About offensive language and such.

Today I got muted for swearing at a person who was racist and spamming in chat.

I realized it was partly my fault, however I don’t think such a penalty would appear, but what angers me most is how there is offensive/swear words in-game pilot voices which, apparently no-one cared about but then a very big fuss is made about chat language. So I suggest that the in-game pilot voices to be changed, otherwise many people would see the staff as contradicting.

“Come on you sons of a b*tches, you wanna live forever?” (The only one that comes to mind)

“Die, a$$hole!” would be another.

Supporting their removal btw, they add nothing to the game and set a tone that should not really be there. And they do indeed ridicule chat moderation (not the moderators’ fault ofc).

I don’t really care about the voices, if you don’t want them TURN OFF YOUR SOUND ON YOUR PC!! 

I don’t particularly mind them either.  The things I say in real life when I get stabbed in the back with a space sword is way more offencive. :lol:

But I have noticed a lot of people who have been warned banned in chat point this out as contradicting, these voices do leave the wrong impression of the rules.

I don’t really care about the voices, if you don’t want them TURN OFF YOUR SOUND ON YOUR PC!! 

Well, if you don’t really care you won’t really care if they get removed either.

Besides, it’s not that, the thing is that the game shouts “Die, a$$hole!” at you but if you type the exact same thing in chat you’ll get banned.

Well, if you don’t really care you won’t really care if they get removed either.

Besides, it’s not that, the thing is that the game shouts “Die, a$$hole!” at you but if you type the exact same thing in chat you’ll get banned.


One rule for devs and players alike? Not in Soviet Russia!

Well, if you don’t really care you won’t really care if they get removed either.

Besides, it’s not that, the thing is that the game shouts “Die, a$$hole!” at you but if you type the exact same thing in chat you’ll get banned.

How do you know that someone shouts at you? But those words also helps to be less angry i mean when the game says ‘‘Die A$$hole!’’ and when it said it you were very angry you are actually getting less angry that’s why i sometimes like but i still don’t really care about those words so much.

So if devs removes it i aint gonna care that much.

How do you know that someone shouts at you? But those words also helps to be less angry i mean when the game says ‘‘Die A$$hole!’’ and when it said it you were very angry you are actually getting less angry that’s why i sometimes like but i still don’t really care about those words so much.

So if devs removes it i aint gonna care that much.


It’s the principal of the matter. What is enforced should be universal, and the game itself should act as a role model for pilot speech behavior. [aka, if swearing isn’t allowed in the chats, then the game should also not be swearing.] Its just a matter of uniform policy in regards to swearing. 


+1 Support for removing the dialogue, not because i’m offended, but because its contrary to what behavior is desired ingame by devs and just creates confusion.

If the game gets an M rating, a fifth of the players can’t play!  I think the poll said it was around 21% were 16 and under.

If the game gets an M rating, a fifth of the players can’t play!  I think the poll said it was around 21% were 16 and under.


M Rating is a game developer’s worst nightmare now-a-days too

I vote to leave the pilot voices, it’s more realistic. 

I vote for voice comms with mute option. THAT is realistic. I’d be goin’ “yatatatatatatata yatatata” when firing my guns or scream in despair before dying :smiley:


OH, PS: make sure mic cuts off for dead people, WAY FUNNIER to hear someone go “AAAAAAAAAAAAA-(dead)” :))

OH, PS: make sure mic cuts off for dead people, WAY FUNNIER to hear someone go “AAAAAAAAAAAAA-(dead)” :))

It does. It happened with me.


“We’re both on the same target, fire off a-” *Schkrk*

You don’t get it, i’m not referring to the lame bot voice comms. I know it happens but they’re already damn boring since there’s only a very few presets, repetitive and unexcited voice-acting. It’s a lot different than when you hear someone yelling “Oh yeah, bring it! COME AT ME B -(dead)” in a real act.



You mean like that Astraal? :stuck_out_tongue: Screams everywhere!



You mean like that Astraal? :stuck_out_tongue: Screams everywhere!

In space, maybe, but more like this:

Haha yeah alright. Sounds a bit like some LFD2 matches :P 

Would be fun to have :slight_smile:

Support. Like several others have already said: not due to being offended by certain words, but due to seeing this as hypocritical.