AdamWest 1v1 Challenge

Best Covert ops pilots are Milf & Taka

Best gunships are Aggressor, TERRORBLADE & Cr0

Best tacklers, well a lot of players are great in tacklers, some are killers, others are grest in support roles

Best LRF pilots are JCNB, OmegaFighter & Tillowaty

Best engie is LudwigHR

As for Guard, recons, command & ECM there are a lot of players that do real good.

This is not the rang list so any of these players could be 1st or 3rd.

Milf is not north america’s best cov ops, ImInUrBase is lol.


I will 1v1 you m8 :D 


I’m NA best kill steal co ops, will send a missile to any low hull target any giving time :B



He ran away from my tackler… so yeah

Best at avoiding fights maybe


We all know that my RF blaster can’t hit anything furthur than 300m yet tackler gauss have 4k+ range, able to double slow me and cloak while I get close   :003j:



Half of them don’t even play the game.

Only Tillo isn’t playing, rest of them are still a few matches a day (not sure about Taka). And these guys can finish 5th out of 8 and still be ones that won a match coz they know what to do in every situation.

I’m NA best kill steal co ops, will send a missile to any low hull target any giving time :B




We all know that my RF blaster can’t hit anything furthur than 300m yet tackler gauss have 4k+ range, able to double slow me and cloak while I get close   :003j:

u are a great kill stealer bat a few days back my Jaguar made u pay for that :smiley: a few times

Best Covert ops pilots are Milf & Taka

Best gunships are Aggressor, TERRORBLADE & Cr0

Best tacklers, well a lot of players are great in tacklers, some are killers, others are grest in support roles

Best LRF pilots are JCNB, OmegaFighter & Tillowaty

Best engie is LudwigHR

As for Guard, recons, command & ECM there are a lot of players that do real good.

This is not the rang list so any of these players could be 1st or 3rd.

Son you have never had Ligatura heal you, have you?

heresy, milfs rockets are the stuff nightmares are made of, no comparison.

Everyone here is lucky that they are not playing with the old Missile Pylons. Here’s an old-azz vid of Milf’s rockets.



This vid is exactly the reason why I want the old pylons back.

Best Covert ops pilots are Milf & Taka

Best gunships are Aggressor, TERRORBLADE & Cr0

Best tacklers, well a lot of players are great in tacklers, some are killers, others are grest in support roles

Best LRF pilots are JCNB, OmegaFighter & Tillowaty

Best engie is LudwigHR

As for Guard, recons, command & ECM there are a lot of players that do real good.

This is not the rang list so any of these players could be 1st or 3rd.

takamina is probably the best cov ops. Best gunships i disagree with you on. LRF pilots you’re completely off. spamus is one of the best imo. Best engi you are dead wrong lol. 



I’m NA best kill steal co ops, will send a missile to any low hull target any giving time :B




We all know that my RF blaster can’t hit anything furthur than 300m yet tackler gauss have 4k+ range, able to double slow me and cloak while I get close   :003j:


You do steal a lot of kills but base did too. Challenge him xD

Son you have never had Ligatura heal you, have you?

NorthMetalhead is best engi IMO. I have had a lot of engis on my team and none has served me better. 

NorthMetalhead is best engi IMO. I have had a lot of engis on my team and none has served me better. 


Who on earth is that?

Who on earth is that?

The cousin of SouthWoodhead

lolno best engis are carieus and splita68

gl with fights. my ping is way too high to consider this

Who on earth is that?

rusky that is quite good at engi. Stormsystem will agree with me if you ask him :D 

lolno best engis are carieus and splita68

I disagree. It has to be KALEU

I disagree. It has to be KALEU

I vote for Lampshadious 

Ah! An epeen contest! Count me in for when you decide to play on eu AND with some serious stuffs like t5 ceptors :stuck_out_tongue:


If you guys want to make a list of best pilots/role you should also consider pilots that left long ago like yeahalex, "thespaniardragequitguy’ or aspari.

Or damn good russian pilots like jozer and drakoxxsomething.


Btw no, you can’t have my wine. I would never give away so easly my pressscious!

Ah! An epeen contest! Count me in for when you decide to play on eu AND with some serious stuffs like t5 ceptors :stuck_out_tongue:


If you guys want to make a list of best pilots/role you should also consider pilots that left long ago like yeahalex, "thespaniardragequitguy’ or aspari.

Or damn good russian pilots like jozer and drakoxxsomething.

Than might as well mention

Zerk1, ACiD, xtal, Roen, Recombo27, TNeoDC, radyogh, Djoylok, YellowSubmarine, Timenius and so on and so on :smiley:

takamina is probably the best cov ops. Best gunships i disagree with you on. LRF pilots you’re completely off. spamus is one of the best imo. Best engi you are dead wrong lol. 


You do steal a lot of kills but base did too. Challenge him xD

NorthMetalhead is best engi IMO. I have had a lot of engis on my team and none has served me better.

I’ve seen NorthMetalHead & he’s no where near LudwigHR. As for spamus. Didn’t see him play that much so I can’t say, well I can say Fedman & MyLittlePony are great sniper LRF but still think Omega, Tillo & JC are better. And these are guys I’ve seen play & know their value. And I’ve seen them do this in T5.

wait how long is this 1v1 lasts ? because it seems my games was too long and booring…

Than might as well mentionZerk1, ACiD, xtal, Roen, Recombo27, TNeoDC, radyogh, Djoylok, YellowSubmarine, Timenius and so on and so on :smiley:

I was mostley talking about some ships. Poliak was great in LRF, SpongeJohn is great allround player, yeahalex was also great in lots of ships, Summit also, TESLA, Jozer, Lelo & Anti did great in Sparks, Phoenixfire009 is anoying in her recon & ECM, porotzz is great in lot of ships, NERW in his bubble tackler/gunship… And there are many others that had a ship in which they are great…

Best engi across the board is Ligatura, period.

Best engi across the board is Ligatura, period.
