a suggestion for potential solution of pilot shortage

Since we know how bad are, i have a suggestion.


I recoMmend that T3 pvp (and only pvp) get their weakly awards.




At least, first time T3 players will have a chance for weakly awards and achivements



Your thoughts?

Then he waddled away

dont think this will help to be honest mate

header updated - please dont use caps


thank you for your input, but how should this attrack new player?

Step 1:  “Release” the game.

Step 2:  Advertise.

Step 3:  Get more players.

Step 4:  Profit!!!

Players who play tier 3 and who are in a corporation can form a group and try to get weekly prize.


I play mostly tier 3 because of shortage of players. So if I am playing tier 3 i wanna fight groups, not randoms who are just trying to get a win for 2X bonus and done fighting.


This way they will at least try to do the objectives and get as highest as possible synergy,


Since it is tier 3, in my opinion weekly prize should be 300 gold, pvp only

Two things that your solution fails to address:


  1. Doing the same 4-5 modes on the same 8 or so maps repeatedly gets boring quickly, especially when…


  1. Players such as yourself and others are so good that intermediate players, such as myself, have no interest in playing if my synergy rewards will practically drop to zero.


And, to answer the next predicted response:

No matter how much I play against players that are better than I am, my skill level will not improve. I have reached a plateau and can’t play enough to overcome it.

Try Osu, aimbooster or other training programs. My performance when I use my left hand to shoot has increased but my right hand needs muscle memory.

Having better hardware and living close to Mother Russia helps also.

Honestly, the game shot itself in the foot a long time ago. They should have been advertising and pushing the player count up. As it is, I’m not convinced it can avoid a death spiral.


New, inexperienced and utterly useless pilots are being thrown into matches with hardened veterans who utterly destroy them. The reason for this is that the tier system isn’t working.


The reason the tier system isn’t working is A) all the money is locked in tier 3, and B) not enough players are in Tiers 4 and 5.


The reason there aren’t enough players in tiers 4 and 5 is because A) experienced pilots with low-synergy and xxxx gear don’t want to fly against hardened vets with full synergy top-gear when they could fly lower tier instead and have full synergy and top-gear themselves, and B) Long queue times (caused in part by A and in part by the fact tier 5 should never have been released) make people move down. Also, with Tier 4, we have C) the morons put mixed tiers back in, which nobody wanted.


So, the best players in T5 are pushing the mediocre ones out of tier 5. They are also pushing almost everyone out of tier 4 because the Devs mixed the tiers. These people are all being pushed back to tier 3.


But what happens in tier 3? Well, newer pilots get there, get farmed, and get sick of it. So they quit, or they move down as well. When that happens, queue times increase. When that happens, more people are tempted to try moving down again to Tier 2, which has more negative impact…


Is this fixable? Perhaps, but not easily. Many suggestions on how to fix it have been given. None have been listened to because none of them came from Rusian ESB pilots. Still, here is how I would fix things at this junction.


1) Advertise the damn game!

2) Separate Tier 4 and Tier 5 again.


Now, from here on out I’m expecting flak, but remember why I’m suggesting this; to push good players OUT of Tier 3 and into Tier 4 and Tier 5.


3) Move all Tier 2 DLC and Pirate ships to Tier 3. Upgrade their stats and slots accordingly.

4) Move all Tier 3 DLC and Pirate ships to Tier 4. Upgrade their stats and slots accordingly.

5) Fix Tier 3’s ship tree.


Why do this? People are going to stay where the money has been spent, and the bulk of the money in this game is in Tier 3. That was fine when Tier 4 was only for serious corporate competition, but the Devs shot themselves in the foot by putting all the money low down. And it’s not an inconsiderable some of money either; we’re talking hundreds of dollars worth of content!


By moving this content up a tier, you encourage the people who use it to move up as well. This means more people in Tier 4, and that tier 4 now has the most P2P ships and content. This should, hopefully, make Tier 4 the default tier for people who invest money in the game.


6) Offer Gold Standards to pilots who have maxed Tiers 1-3 if they fly Tiers 4 and 5 instead.


Why do this? Because GS is one of the few things the devs can really dangle in people’s faces. We’re trying to convince people with hundreds of millions of credits and pure-purple ships to move up and away from Tier 3, so the only thing that could conceivably be given to them as a reward for doing so is Gold Standards.


The trick is to find the balance between amount of GS and how you earn it. Perhaps something like “complete five PvP battles” could earn a small portion of GS. This also encourages players to max out their lower ships, which could potentially pull in some income from people converting Elite Synergy to Free Synergy.


