You Screwed Up

Sorry, haven’t been to this topic for some time. 


  1. Camera won’t be rolled back to how it was. But it will be better than now. We have an article published about that in devblogs section. 

  2. Loot. No updates on whether it is going to be completely changed or not. Though I have info that looting in PvE is in work.

Good post OP!!


 Haven’t really played since 0.8.0 - Even seeing that the game got updated I still haven’t had the heart to start the game up.


Even back then i found the fact that the game being updated from a fluid progression to a massive godawful Grind was a mistake.


you didn’t have to spend weeks on one ship just to get to the next one, you could blast through a ship you didn’t really like.


I understand they think that if “people are still leveling they must still want to play the game” that is a false premise. I know plenty of people Maxed out in many games that still play. E.g. Battlefield, Blacklight, COD.


Its good content & gameplay that will keep people playing. Work on map design & stop trying to edit every damn thing about the game, if it really is bad the community will tell you and try to listen to them.

  1. What? Ok, I don’t know if you know this, but the looting system is actually _ ILLEGAL _. For one, the game incorporates gambling, and so should be rated 18+ AND have a gambling license. Gambling is illegal unto itself in some countries. Secondly, law states if we were to spend GS (which is bought by money, and so is - by extension - money itself) and failed an extraction, we should be immediately refunded. Are we? NO. This needs a complete revamp.


I don’t mean to be disrespectful here. I am just expressing my 100% honest opinion.


Honest opinion? I’m confident it is your honest opinion. But correct? Unlikely for part 4) atleast.


I cannot quickly mention a country were this would constitute as gambling. With just some Google use and reading some legal mumbo-jumbo, its seems to be that:


Ultimately the point is whether the thing that you win has value in money or money’s worth. If it does have value, it could be gambling. So to avoid regulation by these laws, the “operator” would need to take reasonable steps to ensure that the rewards they give do not have a monetary value, possibly by demonstrating enforcement of their Terms of Service prohibiting secondary markets.


(That is copy paste from Wikipedia, but the same seems to be the “word around” in all kinds of blogs or discussion forums relating to discussion, when gambling in Virtual games is actual gambling by law.)


So as long as Terms of Service forbid selling accounts or items, it’s all OK, as you cannot transform the “gambled items” back to money as winnings. Thus the player is not gambling as he knows he cannot win, but he knows that he is just throwing money away for a change to get useless, virtual item with no monetary re-selling value.


Quite simple, actually, and this applies to most countries.


as a side note, this is something in the lines thinking that someone is buying ship stickers as an investment, speculating that their value would rise someday, so they could sell it for profit. But we know that wont happen, as you cannot sell them, and they’re just virtual fantasy.



Disclaimer: naturally, I take no responsibility over the matter, if somehow somewhere the laws are stricter e.g. in Burghmetsistsikistanian. Don’t build your game just according to what I said here, buy a lawyer to figure it out :wink:

Thats the thing Killa, for instance i’ve been playing lately the good old DoW II series just because i don’t have the patience to log in and hope against hope that i’ll get a match were i have fun, winning or loosing.


In the earlier updates you had kick xxxx battles no matter what tier and ship you had, now its like a burden , or more correctly a pain in the rear end to play T2 or T3, even winning leaves a bad taste in your mouth because you have to do what the devs want and if that is so then they can setup their server for themselves close the game and go hold hands with their other ingame friends and play as simple as that.


I’ll just wait for my last 30 license days to wear out and see if the new updates bring something that makes the game fun and worth to play again. 

I have to mostly agree with everything that has been said thus far. I played quite a few months ago before the game was through steam, and had fun with it. I wasn’t awesome, most of the time I had more deaths than kills but it was still fun.


However, as of playing yesterday I don’t think i’ll be coming back. Getting killed by one player in less than 10s with a T2 Interceptor (or Frigate) with full shields and hull just doesn’t make sense to me.


Don’t get me wrong, some of the changes are nice, like the new game modes, implants and such, but everything else that is wrong just weighs it all down.

