You Screwed Up

I can see how somebody who loses the majority of their games would think the new loot system isn’t all that great since they have less chances get loot and hence a lower drop rate compared to say…somebody who plays with a squad and wins over half their games.


That being said if you aren’t winning that much in PvP and not getting chances to loot…play some PvE.  That’s what it’s there for…credits and loot.  

Fair enough if people are happy that they are getting more loot, but perhaps there are better ways to implement a system with higher loot values in a more dynamic and fairer way without using the current system we have now which is a lazily put together system that enables gambling as a method to create a gold standard sink. The less GS you have, the more GS you potentially need to buy, no? This is how I see it as strong arming and even though you can argue that some of us are capable of resisting the urge to waste GS, others may not, and the very fact that the devs or whichever decision makers have implemented this type of system disturbs me.


On another note I honestly would not mind this type of loot system if opting the 30% option did not lead to an ultimate GS loss, if you received a broken weapon that can be fixed using 1,300,000 credits on a 36hr research timer to repair a broken experimental weapon for example.

Or if there were more ways to earn GS other than paying money, on a rate of about 300 GS per week for a daily player. This would mean that you could earn enough GS to hit the 30% option a week, although I’d still prefer the % raising to 40 or 50. You could also earn enough GS to purchase MK III premium weapons on a monthly basis perhaps, kinda long but still, I doubt many people currently use their GS on mods and weapons considering the cost, comparative to grinding rank with factions. This would coincide well with additions such as more stickers, paint jobs and other aesthetic modifications. 



Fair enough if people are happy that they are getting more loot, but perhaps there are better ways to implement a system with higher loot values in a more dynamic and fairer way without using the current system we have now which is a lazily put together system that enables gambling as a method to create a gold standard sink. The less GS you have, the more GS you potentially need to buy, no? This is how I see it as strong arming and even though you can argue that some of us are capable of resisting the urge to waste GS, others may not, and the very fact that the devs or whichever decision makers have implemented this type of system disturbs me.


On another note I honestly would not mind this type of loot system if opting the 30% option did not lead to an ultimate GS loss, if you received a broken weapon that can be fixed using 1,300,000 credits on a 36hr research timer to repair a broken experimental weapon for example.

Or if there were more ways to earn GS other than paying money, on a rate of about 300 GS per week for a daily player. This would mean that you could earn enough GS to hit the 30% option a week, although I’d still prefer the % raising to 40 or 50. You could also earn enough GS to purchase MK III premium weapons on a monthly basis perhaps, kinda long but still, I doubt many people currently use their GS on mods and weapons considering the cost, comparative to grinding rank with factions. This would coincide well with additions such as more stickers, paint jobs and other aesthetic modifications. 




The entirety of that third paragraph will never, ever, ever happen. It just won’t. Devs will refuse to do it, point blank. 


However, I agree entirely with your first point. The current system is a GS sink primarily designed to get the developers and Gaijin more cash, at the cost of detracting from the overall experience. Now Gaijin has been going for a good 10 years, but that’s still fairly young compared to Activision (1979), Ubisoft (1986), EA (1982, though they’re mainly a game distributor), and Nintendo (1889 (the classics are always the best), but they didn’t produce their excellent quality games until much later onwards), and what they’re attempting to do is leech money off their players. If this is due to Gaijin wanting to pull themselves into the list of major gaming developers, I say go for it (but please, for the love of God, do not let EA be your distributor), but you’re doing it all wrong. If you want us to pay, then do it in ways we won’t mind paying for. A lot of us are suckers for aesthetics (not myself, though I have an entire posse of guys back in England who just love their aesthetics) and will happily fork out money for paint jobs, stickers and even full-on personalisation. Some of us do like having the more powerful items earlier (hence PTW, but there are always those who follow), and wouldn’t mind paying for those. You need to prioritise your customer satisfaction over your income, and your income will magically rise as if your players are more willing to pay because your game is worth it! Isn’t that strange?


I’ll leave you to just think on that. Think hard. It may just have a few grains of truth in it.

Arm chair generals unite. One this is beta, things are not finished, repair costs are not set in stone yet, they have to experiment becuase after all they has to be a reason to go premium, if they made it real easy to fix no one would ever pay for this, and you would be in a general forum raging about it going out of buisness, and how it was too easy. Play Warthunder then tell me about repairs, I used to pay the new plane price every time my H2k seaplane got shot down because some one exploited it in historic, and found out how to make fat stacks wit hit, so they balanced it by uping the repair bills after looking at its average earnings.


