A way to fix t4-t5 queue

Why not make Sector Conquest open 24/7

and instead have main cycles every 12th hour or 24th hour (currently it is 12th hour)

just let those who wants play sector conquest at all times and to gather point for corporation. many people cant play at those times given and does not want to wait.

We queue too long in tier 5 everyday and in sector conquest its more players and much faster games. 

There is no looting in sector conquest and its only capture the beacon mode, so i dont see why it could not run 24/7 and people could gather points for corporation at all times and have main cycle every 12th hour. 

This also proves what corporation that is currently playing the most sector conquest.


As for people to be able to have better and more player based matches in t4-t5 gives them a chance to lvl upp their ships faster, also it makes the games more fun with more players aswell. as for what it is now, its t2 and t3 farmers who already have t5 ships but never play’s t5 due to lack of players. “wich they say, but its just because “they think it is like that” and thats why it becomes like that” 

Just one question, how big are your groups in SQ and Arcade?

We might start doing wings, and if other corps are doing 5+ corp wings too, we are willing to try the same. As for arcade, if you group 4man you have to wait for another or some 3 mans+3 or +2 if not a 4man to enter the game, otherwise no game (problem that is not present so much in T3, but if situation became better in T5 than yes, I’d like to play T5 but you see yourself you are not getting the games).

Remember : Wings MUST face other wings. If there is no wings in Q then you will NOT get a match. (correct me if I am wrong) 

That’s exactly why I’m asking. Are you guys making any wings in NASA?

I will tell you why not: 


  1. Sector Conquest is by definition the end game. Sector Conquest was designed so the top elite players could play their elite ships and get some rewards. Your suggestion would just make the famous zerg corporations get every single sector. 150 above average players playing 24/7 winning points either killing other scrubs or being carried by good players. 150 players making a bottom corporation get every single map.

  2. You have PvP for that. If you want to play T4/5 24/7 go play PvP.

we tried wing yesterday, sat there for 10 minutes and then everyone left and vent into queue instead and got game instantly.


you cannot see how many wings there are neither can u know if there is anyone in queue wich is most important to know. 

I will tell you why not: 


  1. Sector Conquest is by definition the end game. Sector Conquest was designed so the top elite players could play their elite ships and get some rewards. Your suggestion would just make the famous zerg corporations get every single sector. 150 above average players playing 24/7 winning points either killing other scrubs or being carried by good players. 150 players making a bottom corporation get every single map.

  2. You have PvP for that. If you want to play T4/5 24/7 go play PvP.

WE are currently Doing PVP, but the QUE is 5 min + every single time and either 3v3 or max 8v8 games.


Second off, if it was end of game mode, they would not allowed T4 ships to be in there. (quite obvious) its just for corporations to take sector and gain sector points. its not even a ranked match.


I wanted something new like ranked match for end-game and a leaderboard for that. Thats way interesting and skill based. Sector Conquest is not skill based, "just the most amount of players that you can get into playing sector conquest even with losses is the corporation that will get most influence points in SC* 

WE are currently Doing PVP, but the QUE is 5 min + every single time and either 3v3 or max 8v8 games.


Second off, if it was end of game mode, they would not allowed T4 ships to be in there. (quite obvious) its just for corporations to take sector and gain sector points. its not even a ranked match.


I wanted something new like ranked match for end-game and a leaderboard for that. 


If you open Sector Conquest 24/7 you T5 PvP will end being literally deserted.


And btw just fyi, T4 ships have already 9 passive slots, they can deal with T5 with no problems unless you’re a bad player.

If you open Sector Conquest 24/7 you T5 PvP will end being literally deserted.


And btw just fyi, T4 ships have already 9 passive slots, they can deal with T5 with no problems unless you’re a bad player.

oh yea just expect everyone else to be worse than you right in t5 when you come with t4 right.


T5 abilities is better and their dps will be higher, its not just “no problems,” what you do when u come a t4 vs my guard with 120 000 survival?

oh yea just expect everyone else to be worse than you right in t5 when you come with t4 right.


T5 abilities is better and their dps will be higher, its not just “no problems,” what you do when u come a t4 vs my guard t5 with 120 000 survival?


