A way to fix t4-t5 queue

I have no problems getting into t4 PVP… after 1am when all the Russians are on. Actually somebody from NASA was on last night…forgot his name though. Rhomboid or something like that.


You must be serious business if Nova is average T3. I still wonder why you denied my request of doing a T5 WPK (the T3 farmers) vs CORP battle.

if you didnt delete all the comments so fast.

then here

4 corp, 2 saved. vs 1 esb and 4 wpk and dead19


1200 rating ppl vs 1700? woho. check out score and beacons* psychokiller would have  600 score without the beacons he captured. clearly a killstealer. 

wich means i would been n1 without all these beacons in the way. dealing all the damage is what i do best. 


no one is the best.

just one comment, : this game needs more players and more t5 games for those who wants to try out variations on ships and implants. 

DUDE, you killed ONE!!! And most Likely IT WAS A PULSAR KILLSTEAL, or a Torpedo to the face, like thats a show of how skilled you are.


Now, can you please show all the other 200 battles that you probably got your butt kicked so hard it went to the moon?


And i re-ask what i think residente asked: Why you guys from the corp, with all your might didnt accept the challenge we proposed? Afraid to have your pride hurt?

DUDE, you killed ONE!!! And most Likely IT WAS A PULSAR KILLSTEAL, or a Torpedo to the face, like thats a show of how skilled you are.


Now, can you please show all the other 200 battles that you probably got your butt kicked so hard it went to the moon?


And i re-ask what i think residente asked: Why you guys from the corp, with all your might didnt accept the challenge we proposed? Afraid to have your pride hurt?

or you can take a loss like a man

I didnt delete any post BTW.

That was a solid game. We have to give the enemy team credit - you guys did better than expected. Last time we fought your players it was nowhere near that. We also had a bit of trouble with our berserking engineer, who was not carefull enough.

I am actually excited that you guys are putting a good fight in that tier. You can expect to see us more often now. Don’t worry, next time we’ll come with a real squad. This is not over.


Also, Kraimax, it’s not a shame to admit that we failed. It’s not important what happened in the past, and if they improved their game it’s a different story. It is important what is happening today. And we should not be as offensive against fellow players, they played great after all, so please keep things civil. So you can go back on your leash now and congratulte them for the win instead:)

if you didnt delete all the comments so fast.

then here

4 corp, 2 saved. vs 1 esb and 4 wpk and dead19

1200 rating ppl vs 1700? woho. check out score and beacons* psychokiller would have 600 score without the beacons he captured. clearly a killstealer.

wich means i would been n1 without all these beacons in the way. dealing all the damage is what i do best.


He carry you and you call him kill stealer?

Also just for you to know capturing the beacons is what you are meant to do. What’s that of “if he didn’t capture the ceacon I would be number one”? You clearly didn’t and instead of being thankful to him for giving you a win you trash talk in the chat and call him kill stealer in the forum.

Teenager gaming community in a nutshell

Well, im not contesting that they won, thats clearly a legit win, and something to be proud of. Im contesting his right to use that to brag when theres probably hundreds of photos lurking somewhere showing him losing other battles in ridiculous way.



Also, Mr.Duck, if that guy you called killstealer didnt killed those who he killed, you would have lost, because everybody knows that against good pilots, the hardest part to kill them isnt to take out shield, and some hull, it is to take out the last 25% of hull, because good players know when to retreat, and to make that retreat fail you need much more skill than just spamm torpedoes and pulsar everywhere.





2 beacons = 600 points, 1383 - 600 = 782 Points, with 6 kills 13 assists.


btw i dont use pulsar cause its bad, u lose ur shields instantly if u get attacked and shield on gunship is weak. 


Also all from our Corp does Not play as a group “atleast not yet not specific group” we just get our ships and play like regular randoms but we talk to eachother and follow eachother a little bit more than randoms that it. we dont have any specific strategies, just the ones that comes to mind when u see allies choosing ship types. 


Duh ur a <fluffy bunny> Residente. ur not even close to teenager yet. 


User has been warned for this post.

Since im a guard bro, 


I damage the enemy to low health > The enemy starts running with low health > my teammates with Interceptors or tackler or god knows takes the last 3 shots at them and kills them > 


Onliest ship that is tricky to kill is Recons that use microwarp to get away thats all. gunships can be tricky aswell if they have the speed boost. 


If you dont witness anything in the game with us you cant say anything about us either. i already have posted enough Screenshots 2v2 Raymaru and mendoza vs me and another corp member. and +30 screenshots atleast of good matches with ESB / and other good clans. wich was 10 Months ago all the way until now. 


And you guys dont have anything to show how skilled you are.  you just think, oh i got good rating im good. duh its called play recon and run away or ECM or gunships and play as safe as possible. 


play safe = rating

play for fun and have fun = not rating. 


Its nothing more to discuss.


like hell if i would care annymore about a guy who says having aprox 800 points 6 kills and 13 assists is not killstealing 

here you can get 200 per kill and assist, u can actually get more if you die. and this guy has basically 35 points per kill / assist he has done. 

-Close the damn post before its too late. 


if u look page 1,  i posted a picture, i had 1 kill and i vent in 3v1 cause all my teammates had died, 3 v 1 u see all of them is gathered coming against me with a ESB player. wow it ended upp with me killing off 4 ships alone when they all ganged me at the same time and i died when they put up 2 guards and one engi as their last ships vs me. im not superhuman to deal 20 000 dps either. 

It also tells you i had got 900-950 points for killing 4 ships. 

Since im a guard bro, 


I damage the enemy to low health > The enemy starts running with low health > my teammates with Interceptors or tackler or god knows takes the last 3 shots at them and kills them > 


If your teammates dont kill it, they would return to the engie, repair themselves, and come back to kick your butt. But, you call that killstealing. You just called the guy who really finished the most enemies a killstealer for doing a job you can’t do. You said it yourself, that you “do dammage” and the others have to finish the enemies, otherwise your team would lose the game because you couldnt finish the enemy, and you call them killstealers? LOL


Onliest ship that is tricky to kill is Recons that use microwarp to get away thats all. gunships can be tricky aswell if they have the speed boost. 


If you dont witness anything in the game with us you cant say anything about us either. i already have posted enough Screenshots 2v2 Raymaru and mendoza vs me and another corp member. and +30 screenshots atleast of good matches with ESB / and other good clans. wich was 10 Months ago all the way until now. 


Thats a lot of screenshots, asuming you screenshot every battle you win, and taking into consideration the number of battles you have, so, where are the rest of the aproximate 2500 battles that you have not won? Your win/loss ratio is 1.07, that means a LOT of battles you lose, why dont you take screenshots of the countless battles you lose for each victory you get?


And you guys dont have anything to show how skilled you are.   …


Maybe thats because we tend to play the game instead of playing photographer screenshotting every win.

Pointless thread, locked.