360 Dimensional shooting.



As it stands right now, we can’t even move into cover while returning fire…


well, look like the solution is add auto fire mod into main weapon to make gun auto fire like a drone. Only like that we have some free time for move into cover.


PS: sorry my bad english.

It was like this at the beginning of the closed beta…and it was horrible, players just circling around in turret mode kicking xxxx…there was no dogfighting. Only a wierd circling. Also, if you leave this turret mode only to frigates, the game won’t be balanced anymore. How would a fighter kill a frigate?

It was like this at the beginning of the closed beta…and it was horrible, players just circling around in turret mode kicking xxxx…there was no dogfighting. Only a wierd circling. Also, if you leave this turret mode only to frigates, the game won’t be balanced anymore. How would a fighter kill a frigate?

Just have a free view mode that allows you to shoot within a turrets coverage. This doesn’t mean that positioning isn’t important as you will want to have the maximum number of turrets actually shooting.

It’s already not easy for a guy in a fighter (not interceptor) to kill a frigate, if they are both equally skilled. Because of minefield, lightning bolt module, and sometimes not being able to stay out of the frigate’s firing angle. Add a turret mode, the fighter has close to no chance. I feel it’s ok like this. It’s my opinion of course…we have these forums to discuss different opinions no? So far i am pleased with the huge differences between early closed beta and open beta.

You know they could just make it so that each ship class has its own fire arc. 60 degrees for interceptors, 90 degrees for fighters, 180 degrees for frigates. The fire power of their weapons would be reduced from fighters to frigates mainly because they have half of their turrets shooting at a target instead of the full.

Though they could already fire at the sides but this but it seems very… Unwieldy… Usually when such a thing happens to me in any ship its just one gun firing off at an angle. If I did some tests or look at the code I might give out a better idea of it. Though 360, is a no and this kind of thing shouldn’t be on all classes, it could be as a ship stat actually, items put in to improve the turret covering arch.

It was like this at the beginning of the closed beta…and it was horrible, players just circling around in turret mode kicking xxxx…there was no dogfighting. Only a wierd circling. Also, if you leave this turret mode only to frigates, the game won’t be balanced anymore. How would a fighter kill a frigate?

May be you was right a bout this. So just remove rotate degree, all ship have the same rotate degree, and make speed have a little difference between class. Because we are in space that mean not the big object will slow turn or slow move than smaller, there no gravity, mass, or air force like in atmosphere.


PS: Sorry my bad english.

It was like this at the beginning of the closed beta…and it was horrible, players just circling around in turret mode kicking xxxx…there was no dogfighting. Only a wierd circling. Also, if you leave this turret mode only to frigates, the game won’t be balanced anymore. How would a fighter kill a frigate?

I had though it again. It should have auto gun. Why?


We are in space and those who have bigger engine will move faster. But for the balance the frigate has been sacrifice the speed it become slow move and turn. And the repair pay ment of it higher than other class so dont let it be kill by 1 vs 1.


The fighter and intercept have higher rotate angle than frigate and it can fly circle arround and hit frigate, auto gun mean the the noraml gun with rate of fire, project tile speed…etc so it can miss if target fly at high speed.


It will make a frigate like a tank and those fighter or interceptor must thinking about try kill it on 1 vs 1, it is not like this time the frigate like a flying rock just stay there for hit without do any thing. They must counter it or make a squad with 2-3 ship to take him out and that make a hole team stick together.


And auto gun must lock on target on firing so there have some active module to disable the CPU system for a while that force the frigate must manual fire. And those who want 1 vs 1 on it will have chance.


PS: Sorry my bad english.