About offensive language and such.

To steer things back to the issue, It should be removed. I was watching some of the first trailers for the game and was actually surprised by the profanity in it. Its not that i’m offended. But simply put your going to have a bad time trying to get players to obey rules to keep chat clean when your very trailers and game dialog curses right along. To solve the problem it just needs to be removed, and would just cause far less problems for the developer in the long run.

To steer things back to the issue, It should be removed. I was watching some of the first trailers for the game and was actually surprised by the profanity in it. Its not that i’m offended. But simply put your going to have a bad time trying to get players to obey rules to keep chat clean when your very trailers and game dialog curses right along. To solve the problem it just needs to be removed, and would just cause far less problems for the developer in the long run.

I disagree.


Let’s be realistic; between the two problems it would seem that the rules need to be changed, not the game.


I’ve never played in a game that was so strict on profanity, yet had an in game filters.


Clearly the game is not targeting an E rating either, because let’s be honest here, when you make a Free-To-Play game with purchasable content, your target is the working population, which are (in the US - at minimum) 16 years old. This game is not targeting 8 year olds. 


If nothing else, at least a “clean” option can be applied to filter both the pilots and chat , but the strict moderation is out of place in a game that takes after military traditions which are far from being non-profane. 

The only thing the moderation should be for is spam, and circumvention of the filter.

The filter is there for a reason. As long as it is not circumvented, there should be no need for moderation.

The filter is on by default. Also when you see the filter circumvented those words should be entered to the filter list so future moderation is not needed.


Good coding is better than any human moderation. Add new word to filter and be done with it. The report word feature should enter these word automatically, to save the devs time.

And a review for entry sent to make sure trolling is not happening.


Hope this is useful criticism. Vote my comment up please if you find this useful or agree. I vote up all comments I agree with.

I think that the game should mute the in-game language on default, but allow players to unmute it in audio settings. It seems like the best way to do it, if you are trying to cater to both those who don’t mind the language and those who do.