Alien ship rebalance

Just because of the upcoming alien updates I suggest that alien ship hull volume be reduced significantly and be countered with a moderately powerful base natural regeneration. Just to go along with the whole “living” part of the ships. Seems decent right? Xp

I also suggest that nearing them gives an “Infected” debuff that steadily grows worse over time. It would darken the HUD and start manipulating the visuals of the ship. Everything would look dark and green and once completely “turned” the alien’s would see you as an ally until provoked. Because as technology has improved, new bio-suits have been developed that allow pilots to maintain control of their ships without being effected by the alien virus.



I want some of what you’re having


But really though. Think about how those other poor pilots got turned in to biomorphs by the Defiler. Remember the lore that the devs threw at us???

Two pilots head out on a mission.

One vanishes.

He comes back infected.

Kills the other one.


+1 to this.

Would make sense for me.

Nope. Although they fight on the same side, Crystallids =/= Biomorphs (ship and pilots taken by the Liu Virus). So this should apply only to biomorph. 


I like the general concept, but when your ship gets totally corrupted, you should be considered “destroyed” and loose control of your ship, which becomes a AI-controlled biomorph. You have then the option to respawn with duplicator or get back to the station.

Now that I think about it, there could be some new multipurpose module (Or, even a totally new role!) crafted with living crystals, that infects other ships and makes them fight on your side, and also passives that increase your resistance to infection and EM damage.


The brainstorming is real!


My padawan.


I want some of what you’re having

I’m sure this was sarcasm. Or do you intend to die?


To the thread:

Theoretical sense, yes. Practical sense, no.

Although, if this allows me to get infected and shoot my so called “teammates” then I would totally approve it.

Fox you will get your climax soon enough, even without this. 


Autumn update…

T5 destroyers are not the main dish there   :001j: 


Autumn update…

Wait, so t5 destroyers are coming with the Autumn update?


That probably means that the developers are really going to use the ideas in the Ultimate Destroyer contest.

Don’t you guys get what fox is trying to do?!He wants to go out with a frigate and get infected by the Liu Virus and become a degenerate Hunter!



Don’t you guys get what fox is trying to do?!He wants to go out with a frigate and get infected by the Liu Virus and become a degenerate Hunter!


Gah! Foiled again by you tin-hatters!

But really though. Good idea. I was teally thinking of just using the alien virus like an actual virus and spread it across the everything. Like that one blood-virus that would spread from player to player via pets and ended up killing off an entire server because nobody but insanely high-level players could survive it.

Don’t you guys get what fox is trying to do?!He wants to go out with a frigate and get infected by the Liu Virus and become a degenerate Hunter!



Again, nope! 


You will just turn in a big biomorph, not a Hunter. Hunters are crystallids. 

Good idea! But when your ships gets infected you can play as an alien but you loose it completely - you have to buy and research it again  :fed008:

Good idea! But when your ships gets infected you can play as an alien but you loose it completely - you have to buy and research it again :fed008:

*gets ship turned alien*

*has to pay for it again*

*ship disintegrates from nuclear explosion*

*small repair cost*

I wanted to write something here, but there’s so much I’m not allowed to say yet  :01010:

I also suggest that nearing them gives an “Infected” debuff that steadily grows worse over time. It would darken the HUD and start manipulating the visuals of the ship. Everything would look dark and green and once completely “turned” the alien’s would see you as an ally until provoked. Because as technology has improved, new bio-suits have been developed that allow pilots to maintain control of their ships without being effected by the alien virus.


Looks like there really is a fox in me because I’ve been working on similar module and weapon suggestions for a week now. And some bonus too. I think you will like it. See here:

Again, nope! 


You will just turn in a big biomorph, not a Hunter. Hunters are crystallids. 

I said DEGENERATE Hunter,there is a difference!

I said DEGENERATE Hunter,there is a difference!

You are right, my bad. 

On 07/06/2016 at 11:22 AM, CinnamonFake said:

I wanted to write something here, but there’s so much I’m not allowed to say yet  ![:01010:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/01010.png “:01010:”)

Not allowed?By who?

No but srsly tho,dont give us spoilers!

CinnamonBun is under the SC NDA so he can’t say much aside from “mode is coming” and “soon”. Xp

Also, these new “Live Crystal Containers” make no sense. If it is living and used to grow more of it. Why cannot you have infinite of it from just one? Just feed it iridium to make it multiply! X3

CinnamonBun is under the SC NDA so he can’t say much aside from “mode is coming” and “soon”. Xp

Also, these new “Live Crystal Containers” make no sense. If it is living and used to grow more of it. Why cannot you have infinite of it from just one? Just feed it iridium to make it multiply! X3

You literally answered your own question. Even if it may lack a bit more:

Need to get energy - from what?

Can’t live forever.

Can’t replicate forever(even above would be infinite).

Would be inefficient(time and/or resource-wise).

Enough answers?

A note: Aren’t they just converter? Like you use specific bacteria to transform milk in cheese? Could be an answer also.