Alien ship rebalance

*feeds crystal some tungsten*

*it slowly changes in to infected gold*

CinnamonBun is under the SC NDA so he can’t say much aside from “mode is coming” and “soon”. Xp

Also, these new “Live Crystal Containers” make no sense. If it is living and used to grow more of it. Why cannot you have infinite of it from just one? Just feed it iridium to make it multiply! X3

You should feed it with something, have the right equipment and know the right procedure…

And I think Ellydium isn’t so stupid to give these secrets away like candies, considering they probably get a pretty big income out of these living crystals…

Let’s be realistic,the virus can live in void conditions(considering the space in the game is actually void,again sound cannot travel and fire cannot burn) but the distance cannot justify the spreading infection,it cannot just jump all the way to your ship,but if there would be probes containing virus strains that are launched towards the ship,a object that can pierce through the shield and the hull of the ship,take control over its systems and lifeforms inside it,that can be a more realistic scenario for me.

Let’s be realistic,the virus can live in void conditions(considering the space in the game is actually void,again sound cannot travel and fire cannot burn) but the distance cannot justify the spreading infection,it cannot just jump all the way to your ship,but if there would be probes containing virus strains that are launched towards the ship,a object that can pierce through the shield and the hull of the ship,take control over its systems and lifeforms inside it,that can be a more realistic scenario for me.

If you look closely to biomorph ships, you can see that they spread around some kind of black gas, maybe it’s made out of nano-machines (remember, they said that the Liu Virus is related to the precursors, which were able to build amazing stuff) equipped with some kind of propulsion system, maybe 1-time use gas-based thrusters, which are able to lock on nearby potential hosts, get close, and infect them. 

If you look closely to biomorph ships, you can see that they spread around some kind of black gas, maybe it’s made out of nano-machines (remember, they said that the Liu Virus is related to the precursors, which were able to build amazing stuff) equipped with some kind of propulsion system, maybe 1-time use gas-based thrusters, which are able to lock on nearby potential hosts, get close, and infect them. 


Let me link this here again: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30641-module-concepts-by-sin/?p=368061)

Let me link this here again: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30641-module-concepts-by-sin/?p=368061)

I’m lazy so I didn’t read it :stuck_out_tongue:


Anyway, it seems clear that we all agree on how the Liu Virus is spread.

You literally answered your own question. Even if it may lack a bit more:

Need to get energy - from what?

Can’t live forever.

Can’t replicate forever(even above would be infinite).

Would be inefficient(time and/or resource-wise).

Enough answers?

A note: Aren’t they just converter? Like you use specific bacteria to transform milk in cheese? Could be an answer also.

They could work like nanites (see Planetside 2): as long as you have the enough amount, you can build/heal/repair/revive/resupply anything :smiley: