WTF !!!

1 hour ago, Flash0914 said:

To put it simple: it doesn’t look good when over 40% of the tech tree could be in the same battle and it makes r 15 kind of worthless.

mmm no

equally ranked ships means  1-5    6-9     10-12      13-15  … but by the response to this ridiculous MM  R-5 to R-15 … it makes me  wonder why we even have ranks at all ??? I mean whats the point of  having  a rank system if the game matches don’t even respect it … oh wait they do , only if you want to make a group or wing … only then do you see the equally ranked ships in a queue … but if your English is so bad that you ALL can’t understand what “equally” means  then please  by all means post it in Russian so 99.9% of the server wont get confused

5 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

mmm no


no you are forced to use  R-15 to farm loyalty at a reasonable rate per day … or  just use  mk1 gear and don’t level it up …


by the way can you still make gold  gear that gets 3% synergy ??? or was that taken out  … I know you can still use GS to upgrade  but will it be gold  ?

50 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

it doesn’t look good

i am still not sure where the problem is.

it gives people a lot more to choose from.

it is the games weakness anyway, that there are ships which are only usable for a period of playtime, since all players move to the top.

especially since 13-15 has a lot less variety, and is more high tech, while 10-12 is the more standard brute force military, they look good together.


until now, mid tiers had a lot more ships, because they got joined by ships above and below, besides r9 being the historic second highest tier rank having so many ships to choose from; r15 only gets ships from below.


with r16 and r17 it will be back to 13-17 anyway.


and if things happen like the loki thermal burner, i rather have that happening in endgame tier, than in mid-tiers. 



7 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Rank 5 ships being pulled into Rank 15 battles via higher ranking ships in slot is okay by me

i do understand if r5 is a bit too low for players who are still leveling up and could feel the pressure to play high tier r15s in fed with their newly begun jericho r5s, if someone levels up faction by faction - so if r5 would be allowed to come back to r15, it should only be possible, imho, if one has unlocked all ranks / ships.



1 minute ago, Original_Taz said:

it makes me  wonder why we even have ranks at all ???

the game has ranks because its a good model to have progression, and allows the player to unlock content, without the devs need to balance each unit against the other. it gives you as player some sense of achievement. it has nothing to do with balance, since if you want to make a balanced game, you could try to make each unit be competitive with every other, or go for asymmetric balance from the getgo.


atm. rank restrictions are 10-15, 9-14, 8-13 for r15.


so i am still puzzled how one got a r5 into that battle.


on the other hand, i rather have minimum ships equipped of 3 or even 4 for r15 aswell instead, way more of a problem if someone brings a single LRF to every gamemode.


13 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

if your English is so bad that you ALL can’t understand what “equally” means 

i think people understood quite well what it meant overall.


be happy so many voted yes, showing off why democracy doesn’t bring you good things.


1 hour ago, Original_Taz said:

equally ranked ships means  1-5    6-9     10-12      13-15  … but by the response to this ridiculous MM  R-5 to R-15 … it makes me  wonder why we even have ranks at all ??? I mean whats the point of  having  a rank system if the game matches don’t even respect it … oh wait they do , only if you want to make a group or wing … only then do you see the equally ranked ships in a queue … but if your English is so bad that you ALL can’t understand what “equally” means  then please  by all means post it in Russian so 99.9% of the server wont get confused

I strongly suggest you to read the game manual. Please. And watch some video tutorials. From what I saw today you lack basic understanding not only how is you rank for battle calculated, but even basics of flight and ship roles. Please - instead of posting nonsense over and over again - spend that time on reading about the basics. Even the post above shows your lack of basic knowledge and that you have no idea of what “highest rank ship in slot” means. Please save yourself (and others) some time and just get the basics.


i dont’t understand this protest, this game has not enough population for seperate playgrounds. You really really want dead t4 back do you, 2v2s 3v3s. Lovely…

IMO there is way to many nwbs in r15, half of the population there is made of ppl who havent even learned to play all the roles. ( wich is a direct result of the new ships giving access to the tier to ppl who have never flown the " normal" ships) Your whining is a testimony to your lack in experience.

