You Screwed Up

I’m normally not this blunt, but I’m past giving the developers the benefit of the doubt.


Skula_1975 and whoever else is developing this game; you screwed up big time. It is obvious you are hurting for money and that you are trying to find ways to boost your income. And you are trying to strong-arm your players into paying.


We have told you time and again, if you want to make money, make a game worth playing. We have told you that players pay for pretty things; stickers, custom colors, swapping ship parts. Yet instead you try to make a profit by jacking up repair costs for normal ships to an exorbitant degree while making premium ships free to repair. And now you have changed looting in yet another shameless attempt to make money.


Stop it! You are not going to make money this way, you are only going to drive players away.


Stop trying to force players into paying money. The money will come in if you get your act together and start listening to the community.


This latest patch is the death knell of this game. If you continue down this path, you will join Black Prophecy on the list of failed space MMOs.

I think that’s rather harsh as a T2-3  player and I understand and agree on a certain degree that the cost of ship repairs is quite high, I think it would be better if instead of having such a crazy amount of repair cost (usually at the moment 12K on bad matches) you have a death to repair ratio such as 500 creds per death, and add on 250 credits per tier, so T1 would be 500 for starter and max I think 1000? Then for T2 1500 per death max, players who usually get around 30K per game are only getting 20-15K out of it, you’re forcing people to play more to buy ships and this makes it more of a chore not a fun enjoyable game.

Repair cost is something, but its just credits, and still not too hard to earn.


Looting, I mean, its a reward. Not something you should have to buy, and especially not something you might have a good chance to waste money on it and still not get it. Getting 5x more credits if I pay an “Expert” and it fails will not give me more chances to get that purple. If I discover a good loot I want it, period.


There’s nothing more frustrating than being showed a good meal that was supposed to be free, and having it throwed in a doggy bag in front of us after we paid extra fees to maybe get it. Just plain and total crap. sorry.

I think what they’re trying to do is not screw players over but make it where you do PvP for reputation and loyalty contracts and you do PvE for money.  As it is nobody hardly plays PvE anymore because you can make more money playing PvP.   Why play a 15 minute game that rewards you with 200k when you can play 2 five minute games that award 100k apiece?


This way you aren’t going to make more money playing PvP unless you minimize your deaths.  There’s more to this game than just arcade/sector.  Any time I want to seriously grind credits I play PvE because it’s a guaranteed 200k per game and you rarely die so no repair costs either.

Ive always thought they should go for the “wana catch um all” hook.  Why not sell ships for $5-6 tops, and everything else for pennies, they would make a killing. Oh wait… theyre used to having their customers spend over $20 for ONE ship!? 

I feel so damn frustrated and trolled by the devs. I just came back to play since I finished classes and you guys managed to screw up loot. Not only is it hard to get but now you added another xxxx mechanic to get it AFTER you get it once?


I just lost some purple for my lower tiers, hell any purple lost is bad, because I will not pay what meager $$ cash I have on a meager chance to get it.


Every and I repeat EVERY god damn patch you guys do manages to make me hate you and not wish you success or some of my cash. This game feels like another WarZ scam dammit.


game xxxx deleted. go ask for money on the streets because when it comes to game development you guys are disgusting at it.

btw, even the purple loot spot in pve is now like this, 10% chance to get it, or 30% if you pay. It is not a reward anymore. It is gambling. No one will get into it.

Wow, whats so bad about the game actually? I just want repair cost lowered and increased chances for finding military and experimental weaps. Oh yes, did I mention that the payment for premium ships is a bit too high? like a few thousand too high in game currency? Additionally have you realized that you have a DEFINITE find every 10 tries I think? and yes a bit unfair BUT ITS ALL SPECIAL! 

I think that’s rather harsh as a T2-3  player and I understand and agree on a certain degree that the cost of ship repairs is quite high, I think it would be better if instead of having such a crazy amount of repair cost (usually at the moment 12K on bad matches) you have a death to repair ratio such as 500 creds per death, and add on 250 credits per tier, so T1 would be 500 for starter and max I think 1000? Then for T2 1500 per death max, players who usually get around 30K per game are only getting 20-15K out of it, you’re forcing people to play more to buy ships and this makes it more of a chore not a fun enjoyable game.


i dunno man, at T3, im paying an average of about 70-80% of my reward as repairs. you say 12k on a bad match? yes, that sounds like a very bad t2 match result. Have you even progressed past T2 yet? Have you had a t3 or even t4 repair bill yet? i doubt it.

