WTF !!!

Rank 5 ships fighting rank 15 ships in a random PVP queue !!!



i actually don’t really mind… i’m glad i can use lower rank ship like stingray or sawtooth in R15

You don’t want to get killed by higher rank ship ? just make sure you don’t equip two different ships tiers in slot.

22 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

Rank 5 ships fighting rank 15 ships in a random PVP queue !!!



Use the boni!

Buff tank it!, Get your hullstrengh up you dont need that EM resistance, remove the speedmods!

This is not a fast ceptor, make it agile!


No! Why? That’s the way the PvP will stay, anyways, because it solves a lot of other problems you maybe not aware of.

Poll question is not good. 

Does this mean that we can take just ships of one rank?

Can’t vote since bad question.

Oh we have two xKostyan. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

50 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:

Oh we have two xKostyan. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


xKostyan and his alt


8 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


xKostyan and his alt


My alt is xKostyan_

John is John

33 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


xKostyan and his alt


If you would give other choice instead of a definite YES or NO I maybe wouldn’t have chosen the last option.

Imo matching more diverse ranks against each other is ok as long as they balance it correctly (buffs and so)


Also what do you see as equal ranks? Only the exact same rank or 3ranks or even more?

i tried, but i could not get my kite-e into r15


![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

Despite the vote I’ve given this poll is nowhere near valid…all in all 14 players and of course those 14 players are the ones that haunt the forum, I’ll raise the number to say 30 because of their alts…

2 hours ago, John161 said:


Also what do you see as equal ranks? Only the exact same rank or 3ranks or even more?


Yep that is why I didn’t vote.

Bad poll question

I mean it is not really unbalanced or unfair the way it is now. (but it’d maybe block some op combos out of r 15, like Cutter, Loki, Orelus, Panther) and it really is nice to see only high tier ships in high tier battles and not random r10s or r9s just living off the buffs.

dont want same rank mode but the game need to be more balance

in case a rank 5 leader with 7 rank 15 ship fight against a rank 5 team…

12 minutes ago, driversar said:

dont want same rank mode but the game need to be more balance

in case a rank 5 leader with 7 rank 15 ship fight against a rank 5 team…

You simply cannot do this. If you create a wing, max rank ship in leader’s slot defines max rank for all other members. So you cannot have a wing of 8 ships with leader has R5 and the rest R15s. All those R15 pilots will receive the error message about rank mismatch when they will attempt to launch.

3 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

I mean it is not really unbalanced or unfair the way it is now. (but it’d maybe block some op combos out of r 15, like Cutter, Loki, Orelus, Panther) and it really is nice to see only high tier ships in high tier battles and not random r10s or r9s just living off the buffs.

whats the problem with r10s living off buffs? they do the same work


why remove cutter and loki there? they fill niches you do not have in r15; if there is any place strong ships should play it is exactly r15, imho the stingray, loki, dart, gargoyle, etc. do not belong at all into any other rank than endgame! they were always way too powerful for the t4/t3 meta.


r12 ships were also never really not allowed to get into r15, so panther, orelus, etc were always present, even waaay back in time. it’s not the ships’ fault, there were weapons which were unbalanced for a while.


can you explain what exactly is bugging you about that?


Rank 5 ships being pulled into Rank 15 battles via higher ranking ships in slot is okay by me since you can use different ship setups/roles you wouldn’t before hand thanks to the odd MM. On the other hand, why is there still such strict rank restrictions in PvE and Spec Ops, why does everyone have to use the same rank stuff???

why no make it possible to choose with which rank max we want fight ?

like that  ppl who want  fight r 5 against r 15 can choose and ppl who want  fight  r5 against r5 or 6 or above , can choose also

LIke, it will be nice to choose also if we want fight against  aliens ships, or not …

11 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

You simply cannot do this. If you create a wing, max rank ship in leader’s slot defines max rank for all other members. So you cannot have a wing of 8 ships with leader has R5 and the rest R15s. All those R15 pilots will receive the error message about rank mismatch when they will attempt to launch.

someone say they can… may be in another mode…


5 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

strict rank restrictions

pvp too…

9 hours ago, g4borg said:

can you explain what exactly is bugging you about that?

To put it simple: it doesn’t look good when over 40% of the tech tree could be in the same battle and it makes r 15 kind of worthless.