This game has been designed with mixed tiers in mind. R13 to R15 lack in diversity and taking lower ranks out of the equation will result in the resurgence of cheese fitting bullshit.

I know most of u werent around but once upon a time there wasn’t even a limit on what modules u could fit on what ship class.


If you would truly understand how to fit a ship to it’s strenghs, you would realise that the lower rank ships, can actually be more powerful.


And about that r5 ship in r15 Q, what other ships did you have with you? Even if this is a bug,this doesn’t happen without you having a high tier ship in ur line up…

16 hours ago, g4borg said:

and if things happen like the loki thermal burner, i rather have that happening in endgame tier, than in mid-tiers. 


If this is a thing of high tiers, way more people will be tempted to actually use it, if it is in the mid tiers, those broken r12 prem combos are only tempting for the dudes farming low tier pvp pilots for their filthy ego because they are too xxxx to do it against enemies they are on par with.

No - maybe it is also material for players ranking up through t4 to t5…

6 hours ago, Flash0914 said:


If this is a thing of high tiers, way more people will be tempted to actually use it, if it is in the mid tiers, those broken r12 prem combos are only tempting for the dudes farming low tier pvp pilots for their filthy ego because they are too xxxx to do it against enemies they are on par with.

Errm - and how exactly they will do that? If they will get a few games against R9s, next games will be against same or higher ranks, or they will get R9s on their side exactly to prevent farming. People are cursing the current matchmaker, but from the stats it looks like you have to be exceptionally good or exceptionally bad to not have your W/L going to 1.0 in random PvP. 

9 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

If this is a thing of high tiers, way more people will be tempted to actually use it, if it is in the mid tiers, those broken r12 prem combos are only tempting for the dudes farming low tier pvp pilots for their filthy ego because they are too xxxx to do it against enemies they are on par with.

i seriously doubt this is how it really works or ever worked.


if you dislike the behaviour of some who hunt in low population tiers for stats, and think with more exclusive tier systems, you can avoid it, i think you should keep in mind: exactly because you create a safe haven for such behaviour, it will flourish.

and exactly because of tier mixing, they cant prevent, to get pulled either into a lower or higher matchup from time to time.


current MM, hotjoining, etc. also eliminated the trend to “farm stats” in pub pvp.

people who value their stats more than their skills are hardly solo queueing a lot.


i think if someone flies r15, he should be fit to deal with anything the game has to offer, even occasional disbalance. if not, you should go into a lower rank.


to be honest, i understand if someone wants less tier mixing in lower ranks, like max r9 queue, max r12 queue etc. - but to bring ships from the tier below into the tier above should always be possible, and only helps to increase the choices a player can make who does not own GS ships. so the current solution is better than the restrictive nonsense of before.


one really has to think about whether you just blame some random stuff for your own problems, or if a solution is really for the general good.


besides, the loki is a glass cannon, the thermal burner was still hard to use as a finishing weapon, so you can end up with a bad K:D ratio even if you did most damage in the match. it wasn’t really _that_ good to farm stats in every game, even if the weapon was so deadly for its victims. it clearly increased in its usage, but only a few were really successful with it.

the excalibur was used just as much, if not more, as thermal burner platform, it was just the worse choice if both ships dueled. and while i could count the number of dangerous loki pilots in that timeframe on two hands, the covert ops kinetic gun was _immediately_ widespread, just as the thi’es-spark, and tier locks would have not prevented those.


Excalibur has an access to a unique Thermal shield modifier, that ramp up resistances with ships in proximity, it actually was really useful vs Loki and Thermal burners in general, so while in 1v1 Loki is a clear winner with maneuverability and raw dmg output, but in a bigger match it is definitely was not the case. Exacluburs Energy cube for CD reduction is pretty good in its own way and I would not say it is flat out worse than +Dmg/projectile speed aura from Loki

3 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

kindergarten-time observations.

loki always wins.

