Corporation Cap by Level

2 hours ago, TheStig_DSX said:

The problem is much, much greater than maybe the possibility of the difficulty of the game. One could make a huge list of things that are not OK. Therefore, it is the accumulation of all those problems together and this makes players leaving. The updates past time didn’t helped. In fact, they made it worse. All we can do is keep hoping for better times, if they will ever come. :confused: It’s not fun saying this but, as it is going now, it is very questionable how long this game will last. The end may come soon. Would be a pity because it wasn’t needed.

This exact message is posted on forums/in game at-least once a week for past 4 years.


8 minutes ago, TheStig_DSX said:

Good that you have realized that the game population has always been too low. Think about it: it were ‘golden times’ back then compared to now.

And you are basing this information on … what? 


8 hours ago, TheStig_DSX said:

The problem is much, much greater than maybe the possibility of the difficulty of the game. One could make a huge list of things that are not OK. 

I’m pretty sure if someone would make such list in a professional manner, it will help. 


8 hours ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

I want to see progression speed up. Better loot. More material drops more often. The way it is now they keep finding new ways to slow progression. The only ones truly being affected are the n00bs. You aint gonna slow us vets down.

TBH  - to a person that’s not hitting T5 (sorry - R13-R15), progress has similar speed as in 2014. The only thing that needs a lot more effort are specialised dessie modules. I have few more accounts - one is kept at rank 6, second at R12, third got R15. I’m using this R12 to measure difficulty in obtaining resources and progression. Leveling ships up - R11 LRF took me a few hours from 0 to Elite last week (and it’s the slowest class to level up in my opinion). Resource wise - that account has 2 destroyers already (R8 and R11) built this year. R15 account has 143 hours in battle and fleet strength of over 160. It got its second R14 dessie last week. 

10 hours ago, TheStig_DSX said:

The problem is much, much greater than maybe the possibility of the difficulty of the game. One could make a huge list of things that are not OK. …


26 minutes ago, niripas said:

I’m pretty sure if someone would make such list in a professional manner, it will help. …

Well you could start -not? ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)


Please stay on topic guys, or just vote on the poll.

4 hours ago, TheStig_DSX said:

OK, you apparently have no idea what is going on. I will let you realize it:
The game population has never ever been as low as it is now and players, both new and old, are still stopping the game.

If this trend will continue like it does uninterrupted now for a while, the game cannot exist at some point anymore because too low players means not enough income and when you come under the break even point, they will certainly pull the plug out of the game.

Good that you have realized that the game population has always been too low. Think about it: it were ‘golden times’ back then compared to now.

I hope this doesn’t happen but gosh this doesn’t look good and everyone can confirm this, even you.

Every summer star conflict sees the drop in a player base, so far this summer wasn’t any less active than any summer prior to this. And the panic spreading posts in a sense of “The sky is falling, the sky is falling” or “Game is dead, it is over” have emerged back in 2013, and never disappeared. And these are facts, not something I came up with.

3 hours ago, TheStig_DSX said:

It amazes me that veteran players like you and Kostyan have no clue about this. Maybe you guys are burying your heads in the sand. We have Steam Charts and of course in-game leaderboards telling the exact stats whatever happens in the game. Then we also have another thing: experience. I always have been playing this game very actively. Also, I run a corp very seriously and have connections everywhere. My experience and also that of all other players in the game confirm the stats.


I’m sure they are pretty obvious. The most important ones we have now, cannot have been overseen. It has no use to make such a list if nothing will be done with it. Also, do we need to take over the role of the devs now?! ![:008:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/008.gif “:008:”)

Thank you for your clarification of your sources. Let’s compare, shall we? Weekly ratings in 2016 were on average 26k PvE, 7k R10+ PvP. Last ratings were: 27k PvE, 7900 PvP R10+. So no significant change. 
Even Steam charts (which are not representative at all, but often quoted) are showing same levels as in 2014. Heck, even when I log in to game DB server and do a query to display amount of accounts online I’m getting similar numbers for last year. Maybe the issue is elsewhere, maybe MM is different and it takes longer to get a game, maybe you see same people, because MM tries to get you in similarly skilled group. A lots of maybes. 


And regarding the list - something that is obvious to you, it can not be that obvious to other people. Not kidding. I.e. A lot of people are complaining that there are Tai’kins everywhere. Well - I mostly play SCL, not much regular pvp, and we are usually happy if enemy is taking 5 taikins. Two Sparks ensure that the match will begin 5-0 to us. If I play pvp, that’s usually people that screw up, not ships. “I’ll take tackler as a captain because I need to level it up” thinking usually means a loss of a game. Yesterday someone from OWL was complaining that he cannot hold the beacon against two Tai’kins using his guard with pulsar. When someone told him that he can even 1vs1 tharga in his Trex MkII he went mad saying that this ship cannot hold the ground against Tharga and ignored the other person. He wasn’t aware that Trex can reduce damage by 60% and just outregen tharga… And so on and so on. So please, if you want to make a list what is wrong with this game from your point of view, create a new topic and make it. Full, with examples and screenshots if possible. I am pretty sure there will be some  valid points.


