AdamWest 1v1 Challenge

AdamWest 1v1 Challenge :


To All North American Star Conflict Players : (EU and RU will come later)




AdamWest - Winning the North American Trophy for killing Milf:



JpADjJR.png?1 0VWhZ2Z.png?1 tdLtrzw.png?1 7CozCMj.png?1



Recently I have beaten Star Conflict’s best and most well known Cov Ops player in North America in a 1v1 (Video Below).  What does that mean ?  Well, it gives a unique opportunity to make untruthful statements.  And most importantly gives me the ability to make Self proclamations:


If I beat the recognized best North American Cov Ops pilot in Star Conflict then it now makes me the best 1v1 Cov Ops pilot in North America - (#Iamthecaptainnow)




If anyone has a problem with this statement, anyone who wants to prove me wrong will have to kiill me twice in a 1v1.  They will get the belt and the Cup.


Beat me in a 1v1 and you could win:


qq857Wz.png?4  100 Dollar Steam gift Card:  For the First NA Player that can Beat me in a Cov Ops 1v1. 


If you don’t beat me, it’s ok you can still win:


qq857Wz.png?4  25 Dollar steam Gift Card for Best in Show


qq857Wz.png?4  25 Dollar Steam Gift Card for Best Style


qq857Wz.png?4  25 Dollar Steam Gift Card for Best Effort



Each fight I would post on the forums, win or lose and categorize the wins and losses for each player that has enough honor to 1v1.


What do I get out of this ? I get a crap tone of great video content I can edit all I want. I get to 1v1 against people which is my favorite part of the game.



Rules:  (Yes, there are rules.)


1)      Players must use T3 Cov Ops r9 or lower to 1v1. (T3 1v1 only)

2)      Players cannot use pulse lasers as their main weapons.  (Having pulse lazors would restrict the variety of builds as this weapon is a anti interceptor weapon.)

3)      Players cannot use auto targeting missiles also called “ (Having Small Missiles lessens the skill required for a 1v1)

4)      Players cannot equip or use whitenoise module (This weapon makes 1v1’s very boring )

  1.      Games will be team deathmatch to track kills.

  2.      Insulting other players or generally being offensive will not be tolerated.

  3.      Maps will be selected as randomly as humanly possible (there is manual intervention required.)


Prize Recipient Requirements:

1)      You must have a valid steam account. 

2)      You must be willing to provide said steam account.

3)      Must not break any of the above rules.






To sign up for a 1v1 it is simple post your ingame name on the forums or in game.  I will try to schedule a time we can both me on to kill one another. Round 1 of 1v1’s will start May 2nd.  Round 2 date has yet to be decided.  To make this fair for all players if more than 1 participant kills me in a 1v1 from round 1.  They will be participating in a Round 2.  If there are more participants that can kill me in Round 2 there will be some method to determine which player receives the 100 dollar steam gift certificate.  (Most likely a tournament between winning participants.)


If you would like me to use a custom image for your avatar please add it on the forums when you sign up for a 1v1.


Please Note:  Rules are subject to change as required:

Reserved For 1v1 Match Results:

North America:

Match 1:


       zzcFc5l.jpg?1    vs             qQlTrxY.png?2           Status - Was not online, will contact tonight (2016/5/10)

Name:      AdamWest                                        Milf

Score:             1                                                 0


Match 2:


       zzcFc5l.jpg?1    vs         **K5ptCFR.png?1                **Status - Ended in an Epic Tie.  (Omar dodges like Neo, on Meth.)

Name:      AdamWest                                      Omar

Score:             0                                                0



Match 3:


       zzcFc5l.jpg?1    vs         emMaY9L.jpg

Name:      AdamWest                                     Ketriaava**                         Status - 1v1 possibly tomorrow. (May 3rd, 2016)**

Score:             0                                               0



Match 4: Removed             

End Result : TIE  (Due to EU server selection)



Match 5:


       zzcFc5l.jpg?1    vs         bGB8pzd.png?1

Name:      AdamWest                                     Wolfkhan**                         Status  -Unable to Contact will try again tomorrow.**

Score:             0                                               0


Match 6:


       zzcFc5l.jpg?1    vs          T8IpMvg.jpg?1

Name:      AdamWest                                     CYBREATH**                       Status  -Unable to Contact will try again tomorrow.**

Score:             0                                               0




Match 7:


       zzcFc5l.jpg?1    vs          xRdaYBK.jpg?1

Name:      AdamWest                                     ForcedHand**   **

Score:             1                                                    0


Match 8:


       zzcFc5l.jpg?1    vs          eCbcoMj.png?1

Name:      AdamWest                                     DaMaria**   **

Score:             2                                                    0



European Union: (Matches coming)

Why T3?

Personally I think T3 is the most balanced of all tiers.  Not to mention when you get really good players in really high speeds at T5.  Sometimes they have issues and cannot hit one another or kill one another.  This leads to really boring matches to watch and bad video content for me.  HOpe you understand.