I bet 50 Euros than a T4 ESB/Nova wing would obliterate a T5 “Inset your corp name” wing anyday, regardless of the better dps. 

That’s exactly why I’m asking. Are you guys making any wings in NASA?

We’re lucky if there is a game bigger than 4v4 in our time zone. Almost every SecCon we have more than enough people to make a wing, but there’s never anybody to face…

During EU times, wings are relatively easy to get a game, thing is that you have to directly contact opposition corporations, currently no one assemble wings and go into Q, but with notice there are quite a few corps on each faction that desire to play in wings


In NA time there is no one to contact to form a wing, our games 3v3-6v6, mostly 4v4.

I bet 50 Euros than a T4 ESB/Nova wing would obliterate a T5 “Inset your corp name” wing anyday, regardless of the better dps.

there is only one or one and a half nova squad that actually is good, the one with myrmiddon, the other players are, mhm average t3 ppl.

3v1 no problem.

3 ppl face me right off,

Who wins, me or ESB bob and the 2 others ?



Unfortunately 2 guards and one engi is hard to kill without any torpedos left and by slowing me down with guard module it got tricky. =)

During EU times, wings are relatively easy to get a game, thing is that you have to directly contact opposition corporations, currently no one assemble wings and go into Q, but with notice there are quite a few corps on each faction that desire to play in wings

In NA time there is no one to contact to form a wing, our games 3v3-6v6, mostly 4v4.

Have you even done a wing game at all? go corporations and ELO rating. nasa is not even there. there is 8 corporation in all that has got a wing match in 2 weeks or something since it came from the patch.

what makes you say what you just said ? =)

there is only one or one and a half nova squad that actually is good, the one with myrmiddon, the other players are, mhm average t3 ppl. 




Good one. If they are average T3 where do you belong? I have heard that you ragequitted after a player named Rakza wrecked your xxxx


Also arent you the famous guy everyone makes fool of?

Also arent you the famous guy everyone makes fool of?


No, he’s the best player in the game. He can solo anyone, including a 4 man ESB squad without breaking a sweat. Haven’t you heard of him?



Good one. If they are average T3 where do you belong? I have heard that you ragequitted after a player named Rakza wrecked your xxxx


Also arent you the famous guy everyone makes fool of?

as in average t3 gaming / skills, whatever you would call it. 



lol no offence here. no need to make a scene about everything i say. 

there is only one or one and a half nova squad that actually is good, the one with myrmiddon, the other players are, mhm average t3 ppl. 


You must be serious business if Nova is average T3. I still wonder why you denied my request of doing a T5 WPK (the T3 farmers) vs CORP battle.

No, he’s the best player in the game. He can solo anyone, including a 4 man ESB squad without breaking a sweat. Haven’t you heard of him?


So the legends were true…


as in average t3 skills, 


I knew your English understanding was limited but this has gone too far, have a good day MrDerp

Have you even done a wing game at all? go corporations and ELO rating. nasa is not even there.  there is 8 corporation in all that has got a wing match in 2 weeks or something since it came from the patch.


what makes you say what you just said ? =)

There are NO corporations in NA (our prime) time capable of making a wing, all of those corporations are EU/RU time zone, which 8-10 hours away from us.

I know that there is interest in wings, there are corporations capable and wiling to form wing for sec con, but since gametools are not there it has to be organized by players, same way tournaments do -contact opposition and settle on sec con cycle for a fight. I know this because i have seen those corporatin representatives saying so.



I wish cursing was alowed on this forum, so i could express myself in a correct way regarding Mr.DerpDuck.


Why dont you just stop to think before you smear your “Knowledge” on the forums? You come here, basically insulting everyones intellect with your crazy ideas, seeying yourself as a big badass while in fact you are the kind of player usually called “Cannon Fodder”. Your SO “Frightening” 120.000 surv guard would be good for only one thing, to serve as an extra target while someone worthy on your team do something while people are distracted by “your magnificense”.


You come here with photos of weak wins, against some untrained or unlucky persons and brag about it, must we ask nOw to start collecting pictures of you being grinded on your loved guards to shut you up?