360 Dimensional shooting.

Simply put, give us the ability to shoot in one direction and fly in the other.


I’m thinking frigates since they are big and slow. Just let us shoot in any direction without having to change the direction of our gun boats.


Boom, bang. Do it.

Not sure what you’re asking. You can shoot in any direction on frigates, but there are three points that come to my mind :

  1. it will make your ship head towards the direction you’re shooting at

  2. with slow barrels gun, it is a bit tricky as your barrel will take some time to stabilize with the hull’s movement perturbing it

  3. if you are in the “expert” view mode, you can’t shoot behind you.


Your first sentence makes me think you want to address the first problem. But your second sentence points towards the third point.



Now that i asked that, i will state my opinion on the first point :

I think that this behavior is part of the game. Slow barrel guns are very powerfull, and ceptors can only attack them because the slow barrel combined to the movement of the hull makes it very tricky for the frigate to defend itself. 

If you remove this behavior, you will have to rework completely the balance and interceptors will have to get something improved to compensate. I don’t see the end of the fights on this subject.

Ah, rodger that.


Ill learn to adapt.

  1. it will make your ship head towards the direction you’re shooting at


Funny that you should mention it… this point is the one big downside for me on this game, especially when flying slow moving frigates.

It would be nice if we could control our ship with the keyboard and simply aim the guns with the mouse.


I can’t count the times i’ve been killed by fighters and interceptors just because i wasn’t able to align my ship properly. The best attacking-pose for a frigate is having his topside pointing at the enemy, but this is currently impossible to achive unless the enemy is stupid enough to fly over us. And seeing as it is really easy to just place your fighter/interceptor below a frigate and kill him without as much as a scratch i really think that we frig-pilots should at least have the possibility of flying our own ships properly…


I mean seriously… it’s like I’ve bought a car and just before leaving, the car-dealer sais “Oh by the way, you’re not allowed to turn right…”.




And since I’m already ranting:


Ditch these silly “superweapons”… give us another mod-slot or two instead… I’m flying a Jericho-frig most of the time, and sure, the torpedo is really useful, but i barely use it coz it’s too boring… A frig should be on the outlines of a fight, not the outlines of the map!


Some of the “superabilities” should definetly remain, but maby in the form of class-specific activated modules instead? such as MWD for interceptors and invisibility for fighters?

Check your keybind settings and you will see which key you have bound it to (tho I think it’s called free look mode or something similar?)

Yes that is the “expert” viewing mode Benache mentioned Shazi. Check your keybind settings and you will see which key you have bound it to (tho I think it’s called free look mode or something similar?)

Really? Tested the expert viewing mode a while ago… couldn’t find any difference from basic…

Checked through the key-bindings… Only thing that even came close was the “Look around” which does indeed do 50% of what i want, but without the guns following and with the downside that it can’t be toggled…


Just to be safe i checked through the keybindings while in expert mode aswell, same deal…


thx for trying to help though :slight_smile:

nvm I misread benache’s message in the first place. Gotta stop spouting nonsense with a half-dead brain (no offense intended to all lobotomised people)

nvm I misread benache’s message in the first place. Gotta stop spouting nonsense with a half-dead brain (no offense intended to all lobotomised people)

Meh, that’s what internet is for, right? Well, that and… well you know…

used to bea  turret mode

Meh, that’s what internet is for, right? Well, that and… well you know…

Hello Kitty?

used to bea  turret mode

Yeah, i just read about that… Seems wrong to restrict frigate-players like that though… couldn’t they have done something else instead? like lowering the manouvering ability of frigs? Making it easier for others to out-manouver the frigate?


Hello Kitty?

Well, I usually say “Hello!” when i find it, but there’s very rarely a kitty involved…

Yeah, i just read about that… Seems wrong to restrict frigate-players like that though… couldn’t they have done something else instead? like lowering the manouvering ability of frigs? Making it easier for others to out-manouver the frigate?




Don’t frigs already move sluggish enough? I think they are fine as they are. You have minefields which more than do the job to get rid of most pesky interceptors, and if that doesn’t do it for you, the pulsar will get the job done.


Frigates do have defenses in place for those pesky interceptors. And if you want a front line frigate, play Federation.


If your gonna whine about you wanting a front line JERICHO ship, well I’d totally love to have a Ferrari that doubles as a submarine, and off road SUV as well… but you know… 

off road SUV

That’s called a four-wheel drive :wink:

Don’t frigs already move sluggish enough? I think they are fine as they are. You have minefields which more than do the job to get rid of most pesky interceptors, and if that doesn’t do it for you, the pulsar will get the job done.


Frigates do have defenses in place for those pesky interceptors. And if you want a front line frigate, play Federation.


If your gonna whine about you wanting a front line JERICHO ship, well I’d totally love to have a Ferrari that doubles as a submarine, and off road SUV as well… but you know… 


Uhm, ok, where exactly have I even SUGGESTED that I was displeased with the frigates anti-interceptor abilities? I was debating against the movement-restriction of the frigates turrets, i find it illogical that a ship auto-aligns to wherever its turrets are pointing. Apparently you have been caught in too many “my favorit ship is gimped, it needs a buff”-discussions, but I assure you, that’s not what I’m trying to do, plz take your flaming somewhere else…

Uhm, ok, where exactly have I even SUGGESTED that I was displeased with the frigates anti-interceptor abilities? I was debating against the movement-restriction of the frigates turrets, i find it illogical that a ship auto-aligns to wherever its turrets are pointing. Apparently you have been caught in too many “my favorit ship is gimped, it needs a buff”-discussions, but I assure you, that’s not what I’m trying to do, plz take your flaming somewhere else…

I’m pretty sure Athena meant no offense.


Anyway, I agree that it would be nice to be able to move your view/turrets without automatically turning your ship. However I believe the turret coverage as it is now is plenty. It would only help in being able to control your shots a little more without having to do wierd stunts all over.

I think it would be actually cool to have turret mode for frigates (or at least if the free look and look behind option would let you aim your guns in this direction). There would be still plenty of room to sneak up on them due to blind spots based on construction (i.e. right behind the engine and from the bottom) which would make hunting them even more exciting.


I mean, there is a special view mode for sniper as well as for torpedo - why not for turret? As a balancing measure turning rates of turrets or vessel could be adjusted.

The problem with adding a turret system that would allow the guns to cover every part of the ship, except for the blind spot which is usually the back, is the fact that not only the coding needs to be altered but the model designs as well.

There are some turrets that are effected by slow turning speeds at higher levels.

Pressing and holding “Ctrl” lets you look around your ship.

However the guns will not align to where you are looking in that mode.


Sure, the guns shouldn’t be able to fire backwards on frigates etc, but I would like to be able to fly forward while firing to the left or right with only some of my many guns.

Pressing and holding “Ctrl” lets you look around your ship.

However the guns will not align to where you are looking in that mode.


Sure, the guns shouldn’t be able to fire backwards on frigates etc, but I would like to be able to fly forward while firing to the left or right with only some of my many guns

pretty much that. +1 for phrasing it short and to the point the way I never can xD

Pressing and holding “Ctrl” lets you look around your ship.

However the guns will not align to where you are looking in that mode.


Sure, the guns shouldn’t be able to fire backwards on frigates etc, but I would like to be able to fly forward while firing to the left or right with only some of my many guns.




As it stands right now, we can’t even move into cover while returning fire…