Youtube channel

what laptop was that?



pics or didnt happen,



Well that video that I posted was all I got really…

I swear to god…When I get home…

I swear to god…When I get home…


My thoughts during this video:


5 kills to 1 - huh, this should be good.

10 kills to 1 - lol, this is good.

20 kills to 1 - Jesus, the other team is getting murdered.

30 kills to 1 - This isn’t even fair, but DAMN this is a good game.

40 kills to 1 - O.O

49 kills to 1 - >_> They never even stood a chance…


Great game, guys!  This video shows the power of great teamplay =]  The other team had some respectable pilots, and the fact that you straight up stomped them is a testament to spectacular execution and wondrous piloting.

Great game, guys!  This video shows the power of great teamplay =]  The other team had some respectable pilots, and the fact that you straight up stomped them is a testament to spectacular execution and wondrous piloting.

The description DOES say it was unbalanced =P