and now there are 3

Mmmmm, my cabbages are blooming…


Also, I remember times when you and I played old sec-con with Virul and made kaiju selfdestruct because he didn’t want to face us.


Those were good times.


Good times indeed. There were several games like that if I recall, then in his last one, he disconnected, and logged out of the game

I actually farm the tears of people named DrDeath for my next summoning.


The messed up thing is half of you were [CORP] pilots.

How ironic is that??


Oh wait you all will lie and say never.

But what ever.


The boss usually is the most hated guy in any firm. So many think they can do better, but as we see they could not do better.

The messed up thing is half of you were [CORP] pilots.


well… Zerg corps have lot’s of players and crazy player rotation. (coz u know after reaching mid-tier they realize how xxxxty Zerg corp is aka after few days-week)

Damn it. There is some person in the game chat that tells similar stories how he lost corporation to another guy and he goes like this for hours. He literally spams the chat about that issue. To this day I didn’t figure out what corporation, to whom and what the hell should I do with that information. He is just droning about it and when I asked some questions I didn’t get answers. So now I see we have two persons that their corporations were taken from them (is it actually possible? I thought you have to give up your CEO position to do this and doing so means that this corporation is no longer yours, so why those guys are complaining?) and I still have no idea what corporations were they. Nor do I care. If it was unlawful action - go to customer support. If it was lawful, end of story.

I’m just writing this, cause I am tired of the same story repeated over and over again. 

long story short, this guy (DrDeath from chat, or MassDeath here on forums) SOLD his corporation, for real money.

> The CORP or Arch or LIAR or w/e they called now

> Nuke(my spy) got CEO from Dr “for some time” coz Dr staphed playin

> When Dr got back Nuke were like I’m not givin it back

> Dr started sh1itstorm

> Nuke gave $$ Dr equal to creatin corp or something

> Dr staphed playin again

> months passed

> Dr got back to continue xxxxstorm

> Everyone said same story (more or less), Dr kept goin with conspiracy theories

> repeat last 4 points

> We here again

The messed up thing is half of you were [CORP] pilots.

How ironic is that??

Oh wait you all will lie and say never.

But what ever.

The boss usually is the most hated guy in any firm. So many think they can do better, but as we see they could not do better.

What are the chances that everyone here is wrong and you are right?

You’re like a scratched record you keep going on the same subject for a few YEARS.

Even if we do understand you what can we do?only listen to your crying.

And if you want to prove something show evidence and not trash talk.

You said your corp was in top 5 on all leaderboards,kostyan showed you screenshots and you still think you are right and everyone is wrong,those screenshots are from when i was in nasa and “THE CORP” was nowhere near top 5 except maybe in pve.But statistics only show how active a corporation is and not how skilled the players are except for ELO rating.You can see in game that some corps in pvp leaderboard are total n0obs but made it in top 10 because of activity.

Can we ban this guy already?

I second this motion

Can we ban this guy already?

nah, he funny

Now you all out to petition a ban me… WTF. Thats just rotten, and proves my point, the despicable people you all are.

I am trying to stay silent but you trolls just don’t stop.


I have honor, and if I was wrong I would say so, but this is not about right and wrong. This is about truth. Lie is something I rarely do.

Bad people tend to band together. It called mob mentality. Its a psychological thing. Google it. Not the movie.


As far as screen shots I used to have hundreds of them,  but a botched win 10 upgrade forced me to reformat. I took only one when I was number one. Which was every day for a long time in ALL LEADER BOARDS.

Never thought I was gonna need the proof. It was just for me. From what I see its still 13th in one leader board all dead.


Too bad the BIASED DEVS can’t step in and at least verify a leader board for time spent at what range.

If it was one of you then maybe. But I am the most hated guy here.


Hated for what, having more money, and being good. I see you all like a gang a thugs I eventually hunt down and destroy.


I will start spamming shots of each one of you as i find and kill you if I can hit f12 fast enough to get the shot.I actually have more, but failed to upload them to steam

You want a piece me? Tell me what station and I will go there. No need to wait to find you all in pvp, because most of you are just low tier farmers.


I just tried to post screen shots,but I am not allowed to use that extension?

Its not worth the effort to upload this crap else where. the forum should support steam uploads.


I guess this will have to do.


So you have killed terror and nuclear hail in pvp won a t3 tournament and got 6-10 kills in a t5 match with mauler vs no0bs?

Congrats you are the best player in SC.

Now show me a screenshot of THE CORP being first on ELO Rating leaderboard.

So you have killed terror and nuclear hail in pvp won a t3 tournament and got 6-10 kills in a t5 match with mauler vs no0bs?

Congrats you are the best player in SC.

Now show me a screenshot of THE CORP being first on ELO Rating leaderboard.


If you read, you would know my hard drive was reformatted because of a botched up grade. I don’t need to prove nothing to you basement dwelling trolls.


When I see you, better run… I will get each and every one of you over and over.

Last battle before posting this. This guy is on the list too. I killed him 4 times, but was only able to hit the screen shot button for 2 of them.

Hide your kids, hide your wife!


No need for further discussion.
