Adaptive Shields

A shield module buffing hull doesn’t make sence.


Would rather it still did though. I have some ships with double adaptive shields…


It would be nice if Fed had something better than galvanized armor. Odviously having to build for it is a bit of a draw back…

Finally a nerf to also those fed cov ops! Nice work devs!


I guess we’ll be seeing more Wakizashi Rs around now though…

It would be nice if Fed had something better than galvanized armor. Odviously having to build for it is a bit of a draw back…


But the Imperials would be the ones using it!

RIP my Adaptive-tanked Fed Engineers. You just lost yourself an clutch healer.

According to xKostyan in next patch they will come back. What we have now is nothing but a bug.

According to xKostyan in next patch they will come back. What we have now is nothing but a bug.

I am not te be held responsible for any decisions SC developers make, just quoting one of the Staff members, and according to him, that should come back next patch.

I think in the discussion, Syrinx and Oryngton were both right in their own terms.

Telling me 7% is nothing makes me laugh, because it depends on the size of the value. Also, take healing into account. So yeah, those 7% made the styx disappear behind the team again and gave him enough time to eclipse himself up to full hull.

While Empire truly wouldnt lose much, feds would be crushed, and well yeah, jericho would lose its ability to troll around with impossible shields and retreat with suddenly tanky armor, like a triple adaptive blood tormentor, but of course, in the end, they are also less affected, than feds.

Well but as residente said, xKostyan said its a bug. Which is weird, as I stated in the patch discussion, because the description was changed as well as the ingame effects, and even translated. So maybe it’s not such a bug, but something which is decided.

I would just simply reduce the hull value by 50%. Or balance shields after nerfing it like this. But then please also nerf Gigas to only affect hull.

edit: read your response xKostyan, i will still say its your fault! xD

What if adaptive shields grant a bonus to resistance based on maximum shield strength (calculated separately for intys, fighters and frigs). So a Jeri ship would receive more resistances but fly around at lower speeds, while Feds have better speed tanking but slightly lower resistances? Imperial ships would gain the least due to their lower shield strength. (Disclaimer: it’s 1:13am and I had a long day.)

Well but as residente said, xKostyan said its a bug. Which is weird, as I stated in the patch discussion, because the description was changed as well as the ingame effects, and even translated. So maybe it’s not such a bug, but something which is decided.

edit: read your response xKostyan, i will still say its your fault! xD

I agree that it doesn’t look like a “regular” bug, the guy did not specify what is the bug though, it might as well be that this change made to live server is the bug and not the functionality part, it could be that they are testing balancing of it on closed servers, and it could be that balancing is not complete yet, so they will revert it back, could be temporarily, who knows.


Problem with Adaptive is that it is overly efficient on one ships, making them too strong in certain builds, and in the same time it is what makes other ships even playable on “competitive” level and since it is possible to equip on any ship/role even a slightest change will effect very broad spectre of role balance.

I agree that it doesn’t look like a “regular” bug, the guy did not specify what is the bug though, it might as well be that this change made to live server is the bug and not the functionality part, it could be that they are testing balancing of it on closed servers, and it could be that balancing is not complete yet, so they will revert it back, could be temporarily, who knows.


Problem with Adaptive is that it is overly efficient on one ships, making them too strong in certain builds, and in the same time it is what makes other ships even playable on “competitive” level and since it is possible to equip on any ship/role even a slightest change will effect very broad spectre of role balance.

That’s what I guessed too. It looks too polished and well thought to be “a bug”.

I whish those testers and devs would also pour in some more medals into the daily play, closed testing is one thing, analyzing data another, but playing the tiers and facing different opponents, looking what is going on, would be also interesting for them :slight_smile: it would certainly benefit balancing.

I also agree to the problem with adaptives. it is almost perfect for feds, a choice for jerri, and simply troll on empire. But again mostly because of the ridiculous amount of resistance you can achieve on an already tanked ship.

I have no problems of it giving slight advantages in hull, since its only there when you move; but giving the same amount of resistance to both, combined with all other factors, seriously unbalances some ships, not all of them.

but my wolf m :frowning:

If it was OP, it should be nerfed.  Isn’t that normal?

If it was OP, it should be nerfed.  Isn’t that normal?


It’s not the wolf m, he can kick*** even in a silent fox

If it was OP, it should be nerfed.  Isn’t that normal?


don’t blame the ship man, just because a player can use a ship well doesn’t make it overpowered. thats like saying -


guards are overpowered because rakza wtfbbq’s everything




recons are overpowered because CerberusS pwns everyone

recons are overpowered because CerberusS pwns everyone

Hey, i’ve already beaten this guy in a Recon vs. Recon Fight, i had around 50 hp left. Berserker vs. Jarl! :smiley: But anyway, Recon is not my primary. Maybe one of them.

Just sayin’, don’t call the ship overpowered, call the player overpowered. Even with the worst ship… If you can handle it you smash the most players.

An average player has no chance against a veteran, even if it’s guard versus. Tackler. Just a question of implants, modules, experience & skill.

And your primary yeahalex, got nerfed temporarily cuz of a bug, that’s funny. :smiley:

But if someone comes and say ‘Recons are OP’, then i’ll come and…


Hey, i’ve already beaten this guy in a Recon vs. Recon Fight, i had around 50 hp left. Berserker vs. Jarl! :smiley: But anyway, Recon is not my primary. Maybe one of them.

Just sayin’, don’t call the ship overpowered, call the player overpowered. Even with the worst ship… If you can handle it you smash the most players.

An average player has no chance against a veteran, even if it’s guard versus. Tackler. Just a question of implants, modules, experience & skill.

And your primary yeahalex, got nerfed temporarily cuz of a bug, that’s funny. :smiley:

But if someone comes and say ‘Recons are OP’, then i’ll come and…



Cloak + jump + high hull stats + interceptor size + insane shield regen.

And your primary ships yeahalex, got nerfed temporarily cuz of a bug, that’s funny. :smiley:


so funny har har :stuck_out_tongue:



guards are overpowered because rakza wtfbbq’s everything


Can’t stop laughing xD

Cloak + jump + high hull stats + interceptor size + insane shield regen.

A recon can easily be smashed with an ECM, or another recon. No op aspects here. ECM is not OP it’s modules can be overpowered. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

A recon can easily be smashed with an ECM, or another recon. No op aspects here. ECM is not OP it’s modules can be overpowered. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


op ship can be smashed by op or another op

op ship can be smashed by op or another op

So in the ending they are all OP.

But some OPs are more OP than normal OPs.

*Confusing transmission end*