And those who go, your to new to understand, can look in the guide section and see a video that teaches players in the older patches how to make 2 mill an hour in game. Where the is a will to not pay there is a way, you just have to look around, no one is gonna hand you the complete run down on how to bankrupt their company before the game is finished just because you saw free to play on steam and want the same experience you get for your paid games. People always say give us what we want then we will pay you, but in real life that means more demands, and less pay. In real life its pay the guy and he will give you what you want, could you imagine going to work, and your boss telling you if you do it the way he wants, and do a good job he might pay you, but next week be sure to do double that work or no pay at all.


I know there is this every one is a unique special snowflake craze that has being going on for years, but the amount of companies that went under, because people decided they deserve it for free, or they assumed they had a multimilion dollar budget.  Don’t get me wrong I have ripped off a few games in the past, but its beta, the whole point in letting you play instead of paying testers is so you don’t cry when it goes live and they find bugs 20 guys couldn’t find, like if you have 2000 thousand online it crashes the server, and so they can finish the game. This isn’t EA, or Bioware, this is a little start up company that made a deal with Gaijin to help them that means the guys making it are giving up a cut, on top of doing this themselves with no previous experience. I have seen groups go bankrupt before f2p was invented, they would take out a huge loan to get their dream game made, then not be able to make the payments to Atari for the loan, and lose everything, then the game is milked dry by Atari who is out a million or so, and the game dies; horizions had that happen that was a local studio who did it, it was in the papers when they released the first version, people were so proud of the little company that could, then they didn’t reach their quotas for subs, and Atari gutted them, as per their contract.


Oh and spend like an hour every two days doing PVE in a group, and you get tons of loot, and credits…

Arm chair generals unite. One this is beta, things are not finished, repair costs are not set in stone yet, they have to experiment becuase after all they has to be a reason to go premium, if they made it real easy to fix no one would ever pay for this, and you would be in a general forum raging about it going out of buisness, and how it was too easy. Play Warthunder then tell me about repairs, I used to pay the new plane price every time my H2k seaplane got shot down because some one exploited it in historic, and found out how to make fat stacks wit hit, so they balanced it by uping the repair bills after looking at its average earnings.


And those who go, your to new to understand, can look in the guide section and see a video that teaches players in the older patches how to make 2 mill an hour in game. Where the is a will to not pay there is a way, you just have to look around, no one is gonna hand you the complete run down on how to bankrupt their company before the game is finished just because you saw free to play on steam and want the same experience you get for your paid games. People always say give us what we want then we will pay you, but in real life that means more demands, and less pay. In real life its pay the guy and he will give you what you want, could you imagine going to work, and your boss telling you if you do it the way he wants, and do a good job he might pay you, but next week be sure to do double that work or no pay at all.


I know there is this every one is a unique special snowflake craze that has being going on for years, but the amount of companies that went under, because people decided they deserve it for free, or they assumed they had a multimilion dollar budget.  Don’t get me wrong I have ripped off a few games in the past, but its beta, the whole point in letting you play instead of paying testers is so you don’t cry when it goes live and they find bugs 20 guys couldn’t find, like if you have 2000 thousand online it crashes the server, and so they can finish the game. This isn’t EA, or Bioware, this is a little start up company that made a deal with Gaijin to help them that means the guys making it are giving up a cut, on top of doing this themselves with no previous experience. I have seen groups go bankrupt before f2p was invented, they would take out a huge loan to get their dream game made, then not be able to make the payments to Atari for the loan, and lose everything, then the game is milked dry by Atari who is out a million or so, and the game dies; horizions had that happen that was a local studio who did it, it was in the papers when they released the first version, people were so proud of the little company that could, then they didn’t reach their quotas for subs, and Atari gutted them, as per their contract.


Oh and spend like an hour every two days doing PVE in a group, and you get tons of loot, and credits…


Can that boss pay you anything if his business crashes? No.


The gaming industry is one of those things where listening to your community is imperative. Therefore, most of your argument is invalid.



Loot changes


In short: It is actually more lucrative than before.


New system has led many users to think that now the are forced to pay more and if not, will gain less. That’s not really true. In fact, you will now have more money than before.


Why will I have more money?


Simple. We’ve increased drop rates. So, now you will get more chances to loot a purple or green grade items than before, moreover, those items, if they are broken while looting, will still give you more money than the usual trash. 