I would like to add to what SoldiersFortune said, about strong arming into paying premium.


Notice that certain T3 Rank 9 (other tiers too likely, I haven’t checked) roles are unfulfilled unless if you buy a premium ship.


Examples of this;

T3 Rank 9 Tackler, Paralax (premium) or Bear (expensive DLC)

T3 Rank 9 Recon, Deimon (I’d also like to point out that recon ships are the only anti-insane-hull/shieldregen utility in the game at the moment other than ‘moar dps’)


This wouldn’t be a problem if players did not lose out on 15% bonus, a passive module and a significant implant.


I also agree that devs should stop trying to force players into paying money.

Day 1 of playing Star Conflict I was literally shouting at my flat mate “Dude, I think I found my space fiiiiiiix!” like some kid getting his first xbox, yeah I was xxxx nerdstoked to find a smooth space game with good customization/controls/gameplay etc.

These days, the only thing that is stopping me from spending more money on this game is the fact that I don’t trust the devs to NOT screw this game up and make me want to play it less, any more than they already have.


Dev feedback, if one of you happens to be reading…

Honestly devs… I am counting the days til Star Citizen is released and I know that unless if you improve things, Star Conflict will fall off the radar.

One being an mmo and one claiming to be an mmo but is actually a fast paced matchmaking TDM-with-more-objectives game, they in fact have semi-separate target markets.

If all of the premium currency strong arming stops, I think that Star Conflict could persist in the gaming market for some time, it could be remarketed once it’s been revamped and all of the aspects that piss the playerbase off are removed, and this slow shift towards pay to play crap can stop.


I strongly urge you to speak to the Warframe devs, because they certainly know how to keep people happier than you guys do, no offence.



:edit: seeing as the camera has been mentioned…

Before, when people had what I believed to be too much field of view, they could spot me in an interceptor too easily, it made flanking a pain in the xxxx - if I made myself visible for half a second as I popped out from an asteroid, everyone would have seen it.

Now, it is much less likely that 6+ people will target me for simply “getting too close” and gives some degree of pseudo-stealth.

I do think that frigates should have a significant blind spot, as they do now, as the loading screen tips imply they should, but perhaps it is currently too big.

Personally I don’t care, it means that I have to stick closer to my team mates and hope that they take care of whatever attacks my blind spot.


I think there should be a compromise - give the minimap a overhaul and make it more useful and clear and give a little bit of field of view back.

And maybe introduce a quickmap? like holding a button? 

You don’t need to see everything, you need situational awareness.

Not sure if any dev is reading this, but I hope you are. If people not having enough credits was an issue, the proposed solution actually made it much worse for the rest of the player base. I’m going to explain to you why. I’ll make this into a separate topic if I have to, I’m just going to keep it simple here.

I’ll be using these assumptions:

  • The success rate of obtaining loot is the same as before (the higher drop rates negate the 90%/70% failure rate, leading to similar success results prior to 0.8.1.)

  • Repair costs will remain at current levels.

  • The removal of insurance was intentional.

In your view, was create a way for people to get credits faster. Repair costs are getting high and even a solid win still feels like a “two steps forward-one step backward” situation. Players T3 and above have had this problem for a while and they voiced their concerns many times about it. In conjunction with stiff competition in the higher brackets, many of them went back into T2 just to find fights that would be profitable. In an ideal world, this would not happen (people would stick to their tiers, not worry about credits, and the universe would order itself accordingly.)

While that’s a valid concern, the solution proposed in 0.8.1 created an additional (and much worse) problem: Frustration over having “that one item” destroyed, even if actual real-world currency was in play.

Having item probability calculations behind the scenes is what makes RPGs exciting to play. Tom Chatfield, an editor for the UK magazine Prospect and writer of Fun Inc, made this TED talk specifically about loot systems: (everyone should watch this anyway, not just the devs.) Currency and experience is something that you pick up as you go, but loot is something you discover. Most of the time, you’ll just keep chugging along. However, sometimes, you can get lucky and you’ll strike it great. It’s what keeps people coming back again and again. Furthermore, that this creates an actual neurological effect upon the brain that keeps people coming back, and people love this feeling.

