CORP members who have a reputation for being raging little children, that way kaiju and mothership could be included in your farm of tears

Mmmmm, my cabbages are blooming…


Also, I remember times when you and I played old sec-con with Virul and made kaiju selfdestruct because he didn’t want to face us.


Those were good times.