10 minutes ago, g4borg said:


current MM, hotjoining, etc. also eliminated the trend to “farm stats” in pub pvp.

people who value their stats more than their skills are hardly solo queueing a lot.


i think if someone flies r15, he should be fit to deal with anything the game has to offer, even occasional disbalance. if not, you should go into a lower rank.


to be honest, i understand if someone wants less tier mixing in lower ranks, like max r9 queue, max r12 queue etc. - but to bring ships from the tier below into the tier above should always be possible, and only helps to increase the choices a player can make who does not own GS ships. 



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besides, the loki is a glass cannon, the thermal burner was still hard to use as a finishing weapon, so you can end up with a bad K:D ratio even if you did most damage in the match. it wasn’t really _that_ good to farm stats in every game, even if the weapon was so deadly for its victims. it clearly increased in its usage, but only a few were really successful with it.

the excalibur was used just as much, if not more, as thermal burner platform, it was just the worse choice if both ships dueled. and while i could count the number of dangerous loki pilots in that timeframe on two hands, the covert ops kinetic gun was _immediately_ widespread, just as the thi’es-spark, and tier locks would have not prevented those.



I queue in 95% alone and have w/l ratio >2. But I don’t like hotjoining at all. I don’t like if I drop in game when one team have all becons. I don’t like when I’m still not even in game and I can watch how last bomb is planted.


Today I was flying with bomb toward becon when hotjoining started and when this sh it ended my ship was turned in opposite side. I have like 1- 2 sec freezed screen when people are hotjoining.

And no my internet is ok it is not problem on my end sice a lot of my friends are complaining about this too.


Also with all those buffs for “lower” rank ships all magic from R15 is lost for me.

Only explanation why is this so is because of DCL sale.

To make R12 Op with buffs against higher R. Also why can those few ships use four new modules? Wait I know this because of DCL sale.


And that manufactured ships like Jaguar, mjolnir …ect can’t use any of new moduls is complete sh it.





11 minutes ago, g4borg said:

loki always wins.


53 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:

I have like 1- 2 sec freezed screen when people are hotjoining.

And no my internet is ok it is not problem on my end sice a lot of my friends are complaining about this too.

that is asset loading issue - a blocking harddrive.

you can circumvent this with more modern windows systems, see [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/35317-precaching-attempts/)


i can agree with most of your QQ anyway, also i think the craftable ships might get the modules later on aswell, i bet its just there to “make the standard ships a bit more interesting” for a while.


well, okay, except this, i cant agree with this, obviously

53 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:

Also with all those buffs for “lower” rank ships all magic from R15 is lost for me.

you cant be serious. t4 never truly existed, you should have more fun trying r10-r12 nowadays.

the buffs exist now for a really really long time, and were the best addition this game ever had, and they apply to ALL ships, not just DLC, even R15. so assuming its because of sales is complete BS.

exactly if you have a linear upgrading tier system, that is made to milk the cow, because it means, players will pve until they reach r15 and enter the pvp arena without any experience.

this way, you have a bit of a choice what to take.


without the buffs, t4 ships are way too weak, and t4 is an unplayed tier. even with them, r15s dominate their own tier anyway, as they have higher base stats, and better modules.

it is by far the only change the devs made, that actually removed a bit from the “all fly just r15 ships” and brought the game closer to a modern rankless approach, which would be more competitive, instead of having a population divided by stat-xxxxs who feel insignificant if they play other games, and pve farmers, who come into pvp switching between guard and lrf.


anyway my assumption is that the buffs are not as strong anymore as stated on the old announcement, and of course they are somewhat obscure. you still will feel the difference between a r10 and r15 vessel overall.

8 hours ago, g4borg said:

i seriously doubt this is how it really works or ever worked. …

Ty! I do r11s for gaining Beryllium


8 hours ago, g4borg said:

…current MM, hot joining, etc. also eliminated the trend to “farm stats” in pub pvp.

people who value their stats more than their skills are hardly solo queuing a lot.  …

And that is good, this way. It gives flexibility and is probably the best approach for the common good of the many individual players.


8 hours ago, g4borg said:

… i think if someone flies r15, he should be fit to deal with anything the game has to offer, even occasional disbalance. if not, you should go into a lower rank.

