AdamWest 1v1 Challenge

come to the US and get ARs :smiley: Learn how to bump fire too!

I always feel bad for people in other countries where they have to jump through so many hoops to get guns. Even in California gun laws are too restrictive. :frowning: Texas would be nice but the weather isn’t for me.


How about next week starting Monday 2016/5/23.  I’ ll update the post.


I just finished my CFSC and CRFSC last week.  (AdamWest, more dangerous than ever!!)



Adam we can practice in eu server so if u can hit me under 200 ping u definitly sure can hit others 

well i see quite some reaction in this thread.


is it possible, we witness the mythical charge between batman and joker with the internet as catalyst causing other elements of the forum to become excited?


in any case, garlic jokes are alchemy.


p.s.: epic badaman vs. jokostycat? u 2 could be epic fight! just sayin :slight_smile:

Match 9:


       zzcFc5l.jpg?1    vs        ruplayer

Name:      AdamWest                              ruplayer    **                        Status - 1v1  (May 26, 2016)**

Score:             0                                            6

Looks like Takamina has taken a personal interest in you, Adam!

wait this game happened? or taka is just b!*ching around?

wait this game happened? or taka is just b!*ching around?



heh nice. taka still is the rambo king.


but that’s okay. torpedoes make him disappear.


heh his asian-style-perfection kind of ship handling does make wonder if he is some japanese zero fighter air ninja, but it says even russia on his profile location,…

Oh well, I find since the introduction of the blindspot for interceptors, playing a Covert Ops has become less of an art than before.

wait this game happened? or taka is just b!*ching around?


It all goes back to something I said in one of my video’s "  "  “If you want to become better challenge someone more experienced.  You will most likely lose”


I was lucky enough to go against Takamina for training.  I have not yet opened up the competition to Russians just EU and US.  And with my 3700 pvp matches under my belt vs someone with tens of thousands.  I do have to admit though, I really think taka is the best player in the game.  (that being said I look forward to our re-match and think I can do much better next time.)





Just look at the end of the video.  I learned do not pull range on taka as he will hit you regardless of the crazy maneuvers you attempt to pull off.


I remember one battle, he was on the enemy team. Guess what.


We lost.             

Remember this about any good player: they are good, but even titans can fall.


Discover his weakness, exploit it. ALL players have a weakness, no matter their skill level.

heh. love taka. except he is playing flux phaser. was a close one tho, adam.


I think he has quite his weaknesses, but they all dont apply to a 1v1 dogfight :stuck_out_tongue:


Best player, mhm, there are more roles to play, and not every role is best played by mainly going for kills.

But in the killing stuff department, I think you are even right, there he is possibly the best.

 I really think taka is the best player in the game.


How dare you saying that before it was my turn!

Last time I fought him it was 1:1 :<


If it comes to farming players… yeah, obviously the best. (Considering he killed the most players in the game)

And in 1v1 he is damn good indeed.

In random PvP, same, but you have teammates and even he will struggle with that, also you can bring different classes than him :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And I haven’t seen him in PvP for like… 1 year? 

I have not yet opened up the competition to Russians just EU and US.

That what i was thinking when i saw him and btw u should dodge better he clearly seems can hit u :slight_smile:

That what i was thinking when i saw him and btw u should dodge better he clearly seems can hit u :slight_smile:

Judging by the video it looks like he has a little trouble hitting things up close. Orbit and barrel roll.

Hey adam, try lowering your resolution next time you fight him. Apparently it helps to aim better. Also was he using plasma or RF blaster? It’s hard to tell from tha video, but it might be worth  looking into other weapons.

i hate low res pros …


sacrificing all fun gfx for making someones days worse (was quite common at cs 1.6 :slight_smile: )

Hey adam, try lowering your resolution next time you fight him. Apparently it helps to aim better.

I can attest to this, having tried both modes. For some reason, aiming at 1024x768 is a LOT easier than aiming at 1920x1080 in this game. I don’t know why.

I can attest to this, having tried both modes. For some reason, aiming at 1024x768 is a LOT easier than aiming at 1920x1080 in this game. I don’t know why.

Well in your case, it is because your potato cant handle 1920x1080 and it is a slide show…