4 Man Squads: T5 Only

So the whole point of taking out T5 squads was because it’s “crushing the game balance”–Cinnamon 2016


But if we added them back to T5 and T5 only, we will still get a ton of vets back, we will still have the ability to play with friends, and we will still have safe tiers (t2, t3, and t4) where n00bs can fly about without having to bend over. 


Devs, 99% of the vets in this game want this back. Vets make up most of T5. The ruskies want it back as much as we do. You already have the code for it and mm from a while ago. 

^^There is no reason not to do this. It’s a beautiful compromise between vets and n00bs, devs and the playerbase. Everyone can be happy.


If you support this suggestion, please add this to your signature:


#MakeStar ConflictGreatAgain


[http://forum.star-co…squads-t5-only/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30277-4-man-squads-t5-only/)

<3 yes

It is always lovely to see your average Joe customers come to a distributer with homemade up statistics to back up their arguments.


For the love whatever please put squads back!

I vote for Squads. . . 


It is always lovely to see your average Joe customers come to a distributer with homemade up statistics to back up their arguments.


So you don’t want squads back?


Even if I don’t play t5 that much, I agree with the suggestion. + 

So you don’t want squads back?

Even if I don’t play t5 that much, I agree with the suggestion. +

It does not matter what i want, but his reasoning is some what on a level of a middle school, it is hard to take something like this seriously.

Shall we hear JonTron’s opinion on 4-man squads?



Here it is,devs,throw away those useless destroyers and re-implement 4-man squads.

It does not matter what i want, but his reasoning is some what on a level of a middle school, it is hard to take something like this seriously.

You are right on this point, but you have to agree on the fact that most of the players wants squads back. 

You are right on this point, but you have to agree on the fact that most of the players wants squads back. 

sorry no, “most of the players” do not want squads back or dont care,

“plenty of oldFag players want squads back” - sure

I’d be tempted to come back if this happened :slight_smile:


Make it so :wink:

sorry no, “most of the players” do not want squads back or dont care,

“plenty of oldFag players want squads back” - sure

this attitude, we know that.


a feedback loop


old players - new players - this community - that community

polarizing back and forth


would be interesting to search for “only old players want this” quotes, like 2 years ago.

give us back squads in T5 :wink:

this attitude, we know that.


a feedback loop


old players - new players - this community - that community

polarizing back and forth


would be interesting to search for “only old players want this” quotes, like 2 years ago.

It has nothing to do with “community” this “community” that, 

there are people that truly want squads back

there are people that could not care less

there are people that explicitly do not want squads back into random PvP


Saying that “majority of players” wants squads back is as much ignorance as if i would say “majority of players explicitly do not want squads back”, fact is majority of players don’t care, they may or amy not be swindled by a small magnitude of positive/negative, that is about it.


But the fact is that “squads” have consequences to the majority of players, not only the minority that does or does not want it.


Even more is that quite a few of players that do want squads back only wants them not because of social aspect, but for the simple fact that they can not handle it solo all that well, playing in squad, for a lot of “older” players in last year of the existence of 4 man squads, was on average easier than flying solo, and that is a fact.

Regardless of what meaningless point that Kato is desperately trying to convey, I will never say no to 4-man squads coming back.

Regardless of what meaningless point that Kato is desperately trying to convey, I will never say no to 4-man squads coming back.

My point is as meaning less as you never saying no to 4 man squads, 

touche indeed.

not because of social aspect, but for the simple fact that they can not handle it solo all that well

I want squads in T5 because

  • I generally like sports and Teamplay.

  • The social aspect

  • Multiplayer coop has been invented

  • People



My point is as meaning less as you never saying no to 4 man squads, 

touche indeed.


Atleast my fedora looks nice

I’d like them back in T3 and up. Their removal was to protect the newbies, and newbies belong in T2 or below.

Guys, please ignore Kostyan, I would be ornery if I was a middle aged person living in a crappy apartment with no job and no girlfriend. anyways, responding to him will only weaken this suggestion and it’s not even reasonable to pretend that he is half knowledgeable on this subject seeing as he hardly has any friends to talk to. 


Also, please keep the subject to T5 only. If we start adding on to the suggestion, it will not happen. We must all be unanimous on T5 for starters, keep it simple so that it can be implemented.