What 0.8.1 did was destroy that feeling.

By revealing some of those calculations to the players in real-time in this way, even if they aren’t winning more often than they were in the past, you are effectively stealing that item away from them. That item that they won , that item that they earned. No-one really cares about credits, that’s something that happens just by logging on. They might not even care if the item they won was something they already have a dozen of. Getting something special is something that everyone wants , and when you get them really close and then snatching it out of their hands, you take them when they are at their best (elation and joy over victory, sometimes hard-won and by the barest of margins) and make them as irritated, frustrated and disinterested as the people who just lost. Even if they were winning items just as much as they were before, they will not feel that way. They will see that one great item, and they will see it being destroyed forever in front of them.

This is if people are winning the same amount of items as they were before. I’m convinced that people are winning much less items than they were in 0.8.1, especially in PvE missions where the guaranteed green item has the same 90%/70% chance of failure.

This is my question to the devs: What happens to a game when everyone feels like they are losing even when they are winning?

So I read this once, gave it an upvote. Then I realised it wasn’t enough when I went back and read it a second time.

It was pure genius.

Treezus, you magnificent *******. You are now my idol. Thank you.

On a more serious note, I don’t try to win matches to get more credits or to improve my W/L ratio. No. I play because I loved to be able to loot. Notice the use of preterite tense here. Like Treezus said, 0.8.1 completely destroyed this feeling of elation when I had the chance to dive in and snag something valuable after a successful fight. Now, it just feels like I’m wasting clicks. I don’t want credits on extraction. None of us do. We want the iten you’ve stuck in our faces. That item, nothing more, and nothing less.

Granted, the idea of a chance rate for extraction is entertaining, but the rates are ridiculously low. Plus, you haven’t even given us a chance to use credits as payment for a higher chance rate, and when I fail using GS… I’m lucky my computer has survived the beatings I’ve given it.

All in all, I now actually feel worse winning a game than losing it, because I know I’ve been denied things that could sorely help me in the upcoming games. If I lose, no problem: I’ll just work my way towards some blue equipment instead. But dangling a hook in front of my nose with the juiciest bait I’ve ever seen on it and then just pulling it away? I feel hurt. I really do. Sometimes I come away from this game feeling worse than I did before I started playing it. Is this what you want? Do you want to lose players because of one small system that ruins the game as a whole?

Please take the time to reflect on this before replying. It’s all I ask.

Or please just get the devs to pull their heads out of their backsides and look at this god-forsaken forum and take onboard what it says about this game!

Hey there:


I see that there are problems with todays’s patch, but let me clear a cople of moments for you:


Camera problem


In short: Will be fixed.


Why did it happen?


We are trying to improve players’ immersion into the game and camera was one of our iterations of idea. We see that you don’t like it and will make improvements to it. In the process we will try to take into accoun all of our users’ opinions on the matter. 


Loot changes


In short: It is actually more lucrative than before.


New system has led many users to think that now the are forced to pay more and if not, will gain less. That’s not really true. In fact, you will now have more money than before.


Why will I have more money?


Simple. We’ve increased drop rates. So, now you will get more chances to loot a purple or green grade items than before, moreover, those items, if they are broken while looting, will still give you more money than the usual trash. 


Repair costs


So why is it more expensive?


Connected with the previous paragraph. You will get more money, thus we decided to increase repair costs a bit. 




I’m crashing after the patch, help!


Those are already fixed and probably have already been uploaded to the servers. 


This is all fine and dandy expect the simple fact that you are failling , more and more people are saying the same things over and over again and you guys seem to be oblivious that the playerbase’s numbers are slowly going down.

I’ve played my share of free-to-play games… and i must say this one really annoyes me!

Sure, i’ve bought a few “standards” and i haven’t played long… but jeez… EVERYTHING costs standards… after playing one night i had ran out…

just because i wasn’t paying attention to the insane costs of the xxxx 20% extra percent when looting…


I feel ripped off… gameplay is great, but holy xxxx do you want my money !