Also sorry for OT. Getting back to the vote now ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


29 minutes ago, niripas said:

… Maybe the issue is elsewhere, maybe MM is different and it takes longer to get a game, maybe you see same people, because MM tries to get you in similarly skilled group. A lots of maybes…


I personally can not complain about MM, because in previous years, in July-September, there were NO games in T5 at my hours, you used to wait 20-30 minutes for a T5 game, not on ru server, not on Asian server - I’d never find a game, now I find gems within 2 minutes, yes mostly on ru servers, and yes they are ~6v6 and not full sized, but i do find games consistently and without any issues. Maybe there are days when q is worse and i am lucky to just have not time to play on those days so i don’t experience that issue, but overall at-least i get games vs never finding game in previous summers (since I don’t like playing anything below T5)


19 hours ago, DrDeath_ScD said:


If that were true the game would be doing a lot better than it is.

If they cared then they would be in the forum expressing it. I see the same 10 people everyday and that is it.


21 minutes ago, TheStig_DSX said:



So to sum it up, what do you propose happen? And be realistic. You can write a fukn book about your complaints but what about solutions?


From what I see, the grind is too long so players never really make it to veteran status which leaves higher tier PvP with nubs or empty. Make it less GRINDY and maybe players will stay longer. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


As for me, lately I am just not seeing enough new content and its all just blurring together into a squishy mess of who cares.


1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

If they cared then they would be in the forum expressing it. I see the same 10 people everyday and that is it.

Most new comers here realize its pointless.  People like kosty and niripas are always gonna shoot us down with their pro nerf statements.


As for the game numbers, I have been saying end of September will pretty much confirm or deny the drop in populace. This has been one of the weakest summers since 2014 when the extreme progression nerfs started rolling out. Now every one is off topic. 


Image result for laughing gif

How about the xenochip event?


6 hours ago, TheStig_DSX said:

[@niripas](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/244639-niripas/)  Nice to see that you also have kept track of the in-game big numbers. But based on what you are saying now, you didn’t look deep enough to see what is going on.


Actually I just compared this year statistics to the last year. I am not talking about who plays what how many times (which actually is similar to the last year as well) or why. Just simply correcting the information. Nothing more, nothing less. 

4 hours ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

 People like kosty and niripas are always gonna shoot us down with their pro nerf statements.

The what now? Pro nerf statements? Sorry, not gonna feed the troll…


54 minutes ago, niripas said:

The what now? Pro nerf statements? Sorry, not gonna feed the troll…

Image result for emm yummy gif


4 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

How about the xenochip event?

That was one of the best things the devs have done for this game. I can’t argue that one. 

27 minutes ago, TheStig_DSX said:

but now essentially logs on for a bit and then leaves again


Where do you get this from? It sure is nice to just make up evidence for your own opinion. Of course people do this but there’s no way of telling if this is happening more or less often than before.

3 minutes ago, TheStig_DSX said:

I know you just compared the stats and you didn’t look further. It’s a difference when someone played some hours per day earlier but now essentially logs on for a bit and then leaves again. Anyway, you seem to not wanting to see the reality but only want to defend your standpoint that you have no matter what others say or prove. This conversation has therefore no use and over. Almost all other gamers know better. You don’t help the game at all with this attitude btw.

Let me recap. You said that population size is reducing. I checked your sources, checked that they look almost the same as in comparison to the last year, even distribution of activity seems similar to ~5% (depending on activity). Made a post about it. Somehow it created my “standpoint” (?!). And from what you just wrote you proved my standpoint to be wrong (?!?!). And I was defending my standpoint. And not helping the game with my attitude. So please let me explain how it looks from my point of view.


You said that population size is reducing. I checked the data that you named as your sources, made trends and it doesn’t look like it’s reducing. Activity distribution is similar to 5%, which is usually considered statistical error. So I wrote “no significant change”. Not talking about the game, not talking about gamers with their sources. Just pointing simple math error. 


And I said that yes, please do a list of things you think are wrong with this game. If you would do this like you did with your analysis  of player activity distribution - that could actually achieve something. I never said I am against your views or views of other players. I saw that information provided could be wrong, checked it, corrected (which actually is one of my duty as an GM to prevent spreading false information) and that’s it. As I said - nothing more, nothing less. Regarding that suggestions are not implemented - well, they actually sometimes are. The only problem is - suggestions most of the time lack of details. Let’s take trading for example. Did players want to have trading in the game, where trading wasn’t supported in the core of the game? They did. Were there a detailed descriptions how actually this trading should look like? NO. There were 2 suggestions - “make it auction style” and the second one “make it 1 to 1 style”. No details. Does the current trading fulfill one of those suggestions? Yes. Is it perfect? No. It’s still work in progress. 


Players wanted a system where we can exchange things for free but not this

Now please show me a post where it was suggested. Also have you seen the trading system on PTS?


Another example of suggestion implemented: 

So cmon. Make a proper suggestion that will have sense and there is a good chance it will be implemented.