I feel so damn frustrated and trolled by the devs. I just came back to play since I finished classes and you guys managed to screw up loot. Not only is it hard to get but now you added another xxxx mechanic to get it AFTER you get it once?


I just lost some purple for my lower tiers, hell any purple lost is bad, because I will not pay what meager $$ cash I have on a meager chance to get it.


Every and I repeat EVERY god damn patch you guys do manages to make me hate you and not wish you success or some of my cash. This game feels like another WarZ scam dammit.


game xxxx deleted. go ask for money on the streets because when it comes to game development you guys are disgusting at it.


Yep. i had heaps of fun with this game 24 hours ago. i logged on after this new patch and here is what i noticed first…


game crashed after 2 mins in battle. then i logged back in, same again. after the 3rd crash (at about 2 minute mark) i decided to stop playing and get on the forums.


why do the frigs have a now almost un-playable camera view?




since the game crashed 3 times in less than 5 minutes, i didn’t get a chance to see the new ‘game killing’ loot system.


In fact, i have not had a chance to see anything more of the game apart from the above stated.



wow! what happened? the game was my favorite game 24 hours ago. I guess i’ll just forget Star conflict exists and go do the dishes.

Yea, I crashed so much and I just recently tried the new looting system, is sorta better and worse, you get a much higher chance of finding a military object of ANY kind but u also have such a low chance of obtaining it its like being shown a really nice PC or gaming accessory that you want big time and then seeing it being crushed and destroyed. I really hope they fix the problem with the crashing soon, and I suppose you’re right haven’t gotten a t3 ship yet BUT YES THE REPAIR COSTS MUST BE LOWERED BIG TIME.

As an irony to the Original Poster, I was a beta tester in Black Prophecy too.


IMO 3 things they need to bring back from the original was


  1. The camera

  2. The blind loot system, if I’m not going to get something, I rather not know about it. Human nature.

  3. The hard fixed values for the ship display bonuses. The old system was ok, ctrl to bring up all stats on ship, bonus numbers permanently on in green/red.

  4. Insurance, to prevent crash generated bankruptcy.


New stuff:


  1. Recon inty needs more DPS, I hate to lose my missiles for finishing kills, but you can possibly take out the missile rack and put in either more rockets or a second rocket rack, turn it from a gunship into a rocket boat or a one shot wonder rocket ship. As it is now, a single engineer frigate warping to a beacon totally negates recon usefulness.

Repair cost is something, but its just credits, and still not too hard to earn.


Looting, I mean, its a reward. Not something you should have to buy, and especially not something you might have a good chance to waste money on it and still not get it. Getting 5x more credits if I pay an “Expert” and it fails will not give me more chances to get that purple. If I discover a good loot I want it, period.


There’s nothing more frustrating than being showed a good meal that was supposed to be free, and having it throwed in a doggy bag in front of us after we paid extra fees to maybe get it. Just plain and total crap. sorry.


the game has been murdered by its own developers. i dont know why, it does not make sense.


Star conflict is dead. 


end of story

Oh, and about that complimentary license? It usually is a good idea to make stuff like that activate via mail after the player has actually logged on and accepted it. Otherwise you end up with half of your players’ complimentary licenses expiring before they’ve even logged in!


And what the heck is up with the camera being zoomed in on the ships? It’s like I’m forced to play with the target highlighting on just so I can see the enemy ship through my own hull! Frigates are almost unplayable now due to their bulk filling the screen. That is, if the game wasn’t already unplayable because it continually crashes every 2 minutes or so.

Hey there:


I see that there are problems with todays’s patch, but let me clear a cople of moments for you:


Camera problem


In short: Will be fixed.


Why did it happen?


We are trying to improve players’ immersion into the game and camera was one of our iterations of idea. We see that you don’t like it and will make improvements to it. In the process we will try to take into accoun all of our users’ opinions on the matter. 


Loot changes


In short: It is actually more lucrative than before.


New system has led many users to think that now the are forced to pay more and if not, will gain less. That’s not really true. In fact, you will now have more money than before.


Why will I have more money?