No wonder there is only ~1300 players online!

There were 666 players online last night.

I wouldn’t blame the developers tough… they made a great game

I’d blame the greedy owners/managers…

And to add insult to Injury I log into the forums tonight and find that the forums have been shuffled around. New topics are no longer allowed to be posted here. They are going to “clean” this up …



So here is a big message about the heavy handed moderating I mentioned already. If you pull something like this it will end this game and do it quickly. The players that have been here will loose what little faith they have and I assure you that people like me will take every opportunity to tell new people to run away from this game as fast as they can. You are on a very dangerous edge right now. Censor and sweep clean these forums in order to stamp out the community dissent to your bad behavior and choices and it will hurt you more than any other action.



If this thread gets “cleaned”, I already preserved my posts and will put them up in another thread. I would suggest people who wouldn’t like their ideas to be destroyed to do the same.

I’ve got several experimental items for free without any problems. And I didn’t seen any epics for atleast 3 months before patch. They greatly improved chance to get items. Stop whining.

I agree i’ve gotten more experimental drops in 1 week than I’ve seen in 2 months.   Now out of the 20 or so experimentals i’ve seen so far after the patch…2 of them were successful loots.  That’s 2 experimental modules I probably still wouldn’t have if not for the drop rate increase.

If you take into account the massive increase to loot drops and then reduce by 10%, the rate of getting stuff is the same as it was before or perhaps better.  Is it really that awful to get a loot chance every win when compared to the endless junk we had before?  I like the new system.  

My 2 cents…


1 cent: Before the “weird camera patch” i spent some money to get a certain ship. NOW I DON’T WANT IT. Can u refund me?

2 cent: Please do not show me something…and then i get scrap. Previous setup was better thanks, more of a surprise. Something not expected and received. Now u just breaking my heart every time…and to get that purple i cannot even spend money somewhere else (like trade with another player or pay 10 x normal amount for the item in your shop) so you are making me feel bad and you are also losing out on $.


We see after this patch…this is the only time i spend on the forums - when the game is down.  

I’ve got several experimental items for free without any problems. And I didn’t seen any epics for atleast 3 months before patch. They greatly improved chance to get items. Stop whining.


Epics? Haven’t heard of those. Don’t you mean experimental modules?

easiest way to make money without ruining the game is always in cosmetic stuff. currently the stickers suck balls because you cant see them at all.  maybe some kind of simple paint and patterns. (you will always have people who want to paint their ships in all sorts of colors)  

I’ve got several experimental items for free without any problems. And I didn’t seen any epics for atleast 3 months before patch. They greatly improved chance to get items. Stop whining.

I agree i’ve gotten more experimental drops in 1 week than I’ve seen in 2 months.   Now out of the 20 or so experimentals i’ve seen so far after the patch…2 of them were successful loots.  That’s 2 experimental modules I probably still wouldn’t have if not for the drop rate increase.

If you take into account the massive increase to loot drops and then reduce by 10%, the rate of getting stuff is the same as it was before or perhaps better.  Is it really that awful to get a loot chance every win when compared to the endless junk we had before?  I like the new system.  

People can get really unlucky with loot drops, especially if they play in an inefficient fashion (including, but not limited to, devoting time to other games/life, losing all the time, having a bad team, not optimized already, ignoring PvE, etc.) Myself, I won 4 experimental modules and 30+ military modules within 2 weeks prior to the patch through a combination of PvP and PvE in conjunction with three other players who also know what they are doing.


Does that mean I think that the average was pretty high, or does that mean I think I got really lucky? There’s no way to tell when the only source of information is your own experience. Some people report winning nothing for months, some people report winning occasionally, some people report winning all the time. That’s why any reasonable person should reject any individual story surrounding loot drops and, instead, focus on the reports of hundreds more people so as to create statistical averages that, over time, will eventually become the same as the actual averages.

To Zerk1: Don’t resort to ad hominem attacks. It makes you look petty.