You’d be shocked how many people dont understand this. This loot change was *great*.  Who cares what it says the “loot” is?  The “loot” is better debris.  I’ll never win the 10% chance, but I’ll also never win a 30% chance so I dont care.  I look at the loot as “awesome!  more credits for salvage!”  And yes, this was a great change because credit grinding is rough

so i got this game on steam for nothing…thank you for this thread

You’d be shocked how many people dont understand this. This loot change was *great*.  Who cares what it says the “loot” is?  The “loot” is better debris.  I’ll never win the 10% chance, but I’ll also never win a 30% chance so I dont care.  I look at the loot as “awesome!  more credits for salvage!”  And yes, this was a great change because credit grinding is rough


And guess why credit grinding is rough? Because they jacked up repair prices, nerfed debris loot prices, forced players to buy ships with Mk. I modules (jacking up ship prices by several million), and restructured the completely logical ship tree into its current form in which players are forced to buy more ships (another couple million down the drain).


Funny how that works, isn’t it.


Then again, maybe I just don’t understand how “great” this latest loot change truly is… I mean, I’ve always thought it’d be a great idea to ‘reward’ winning teams with loot that breaks when they try to extract it.

I’ve got several experimental items for free without any problems. And I didn’t seen any epics for atleast 3 months before patch. They greatly improved chance to get items. Stop whining.


So now feedback is “whining”? A majority of the playerbase is unhappy and we are told to suck it up and stop whining? That would explain why we feel ignored; you don’t take our opinions seriously. You blow us off. You think we’re just a bunch of immature junior-high punks living at home with mom.


Most of us have jobs, are in our early-mid-late 20s, and don’t like being told to shut up when we voice our opinion. And we certainly don’t appreciate being valued only for the size of our wallets.


But hey, at least you finally showed your true colors.

I agree, I spend my time in the game to have fun, not to grind like a mindless slave and giving money away. 

So now feedback is “whining”? A majority of the playerbase is unhappy and we are told to suck it up and stop whining? That would explain why we feel ignored; you don’t take our opinions seriously. You blow us off. You think we’re just a bunch of immature junior-high punks living at home with mom.


Most of us have jobs, are in our early-mid-late 20s, and don’t like being told to shut up when we voice our opinion. And we certainly don’t appreciate being valued only for the size of our wallets.


But hey, at least you finally showed your true colors.

I think it’s about approach. These discussions are always appreciated; it’s the ranting that becomes aggravating, though I haven’t seen much of that recently.


In any case, I’m up for conversation so long as these channels remain open and are not one-way interactions.

Id love to have custom colors, swapping ship parts and other cool stuff, but I understand that it comes later. First things first - optymalizing the game, balancing ships, GUI changes and such. The game is still under development so within the next patches, in-game economy will change heavily in both ways. As a growing (I hope) community, we have to vocalize our dissatisfaction with the changes. Thus, I dont consider Soldiers feedback as any sort of whining and would like to thank him for speaking up. Maybe in a little too rough way, but still. No need to argue, gentleman. Were playing in the same team.


With that being said, Id like to state, that I enjoy the game very much and if it takes me a couple more days to get what I want (ship, modules, etc.), I still consider this to be a part of overall experience. The one thing that is unfair in my opinion is aplying changes to the premium ships, after they were bought. I believe that we should be given an option to sell a ship and get some of the Gold back. The subject of our transaction changed, mostly for worse, so it would be nice for us to have a posibillity to choose, whether we want to keep the ship, or sell it back. I agree that some changes (Strong, Kalah) were necessary, but this way the devs force us to stay with weakened assets that weve paid for. Besides, its bad for the devs income. In my opinion, people will be more hesitant to spend their hard earned money for ships, which can be nerfed anytime.

We should basically treat the devs as another community unto themselves, methinks. And they should treat us the same way. Put up more polls for us to see, and ask about additions and tweaks before implementing them. That way, we can say what we like and don’t like, and then you guys are spared the grief of having half your playerbase griping about something. The most important thing at the moment, more than the patches, is developing and improving communication between the devs and us.


Don’t get me wrong, but whilst the admins are great to have around and father/mother the forums, we really should cut out the middle man and voice our opinions directly. This way, nothing is lost when we state a point or make a suggestion: it goes straight through to them as a whole and doesn’t have bits clipped off or niceties added in to appease the devs. Just the truth, plain and simple.

Don’t get me wrong, but whilst the admins are great to have around and father/mother the forums, we really should cut out the middle man and voice our opinions directly. This way, nothing is lost when we state a point or make a suggestion: it goes straight through to them as a whole and doesn’t have bits clipped off or niceties added in to appease the devs. Just the truth, plain and simple.

As nice as that would be, there is one problem: language barrier. We are working on opening communications though. Antibus making an appearance on the English side is a step in the right direction.