Simple. We’ve increased drop rates. So, now you will get more chances to loot a purple or green grade items than before, moreover, those items, if they are broken while looting, will still give you more money than the usual trash. 


Repair costs


So why is it more expensive?


Connected with the previous paragraph. You will get more money, thus we decided to increase repair costs a bit. 




I’m crashing after the patch, help!


Those are already fixed and probably have already been uploaded to the servers. 

Camera problem


In short: Will be fixed.


Why did it happen?


We are trying to improve players’ immersion into the game and camera was one of our iterations of idea.

I’d give you +10 if I could for actually engaging with the community. I was wondering what the objective of the new camera system was but figured it was pointless even asking. More please.

A close camera for third person view of the ship is not immersive, its just plain annoying.


For more immersion, a cockpit view would be a better idea. Or just a first person view with HUD and nothing else in the way.

I’d give you +10 if I could for actually engaging with the community. I was wondering what the objective of the new camera system was but figured it was pointless even asking. Happy to be shown up.


I wouldn’t bother really. Devs talking to the community is only useful when they say something worthy and that coincides with the truth.



Camera problem


In short: Will be fixed."


Servers went down, there was a patch, it’s all the same. If your fixing consists of trying to keep this type of camera around, it’ll always be broken.

if you want immersion, you give people access to a first person view. HELL, give them a cockpit aspect, it should be less distracting than a damned ship filling the whole bottom of your screen.

Two games made it particularly well in terms of space-sims: Freespace, Freelancer – One offered a nice cockpit view with lots of open sight, the other put the camera as you had before. It worked great. One gave me immersion, the other gave me fun. The current one makes me sick.




Loot changes


In short: It is actually more lucrative than before."


Lucrative? For you? I bet that’s your hope.


Now, I’m not even saying that perhaps it isn’t that – But when was money the issue? I never had trouble with money.

I do have problems however with a Experimental piece of equipment that I want being dangled in front of my nose and then crushed. EVEN if I paid Gold I could still lose it.

And I’d get what? Credits? What good are they for!? I have dozens of millons.



So, back at Soldiers. This amongst with other, many things before, show that the devs aren’t giving a crap to the players. This public communication is trash and useless, and doesn’t do anything to show that they care about our opinions of their game.

Hey there:


I see that there are problems with todays’s patch, but let me clear a cople of moments for you:


Camera problem


In short: Will be fixed.


Why did it happen?


We are trying to improve players’ immersion into the game and camera was one of our iterations of idea. We see that you don’t like it and will make improvements to it. In the process we will try to take into accoun all of our users’ opinions on the matter. 


Loot changes


In short: It is actually more lucrative than before.


New system has led many users to think that now the are forced to pay more and if not, will gain less. That’s not really true. In fact, you will now have more money than before.


Why will I have more money?


Simple. We’ve increased drop rates. So, now you will get more chances to loot a purple or green grade items than before, moreover, those items, if they are broken while looting, will still give you more money than the usual trash. 


Repair costs


So why is it more expensive?


Connected with the previous paragraph. You will get more money, thus we decided to increase repair costs a bit. 




I’m crashing after the patch, help!


Those are already fixed and probably have already been uploaded to the servers. 


Camera Problem

Viewing the ship from behind is never going to be as immersive as a first person view. I know a lot of people wanted first person, but I sure as hell wasn’t one of them. I now feel I cannot fly my favourite ship because I cannot see what I am doing! That is the opposite of immersion.


Loot Changes

Do you understand that there is a big difference between how something works, and how it is perceived to work? “what the xxxx do you want?” and “can I help you?” both technically do the same thing, but most people prefer the latter.


Your new system is an extended middle finger to your player base. Before, finding a rare item was unexpected and thus welcomed. Now it is more common, but you take our prize away from us and give us something inferior in its place. Even if I never intended to keep that Military Grade T2 M shield I just won I would earn more money selling it than I get when you take it off me and smash it.


If I see a usable item in loot then it is mine, and if I don’t get it then I feel you are screwing me over. I am not alone in this sentiment.


Repair Costs

This is a nice idea in theory, but it means that the penalty for losing a match is even higher. That is not fair. You should not be punishing people for losing; you should reward them for winning.



All of this is, of course, further compounded by the fact you took the servers down for maintenance today and didn’t fix any of this despite knowing full well your player base hated the changes for at least 24 hours.