Adaptive Shields

Hei guys. I’m not sure about this, but did they nerf the adaptive shields to not apply to hull resistances anymore? That would be a huge mega nerf to the feds. They already nerfed them to 110% speed activation, now they removed hull resists alltogether? I’m not home so i can’t check, i’m just curious.


Yes, adaptive now only apply to shield.

Yes, adaptive now only apply to shield now.


That’s madness. Without the adaptives, you can say fed fighters are faster than empire ones. But that advantage is thrown out of the window by their huge xxxx hull size. 

Oh boy Star Conflict…


P.S. I’ve been patient with the game and the DEV’s decisions…i’ve seen alot of mad players out there raging for every little modification etc etc, and i thought “oh well, the game must go on, no need to rage on every little thing”. 

But this is a HUGE xxxx modification and it’s not even in the patch notes. It’s HUGE!. WTH?!?! Where did it come from? Why? 

I think someone pushed my rage button :slight_smile:

Yes, adaptive now only apply to shield.

Oh! hello empire ships! Because hull tank was not good enough.

Quick! Send the 911 to Yeahalex’s home! He got for sure an heart attack afther reading this.

Yes, adaptive now only apply to shield.


Great. Just great.

What?.. Alright, I guess nobody will use Fed engi anymore… 


Fed engi. With that slow speed (compared to cruise fighter), and that low hp (compared to Empire engi), plus the frigate clumsy mobility and this adaptive shield nerf… Equals a “super” glass engi that no one will use… 

It’s not necessarily the end of the world. It was a needed change against Imperial ships. However, as usual, the devs just ignored the rest of the downsides against Federate speed tank and Jericho Shield tanking abilities. By nerfing one, they mostly destroyed the rest.


Regardless, as I said on the patch thread, I am curious to know how the playerbase will compensate that slot that has, thus far for Imperial ships, been used almost exclusively for survival.

time to start playing empire only i guess. goodbye all federation builds and jericho interceptor builds i use, gg

It was a needed change against Imperial ships.


I really don’t get where did you guys get this idea with imperial ships nerf. Imperial ships have hull tanks. 3 hull slots. You can make 100’ish on all resists there, that’s what most people do. that gives you about 50% resists. If you add adaptives on that, you’ll get 57% resists or something, 'cause4 of diminishing returns. That’s + 7% damage resistance. And they have by default + 30% hull HP also. That’s like a 4’th hull slot with Armor Plates. 


So in the end, Empire lost 7% damage resistance. 


Federation on the other hand does NOT have more than 2 hull slots, and starts with a -30% hull HP. So there’s no way in hell you’ll get the same HP tank. Fed does not have space for Armor plates and those defeat the purpose anyway, and no space for proper hull resists. You can just plug some holes maybe. Without the 80’ish resistance that was comming from Adaptives, that was letting them reach the 50%-60% damage resistance, they are just screwed. Shields drop instantly anyway, no matter how much you tank them, because of the hitbox. And hull tanking on Feds is non existant. 


So in the end, Federation lost all survivability, not just 7% damage resistance.


Why are you saying that the purpose was to nerf empire? This is not an empire nerf. It’s just a RIDICULOUS Federation nerf.  

…I think i just realized that ACTUALLY they are trying to hit speed inties. They were very tough to take down if they had adaptives. 

This is probably part of the “Nerf Inties Without Touching Them” campaign. 1’st is A1MA, then adaptives nerf. 


But in my case, they hit my fighters really really hard. 


I think a better solution would be making a special version adaptive just for the interceptors, that gives only shield resists. And not screw with the fighters/frigates. 


Inties are OP atm anyway. 

games i think will start to be more static now with federation becoming obselete, sad times

I really don’t get where did you guys get this idea with imperial ships nerf. Imperial ships have hull tanks. 3 hull slots. You can make 100’ish on all resists there, that’s what most people do. that gives you about 50% resists. If you add adaptives on that, you’ll get 57% resists or something, 'cause4 of diminishing returns. That’s + 7% damage resistance. And they have by default + 30% hull HP also. That’s like a 4’th hull slot with Armor Plates. 


So in the end, Empire lost 7% damage resistance. 


Federation on the other hand does NOT have more than 2 hull slots, and starts with a -30% hull HP. So there’s no way in hell you’ll get the same HP tank. Fed does not have space for Armor plates and those defeat the purpose anyway, and no space for proper hull resists. You can just plug some holes maybe. Without the 80’ish resistance that was comming from Adaptives, that was letting them reach the 50%-60% damage resistance, they are just screwed. Shields drop instantly anyway, no matter how much you tank them, because of the hitbox. And hull tanking on Feds is non existant. 


So in the end, Federation lost all survivability, not just 7% damage resistance.


Why are you saying that the purpose was to nerf empire? This is not an empire nerf. It’s just a RIDICULOUS Federation nerf.  

That 7% is what generally saves you from death in most cases (at least for me, considering I end my fights at very low hull), so I still consider that 7% a blessing, seeing as it’s the most useful thing to put on Imperial shield slots.


If you paid attention to what I wrote, I mentioned it was a nerf to Imperial tank because it no longer affects their armour. I believe I also mentioned the fact that Speed-tanked ships are also, partially, useless and even Jericho ships were strongly affected by it. But the main point is that, in an attempt to nerf what’s overpowered, they break what’s stable.

You guys seem to not understand that a shield module buffing hull is just wrong. But I understand CO players’ tears. Having a small hitbox and +100 resistances everywhere + reduced damage from explosions was completely fine.

I like the change because for one we will see more Jericho COs and less Fed.

You guys seem to not understand that a shield module buffing hull is just wrong. But I understand CO players’ tears. Having a small hitbox and +100 resistances everywhere + reduced damage from explosions was completely fine.

I like the change because for one we will see more Jericho COs and less Fed.


but my wolf m :frowning:

You guys seem to not understand that a shield module buffing hull is just wrong. But I understand CO players’ tears. Having a small hitbox and +100 resistances everywhere + reduced damage from explosions was completely fine.

I like the change because for one we will see more Jericho COs and less Fed.

The problem is for fed frigates and fighters. fed and jerry ceptors don’t have tanking problems mostly because of the small size.

but my wolf m :frowning:


The problem is for fed frigates and fighters. fed and jerry ceptors don’t have tanking problems mostly because of the small size.


Wolf-M was a problem and a nightmare before, it was safer to fly a Wolf-M than a DE or Nukem, now it’s ok. The only big problem is the Piranha because of it’s size.





Wolf-M was a problem and a nightmare before, it was safer to fly a Wolf-M than a DE or Nukem, now it’s ok. The only big problem is the Piranha because of it’s size.


What about the tiger line? what about any fed frigate? Adaptatives were what give them tanking. If they have to tank only with shield, then give them more shield slots and more shield HP.

What about the tiger line? what about any fed frigate? Adaptatives were what give them tanking. If they have to tank only with shield, then give them more shield slots and more shield HP.


I’ve never used adaptatives on Panther, and I’ve done always ok. Idk how they feel when adaptative flying, so I was talking about Wolf and Lion series only.

What about the tiger line? what about any fed frigate? Adaptatives were what give them tanking. If they have to tank only with shield, then give them more shield slots and more shield HP.


Well, we need frigate adaptive shield then and interceptor adaptives. Interceptor adaptives should have current implementation, with the exception of frigates or maybe exclusive adaptive shields, which only affects Federation ships.

This imo is bad, because you can’t compensate one way or the other.


We need to devise something, which will still keep Federation ships competitive.