DO EU, NOW :smiley:

DO EU, NOW :smiley:

Give it a week or two then I think I might.  I have to get at least one win or loss from NA and I have no idea how to compensate for US ping vs EU ping.  - YES it makes a big difference.

Also I will always 1v1 you. I still haven’t see you play with your new PC>  more than 20 fps is worrisome.

Yeah maybe best of 4, with two fights on each server. If the score is equal then just keep going until someone has a two match lead or until a fixed amount before declaring a draw. Could work.

Or you buy yourself a plane ticket and come visit me in France!

Don’t forget to count me in too for the EU!Also maybe you can try out playing on the RU server if it happens to have the same ping or approx.

Also I did something stupidly hilarious today,I killed a tackler through a wall with the plasma arc and it was the cap.Too bad I didn’t record that one .

Personally I think T3 is the most balanced of all tiers.  Not to mention when you get really good players in really high speeds at T5.  Sometimes they have issues and cannot hit one another or kill one another.  This leads to really boring matches to watch and bad video content for me.  HOpe you understand.

i completly disagree with you i played t3 a lot with my Raper and she has 10m synergy just by doing pvp’s i was quite enjoying from it but when i get in t5 (not even have a proper layouts yet) i am starting to booring at t3 because u can really push your personal limits in t5 especially with SP custom ships, about hitting prroblems etc with pulse lazer and training it wont be problem for anyone and also why u dont want pulse lazers which is my favorite dogfight weapon i dont think u are 100% fair in this duels whitout a pulse lazer i can agree with guided missiles they dont requare much skillz but if u are the champ means u have the skill enough to handle a needle following u to hell but dont worry i will challenge you when i return to home and get a proper ping . I am not sure if its gona be a win for me (hard chances tbh) but i can promise a good fight!..

Don’t forget to count me in too for the EU!

Also I did something stupidly hilarious today,I killed a tackler through a wall with the plasma arc and it was the cap.Too bad I didn’t record that one .

Alt-F10 - Shadow play records 10min of gaming so if you didn’t record the match at the start and you do something kickass you can still have it in a video file.  Saves me alot.



Yeah maybe best of 4, with two fights on each server. If the score is equal then just keep going until someone has a two match lead or until a fixed amount before declaring a draw. Could work.

Or you buy yourself a plane ticket and come visit me in France!

Yep could work.  Also plane tkt in france and use your Wireless connection !!!  AHHHH.  I’ll talk to the devs see if they can give me a day pass in their hosting facility for RU and I will plug in directly <1ms please.  10gb fiber connection please. (yes, 10gb is bandwidth and has nothing to do with response time /latency.)

Hey Adam, that’s not even my final form! Can we do a re-match on USA server? You didn’t mention free Steam card so last time didn’t count I thought you’re just messing around :B

i completly disagree with you i played t3 a lot with my Raper and she has 10m synergy just by doing pvp’s i was quite enjoying from it but when i get in t5 (not even have a proper layouts yet) i am starting to booring at t3 because u can really push your personal limits in t5 especially with SP custom ships, about hitting prroblems etc with pulse lazer and training it wont be problem for anyone and also why u dont want pulse lazers which is my favorite dogfight weapon i dont think u are 100% fair in this duels whitout a pulse lazer i can agree with guided missiles they dont requare much skillz but if u are the champ means u have the skill enough to handle a needle following u to hell but dont worry i will challenge you when i return to home and get a proper ping . I am not sure if its gona be a win for me (hard chances tbh) but i can promise a good fight!..

Perfect !!! first person to sign up.  The problem with lazors and self guided missiles mean that’s the only build that people would bring. I too am much more proficient with lazors on interceptors than rf.  Every ship with out these rules would fit.  Self guiding missiles, pulse lazors, whitenoise any one who didn’t would have a massive disadvantage.  Where RF, plasma and srapnel are very similar when it comes to skill intensive.  Thus, these are the rules I came up with.  I am looking for great dogfights not really who has the best aim and missile reload speed.

Yeah 220-240 ping on US servers don’t do a Russian or EU one!

i think i can handle 200 ping (my regular XD)

Hey Adam, that’s not even my final form! Can we do a re-match on USA server? You didn’t mention free Steam card so last time.


Yep, For sure.  However, I cannot promise a US server.  The reason being when I create custom and select US I still sometimes get a EU server.  Also don’t you already have hundreds to thousands of steam games already  :)  Lastly,  there wouldn’t have been a steam card if I didn’t beat you.

Yeah 220-240 ping on US servers don’t do a Russian or EU one!

Is that you signing up ?

I can handle anything,(barely US)except Asia,im getting 500 ping there 

Mmh, I’d like to sign up, but I absolutely suck with interceptors in dogfights… Can I play bubble wolf-m against you? :stuck_out_tongue:


Also I’m in europe, so…  

I’m also in when you do EU (I will probably loose coz the last time I was flying an Inty was a month ago and I don’t play the game actively atm)

Me want

Me want

I also want this big time, hope we can find a time that works.  As you would be a very nice trophy.  :)
