Ammunition -_-'

Projectile speed positron cannon V : 7325  (with implant)

with Supernova : 3885

with supernova + 48 precent speed increase, the projectile speed is : 5804.


it should be nerfed. even tho 7325 + 50 precent = 10999, - 43 precent = ca 5800


supernova ammunition is mostly for pve, never used in pvp. 


pic 1with supernova+48% projectile speed.check projectile speed and dps  pic 2 without supernova but with projectile speed +35 precent. , check projectile speed and dps

pic 1 (+48%  projectile speed, + 9,1 precent dmg)              pic 2 (changed projectile speed and put +18 precent fire rate and 9,1 precent damage.

2r225nt.jpg v8fsat.jpg



You messed with some other stats as well…

You messed with some other stats as well…


Positron 1, mid range.

Positron 2, long range.


The long range would be the better option since you’ll start hitting them sooner.  A 10% DPS boost is good, but you’ll miss more than 10% of your shots and loose that DPS boost.

dude, i been playing with this weapons all the time. i got 1.5 mill syrplus synergy* on that thing because of this weapon.


you miss way more without the speed increase. 5800 will make you miss everything that is over 3000 range, (not guards but here we talk interceptors and fighters) unless they move slow.


the other one is not made for long range. im just supposed to hit something thats all. i think mostly everyone uses the implant aswell as 35 precent projectile ammunition. unless its lasers or heavy blasters. 

So… your point being? What do you suggest?

Nerf the -43 precent projectile speed to something lower, or put it to maximum distance instead. the most important in this game on weapons is to have a good average speed to hit enemies. coil mortars are bigger bullets than positron. 


same with singularity and positron, this speed decrease is too high. 


i was also thinking of some slot for increasing missile damage/speed/range/ to have one sort of (same as ammunition for weapons just make a slot for ships specified to missiles, maybe it can be done on a CPU slot. 

Nerf the -43 precent projectile speed to something lower, or put it to maximum distance instead. the most important in this game on weapons is to have a good average speed to hit enemies. coil mortars are bigger bullets than positron. 


same with singularity and positron, this speed decrease is too high. 


i was also thinking of some slot for increasing missile damage/speed/range/ to have one sort of (same as ammunition for weapons just make a slot for ships specified to missiles, maybe it can be done on a CPU slot. 

I dont get it, do you want to BUFF Supernova ammunition or do you want to NERF it?

nerf the -43 precent decrease to projectile speed to maybe 30 precent or find some other solution in order to make the ammunition worth using. curved deflector is no problem but this is. 

nerf the -43 precent decrease to projectile speed to maybe 30 precent or find some other solution in order to make the ammunition worth using. curved deflector is no problem but this is. 

Yes, 10k dmg beachballs everywhere!

Yes, 10k dmg beachballs everywhere!

I support this. It actually means his Guards die that much faster.

nerf the -43 precent decrease to projectile speed to maybe 30 precent or find some other solution in order to make the ammunition worth using. curved deflector is no problem but this is. 

That’s a buf, not a nerf.

I think i understood what he tryed to explain.


He wants the supernova to reduce less projectile speed, so, a buff to supernova. What he doesnt get, is that the first modifier applyed to a weapon is the ammo, therefore if you put an ammo that reduces 43% of the range, and put 2 horions + implant the bonuses will be aplyed on the weapon already with the ammo modifier, thats why theres a big leap in proj speed.


And, he doesnt appear to know that such a change would be marvelous to the ones he keep complaining about, like interceptors with RF Blaster, Bubbleguns, etc…

Guards die fast just gotta have the right debuffs and right support ships your not supposed to solo guards in a interceptor

Guards die fast just gotta have the right debuffs and right support ships your not supposed to solo guards in a interceptor

But you can. At least in T3 I can solo a guard with a interceptor.

Super Nova ammunition is quiet good against slow and heavy ships.

Super Nova ammunition is quiet good against slow and heavy ships.

OP, I might add… I tried that in PvP, be an anti-Frigate Gunship… It’s… Menacingly effective… and the damage ticks… my god…


Guards die fast just gotta have the right debuffs and right support ships your not supposed to solo guards in a interceptor

I don’t even care what you wrote. ACCRETIA!!

There was a time when I used it on my Guard and my Engineer and I am currently thinking about refitting my Engi with it.

I think frigate warfare needs to be reimagined.  I’m getting tired of Coil Mortars.  Sure, some people use HB and PC, but they’re so much worse (at least for engineers) imo.  I don’t know, I guess I’m looking for something with a little lower dps that’s faster-firing.  Trying to use ANY of the frig weapons against fighters/interceptors is a nightmare.  Similar to how the PC is effective against slow, heavy ships, there should be a weapon that’s effective against fast, versatile ships.  Obviously, it can’t be overpowered, but enough to give an engie who’s been hit with a few missiles a fighting chance against 1 or 2 fighters/interceptors.


Edit:  I guess I’ll add this.  What if Engie drones couldn’t be destroyed by random missile hits?  If they had to be targeted, it would make them a lot more worth-while. 

There was a time when I used it on my Guard and my Engineer and I am currently thinking about refitting my Engi with it.

The problem with Supernova on Positrons is that you lose accuracy at range. We all know Frigates just die without proper support, so it’s a risk letting stuff come near you…