Also, five battles may not sound a lot, but even if people just play five games for the GS and go back to Tier 3, it’s still a small boost to higher level player count and a respite for the people below.

1) Advertise the damn game!

2) Separate Tier 4 and Tier 5 again.


yep. i don’t see why they don’t advertise the game every now and then instead of waiting for the big release which wont happen for the next 6 months at least. sure advertising costs money but more players = more revenue from dlc’s etc. 3k+ people in the hanger causes hanger lag but i am sure they can fix that when they start advertising

The reason there aren’t enough players in tiers 4 and 5 is because A) experienced pilots with low-synergy and xxxx gear don’t want to fly against hardened vets with full synergy top-gear when they could fly lower tier instead and have full synergy and top-gear themselves, and B) Long queue times (caused in part by A and in part by the fact tier 5 should never have been released) make people move down. Also, with Tier 4, we have C) the morons put mixed tiers back in, which nobody wanted.


1) Advertise the damn game!

2) Separate Tier 4 and Tier 5 again.


Yes. and yes. The longer the hardened player base plays without new players the more discouraging the entire game will be to new players.

1) Advertise the damn game!

Look, don’t just fixate on points 1 and 2. They alone aren’t a solution. A big influx of players would be nice, but how many of them would carry on in the current game environment?


As new players come in, we want the old guard to make way. One of the things that many people (myself included) have complained about is how people think the point of the game is to rush to Tier 5 now, whereas before the point was clearly to progress steadily upward. My reworkings encourage that.


Consider: one of the core elements I mentioned was paying GS to high level pilots, but it is reliant on them maxing out the tiers below. How many games does that take? Answer: a lot. You can max tier 1 in a weekend easily, or an afternoon if you’ve got a license and some maxed ships already. Tier 2 takes a little longer. Tier 3 is where it starts to become a slog, but even then it’s not too bad if you’ve got a little cash behind you.


The goal of this is to establish a low-level grind, but it’s grind with purpose; it encourages you to clock several hundred games in lower tiers before you even consider moving up. Why rush to Tier 5 under my system when you can’t earn the GS bonus? You have to stay lower down until you max out the ship tree. Then you move up. By the time you’ve done that you should have a good amount of loyalty and iridium kicking about, as well as some upgrade kits for T4. As such, you’ll hit T4 with semi-decent kit, and the prospect of improving that kit. You should have more than enough credits to buy your way to Mk II all round, and more importantly you should hopefully have picked up a little skill along the way!


Get the open-beta brigade up to T4 where they belong, and then a full launch can allow the new blood to establish themselves with minimal harassment from existing pilots. Then, when they start mixing, the result won’t be so damaging to the player base.


But it needs work, and it needs the Devs to admit failure.

While the gs incentive is a good idea, I get the feeling that some newbie farmers wouldn’t move onwards anyways. There’s a carrot - why not add a stick? Say, a fee every time someone queues for a game two tiers below their maximum ship without squadding up with someone who belongs in that tier. That might not work, actually. Perhaps a stackable month-long mark on the account that lets everybody know that said person is a newbie farmer. That might be a bit harsh.


I’m out of ideas right now, but I’m almost certain that only an incentive would not be enough.

While the gs incentive is a good idea, I get the feeling that some newbie farmers wouldn’t move onwards anyways. There’s a carrot - why not add a stick? Say, a fee every time someone queues for a game two tiers below their maximum ship without squadding up with someone who belongs in that tier. That might not work, actually. Perhaps a stackable month-long mark on the account that lets everybody know that said person is a newbie farmer. That might be a bit harsh.


I’m out of ideas right now, but I’m almost certain that only an incentive would not be enough.

No sticks. Sticks are bad. When you start using threats and punishments, you invariably get false-flags and innocent people get punished. Even with the systems this game has I’ve fallen victim to them - lost connection in the last 15 seconds of a match, and so got no reward despite being in top spot because I “quit” before the end.

No sticks. Sticks are bad. When you start using threats and punishments, you invariably get false-flags and innocent people get punished. Even with the systems this game has I’ve fallen victim to them - lost connection in the last 15 seconds of a match, and so got no reward despite being in top spot because I “quit” before the end.

True enough. I’m just worried some folks will still refuse to move on from early tiers.

While the gs incentive is a good idea, I get the feeling that some newbie farmers wouldn’t move onwards anyways. There’s a carrot - why not add a stick? Say, a fee every time someone queues for a game two tiers below their maximum ship without squadding up with someone who belongs in that tier. That might not work, actually. Perhaps a stackable month-long mark on the account that lets everybody know that said person is a newbie farmer. That might be a bit harsh.


