Adaptive Shields


So is this “bug” going to get fixed any time soon? Fed is absolutely worthless to play with adaptives now. Can’t even do anything because you waste all your time accelerating and Feds have shtty hulls when using adaptives. 

The bug was that adaptive shields were buffing hull. They already fixed the bug.

Might be wrong tho.

The bug was that adaptive shields were buffing hull. They already fixed the bug.

Might be wrong tho.

Wat? No.

That they removed the hull buff was a bug.

With the hull buff the module was balanced, without it’s useless.

The whole federation is based on this modification, without it, they will lose everything. Want the old Adaptives back! Soon!

I still say keep Adaptives as they are.

I still say keep Adaptives as they are.


For inties yes. For fighters, empire was more scary than Fed before anyway. Now they are not even in the same league. 

For inties yes. For fighters, empire was more scary than Fed before anyway. Now they are not even in the same league. 

Give Fed more armour buffer or resists, then, to compensate. It’s a SHIELD modification, why would it ever affect armour in the first place?

Give Fed more armour buffer or resists, then, to compensate. It’s a SHIELD modification, why would it ever affect armour in the first place?


Because of scientific reasons.

The Adapt’a’tive Shield emitters emit an emission that imitates neutrons colliding with midiclorians to form an approximation of the aura of chaos space marines that partially absorbs the soul of the attacking weapons by using some toothpaste combined with a trans warp shield inducer and a small screwdriver.

You know nothing.  


P.S. Jesann you’re the expert in SC lore, please confirm this to Ory otherwise he won’t believe me and rest immersed in his ignorance. 

I still say keep Adaptives as they are.

Fine, I don’t mind playing empire and jerry only. Because the only way to make a ship work is to tank either shield OR hull. But with fed if you tank only in one you are in disadvantage because of slots and HP.


Hence the “speed” tank of the fed ships. Your tank is on par with other factions as long as you are in afterburning. Seems good for me.


I’m playing with jerry covert ops now, and they are fine anyway  so in case they don’t fix it, I’m not worried.

Fine, I don’t mind playing empire and jerry only. Because the only way to make a ship work is to tank either shield OR hull. But with fed if you tank only in one you are in disadvantage because of slots and HP.


Hence the “speed” tank of the fed ships. Your tank is on par with other factions as long as you are in afterburning. Seems good for me.


I’m playing with jerry covert ops now, and they are fine anyway  so in case they don’t fix it, I’m not worried.

That’s exactly why I said buff their armour a bit to compensate the lack of the Adaptive. Even the speed. Fed CovOps could reach 700m/s with just one module, why should Gunships be the only ones to do it, now?

Give a slight boost to hull hp and problem solved. In fact it would be much better because you get fixed hp buff instead of conditional resist boost.


And yes gunships reaching 700 m/s with 1 module is… bit too crazy tbh. Hit and run everyday.

Give a slight boost to hull hp and problem solved. In fact it would be much better because you get fixed hp buff instead of conditional resist boost.


And yes gunships reaching 700 m/s with 1 module is… bit too crazy tbh. Hit and run everyday.

The cruise engine is good for switching positions and gtfo, but as a combat module is a fail. You don’t have enough time at 700 m/s to kill anything, and it is too slow to just do strafing runs.


In Invasion though, it is an awesome module.

The cruise engine is good for switching positions and gtfo, but as a combat module is a fail. You don’t have enough time at 700 m/s to kill anything, and it is too slow to just do strafing runs.


In Invasion though, it is an awesome module.

Well lightbringers can run at 700m/s with pirate engine overcharge. Piranha can do with normal engine overcharge

That’s without cruise engine (which is a modifier, not module)

Well lightbringers can run at 700m/s with pirate engine overcharge. Piranha can do with normal engine overcharge

That’s without cruise engine (which is a modifier, not module)

Yes, they can do that, but they can’t fire meanwhile and they keep the maneuverability. As I said, it is a good GTFO button, but in combat is useless.


I’ve seen people in tier 4 commands and tacklers using the cruise engine in SQ, just to try capping beacons, but they are a dead weight for their team.

With the hull buff the module was overpowered, without it’s weak only on Federation.


Fixed that for you.

I always use Galvanized Armor on my ships, too often I get energy drained or disabled by bunch of ecm’s, or slowed by tacklers, therefore adaptive wouldn’t work, also plasma arc and frigate fighting results in low speed, also had a 7% weapon dmg buff for implant by flying 50% base speed or lower.

In similar ways that certain modules are specific to ship class, perhaps it is time to make Adaptive Shields the same way.  The issue here is that Interceptor resists were a bit too high when receiving buffs for shield and hull.  I agree that hull should not be affected by this module, so then it would be beneficial for the Adaptive Shields to remain specific to Federation ships only, and another similar fed module to affect hull at max speed (but maybe a bit more resists to help feds escape).  Another module can be devised for Jericho ships that were seeking the Adaptive Buffs (no ideas from me as to what it could be) since they won’t be able to access the Adaptive Shields under this new proposal.  Any ideas for new modules should be discussed.


When nerfing modules that affect multiple classes of ships, there must be some separation of those classes to keep the game balance intact.  This is what we are seeing: far fewer Federation ships (especially gunships) in response to this change and a reduced number of Jericho ships.  As of now, the Empire race is superior, or at least has a stark advantage.


If the developers are determined to leave the Adaptive Shields in their current state, they must come up with an option to level the playing field for non-empire ships that would utilize adaptive shields as part of their build.

Fixed that for you.

Idc, i just want the old module back for fed, then make it at least Federation exclusive, but if they remove the hull buff on all factions, they also destroy a whole faction.

In all honesty, it should be Jericho exclusive. Federation should have something on the engine slot that “bends” shots around their ships for damage reduction.

On 2014/9/19 at 4:50 PM, ShadowBlade3 said:

Yes, adaptive now only apply to shield.

Do they stack?