a suggestion for potential solution of pilot shortage

Tier 3 has high appeal for a number of reasons;

  1. Most Paid For content; 6 DLC ships and 10 Premium Ships compared to T2 (5 DLC 9 Premium), T4 (12 Premium), T1 (9 Premium) and T5 (1 Premium)

  2. Pay 2 Win advantage. Premium / DLC ships are very strong in T3 and often totally outclass their F2P counterparts. Want to fly fed Engineer? Anaconda is nothing compared to the Valor. Want to fly Empire Gunship? Don’t bother; Phobos is probably the worst ship in Tier 3. Fed Tackler? Not even close to the GS equivalent. Only Jericho seems to escape this trend, but they get screwed by the broken ship tree - the best Command and ECM ships are Imperial!

  3. Grind isn’t unbearable at T3. This means players get to T3 and can progress at a reasonable pace, with semi-decent gear, without having to pay GS. T4 and up? Not so much.

  4. The Old Guard. I got to Rank 9+ in every faction under the old leveling system and so had pure blue gear for most of my T3 ships. Lots of other people did as well. We were using that gear to grind to R12 and unlock blue gear for T4 when the change happened, and so now we have a choice - fly T3 with our awesome equipped ships, or fly T4 with crap gear. Not a hard call.

  5. The xxxx-ton of reasons not to play T4/T5. Put simply, a broken T3 is more desirable right now than T4 or T5 because of reasons I’m sick of listing, and that my suggestion of bumping content up was intended to help counter.

I’m the same opinion as JasanQuinn.


But I also think, a larger Player Base would populate higher tiers.

But Yes, if you don’t solve the many problems, people won’t stay long.


I’ve learned that first hand. I came from playing eve online to playing this game. Shortly i got alot of my corp guys to at least try this game. A couple of the actually reachted Tier 3, none have stayed.


You can forget squading up with four in the lower tiers, you won’t get a match.

You can forget squading up with beginners, because you’ll be pushed into Tier 2, where they get farmed from 1500-1800 DSR players that want to Play some quick and easy matches for the lolz.


I just don’t get, what the dev’s are trying to pull off with their Mentoring System, it really doesn’t work. The two Points mentioned above are only a few of many.

The new reward System for bringing new pilots to the game doesn’t make any sense either, because everything is so broken and they won’t stay.


I really like this game, but i think, if this keeps going, it’s a dead game.