I’m out of ideas right now, but I’m almost certain that only an incentive would not be enough.


There may be already criteria set in place that if you are over a certain threshold you cannot enter the lowest Tier Solo.    I only heard rumors to that effect.     


Not sure what the criterias are   but if I was to implement it would be such as over 1000 games and Ship Strength 50  SR over 1250 should exclude you from the ability to solo in T1.    

Also if in a 2 man squad the total SR rating cannot be over 2750  


just my little 1.5 cents 

No matter how much I play against players that are better than I am, my skill level will not improve. I have reached a plateau and can’t play enough to overcome it.

One part of why I quit some months ago was the lack of a competitive player base.  Either the PUG’s are getting worse, or I’m getting better.  Sadly, I believe it to be more about PUG’s getting worse.  My time zone has far fewer players, and fewer decent players.  Invasion’s the only reliable way to play T4+.  In PvP and PvE I get surprised at the idiocy of teams.


Look, don’t just fixate on points 1 and 2. They alone aren’t a solution. A big influx of players would be nice, but how many of them would carry on in the current game environment?

The player base is relatively stable.  At the same time, “advertised” purchases aren’t rare, and other purchases aren’t published at all.  I imagine Gaijin’s looking at Stargem’s revenue vs player base and seeing good signs.  Experienced players are more concerned about server load.  :01313:


P.S. Has Stargem looked into privacy laws regarding publicizing premium ship purchases?

Tier 3 is where it starts to become a slog, but even then it’s not too bad if you’ve got a little cash behind you.

Oh, that may be my issue. I haven’t been buying module upgrades.


P.S. Has Stargem looked into privacy laws regarding publicizing premium ship purchases?

If players used their actual names, this might be a very small problem. If they don’t use their real names and they agree to the EULA, then there would be no legal issue, assuming application of laws was logical. (Which is why I’m not a lawyer.)

1) Advertise the damn game!

2) Separate Tier 4 and Tier 5 again.

3) Move all Tier 2 DLC and Pirate ships to Tier 3. Upgrade their stats and slots accordingly.

4) Move all Tier 3 DLC and Pirate ships to Tier 4. Upgrade their stats and slots accordingly.

5) Fix Tier 3’s ship tree.


  1. i agree with. advertisement.


2,3,4,5 is just ridiculous to me. no offense.

5: fix t3 shiptree: so if the shiptree is so broken, why does t3 have so much appeal? the answer is: the broken shiptree is a forum myth. it only works, if you apply the later tech trees to the T3 tree. don’t get so fixated about this.

4: no. i don’t want dlc buyers to go straight into t4, and make t4 the new t3.

3: no. same reason as 4. makes no sense.

2: maybe. or maybe balance them together in stats. make T5 top end future tech, and T4 competitive against it. definitely do something about R10. don’t add any golden R14 or R15 ships.


the problem is: if you reach T3, and want to go T4, restarting all ships just to get another step forward, without major mechanics change, like T1->T2->T3 has, is discomforting. people do not focus on T4 if they can play well, because they know, they need T5 in the end. So they split into T5 SQ and T3 pvp.

Those who just want to level up to get the best stuff, try to reach highest tier as fast as possible anyway. Those are the PUGs in T4 atm. It’s a game of sheephunting for GS. Skills in T4 plummet, because many players there did not even grasp T3, some even don’t know how to turn on heals.


It’s not the game, which makes T4 population die, not even the T4&T5 mix. It’s the players. Players interested in competitive play know, T3 has all the good players to exercise on, and you can get a decent amount of purple ships in your first year of gameplay.

It is supposed to be a tier, where you spend a bit of time in.

However if T4&T5 would make sense together, that “endgame tier” would become a lot more interesting.


So no, I don’t blame their unification for T4’s death, T4 was always dead in the water. The short time, where T4 worked, was, before that playerbase finally got into T5. Instead, T4 should have strong enough stats in the end, or interesting bonuses, to be competing with T5 ships. (and some actually have)

May I remind, even before T5 was revealed, T4 was basicly death squad gameplay.


While I do agree, T3 could have incentives to play it even if you have all ships unlocked, I saw better ideas from Jasan in the loot table suggestion, to increase GS income. T3 should have loot drops very rarely into later techs, while T4 could offer way more fancy lootdrops.


In my opinion, T4&T5 should be together, but it should be solved by entirely focusing on getting T4 and T5 really into one big balanced gameplay, where every single ship makes complete sense. Make that two tiers endgame tierless.