… to bring ships from the tier below into the tier above should always be possible, and only helps to increase the choices a player can make who does not own GS ships. so the current solution is better than the restrictive nonsense of before.  …

Exactly - if one feels uncomfortable , please try to equip lower ranked ships first and try to climb up with some stamina )not everyone needs to get all ships and level them up. Some buy premiums or DLCs for that matter, even special project ships can be unlocked for development by the player through the purchase of r15 ships, e.g around new year for only 2018 GS c. ~5-6 US$).


7 hours ago, GatoGrande said:

… I don’t like hotjoining at all. I don’t like if I drop in game when one team have all becons. I don’t like when I’m still not even in game and I can watch how last bomb is planted.

Not so fast, some times hot joining can spin a boring battle into a quite exiting one. Hot joining is more good than bad.


7 hours ago, g4borg said:

…  t4 never truly existed, you should have more fun trying r10-r12 nowadays.

the buffs exist now for a really really long time, and were the best addition this game ever had, and they apply to ALL ships, not just DLC, even R15. so assuming its because of sales is complete BS.

exactly if you have a linear upgrading tier system, that is made to milk the cow, because it means, players will pve until they reach r15 and enter the pvp arena without any experience.

this way, you have a bit of a choice what to take.


without the buffs, t4 ships are way too weak, and t4 is an unplayed tier. even with them, r15s dominate their own tier anyway, as they have higher base stats, and better modules.

it is by far the only change the devs made, that actually removed a bit from the “all fly just r15 ships” and brought the game closer to a modern rankless approach, which would be more competitive, instead of having a population divided by stat-xxxxs who feel insignificant if they play other games, and pve farmers, who come into pvp switching between guard and lrf.


anyway my assumption is that the buffs are not as strong anymore as stated on the old announcement, and of course they are somewhat obscure. you still will feel the difference between a r10 and r15 vessel overall.

T4? Who needs t4 - really? Place some few good ships into T3 or T5 (with or without adjustments, one could add ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) ) and nobody even would notice if T4 was disestablished!


note, that i mostly wrote for r10-17 queue. if someone obeys the rules, imho he should be able to select the difficulty, and even be able to bring any rank he wants.

that is what i defended, and imho it is a good idea for endgame content.


what i do not defend, is mixing pure max r9 setups into games with r15s, so the intial picture of a r5 having to fight in battle against r15.


which seems to be the case aswell. and that is indeed despicable. and no buff whatsoever can mitigate the differences.


the initial question is also pretty vague and interpreted in many ways. i voted no, if its about 10-12 in r15. because they are imho almost equal in strength. i would vote yes however, if its about r5-r9 in battles with r15s. i dont understand why the concept of 3 main queues cannot be simply implemented properly, and kept straight. this incompetence and back and forth is something we probably have to live with, and maybe are done because of small population, i dont know.

3 hours ago, g4borg said:

i dont understand why the concept of 3 main queues cannot be simply implemented properly, and kept straight. this incompetence and back and forth is something we probably have to live with, and maybe are done because of small population, i dont know.

This is done in such way because people who are doing it, probably don’t know what they are doing or how they should be doing it.

It’s so simple to do, but they are making a rocket science from something that’s clearly just a high-school grade science.

I will say it again, I want to feel the ship exactly as it is, without hidden passive modifiers.

In fact, I know a few friends who had left the game for this exact reason alone.

[Erador] and a few others, for example.


This means that Rank 11-15 ships should be matched vs. 11-15 (Hard/Expert difficulty). Simple, right? What we have now, IS A MESS!

Could some one explain why there is this huge range of ranks (1-15) anyhow? Was it from the games start (wasn’t it until 9? And what is the wisdom behind expanding it even more into ranks 16-17???

On 16.2.2018 at 12:28 AM, avarshina said:

Could some one explain why there is this huge range of ranks (1-15) anyhow? Was it from the games start (wasn’t it until 9? And what is the wisdom behind expanding it even more into ranks 16-17???

because a lot of people have all “free” ships and you don’t want to sit there with no progress to be made. Therefore they add more ships.