wost balance ingame


i just finaly got rich on this frigate conflict, mostly you face a frigate ball you kill them, but they spawn faster and rush the bacons its just a pain to watch in the matches a majority of Guards special in t3.

a good example is Nova this guys are very good Frigballs, press pulsar press torpedo rush bacon and respawn again and again a frigate, or they golike Drogbest every match with guard i see him, he is always behind his team not far away from the spawn, maybe he guard him self?



Yesterday I played Crus S for the first time in months, and I got 11 kills out of nowhere with pulsar + torpedo. I’m a terrible frigate player, the only frigates I like are the engineers, but I wanted to get some fleet strength and open all patches to t4 so I got the Crus S.


I don’t think the ship itself is OP, but frigballs are indeed strong, there’s no way you can kill them if they stay together.


I have more problems with Recon zerg swarms than with frigballs, but they got 15% critical chance buff, so players will like them even more. 

At least there is a bit brainpower left in bubblerushes.  :beee:


I was accused of hacking today (again) because I used my IWIN-Button on the Argonaut. 

if dev see abuse during the tournament like those you mentionned I’m pretty sure they’ll patch it fast. A tournament is also a way to see how the playerbase is doing and what abuses can be made.



I have more problems with Recon zerg swarms than with frigballs, but they got 15% critical chance buff, so players will like them even more. 


for recons u still can use a lame Particle Purge tactic it works mostly u just need a fast gunship


but on beacons we had some times a match lose because the recons just  capped and capped no kills but they cap! you kill them, they spawn warp already to next bacon :facepalm:

At least there is a bit brainpower left in bubblerushes.  :beee:


I was accused of hacking today (again) because I used my IWIN-Button on the Argonaut. 

you can conter a particle purge gunship,only the fed gunship is hard to conter because this ship got max speed on overdrive, but you just try to get the first strike on him most gunship pilots lose the shields very early so pP is just useless

if dev see abuse during the tournament like those you mentionned I’m pretty sure they’ll patch it fast. A tournament is also a way to see how the playerbase is doing and what abuses can be made.


A LOT can be made! Mostly by having FotM-Ships in great numbers… Like recons or Gunships. 

you can conter a gunship with PP maybe not a fed gunship because this ship got max speed on overdrive, but you just must try to get the first strike on him most gunship pilots lose the shields very early so pP is just useless


Well, you still know that the Idea of the Tournament is to WIN it. I dont care about how cheap the tactics are as long as they grant me the win and Im totally fine with it, if i havent killed one ship in the whole battle. 


There were some “lets duke it out bro” Tourneys a few month ago, but this one is about to “capture the beacons”. And thats what I do to win.


Still, I give you that: This game is far from being balanced. 

Well, you still know that the Idea of the Tournament is to WIN it. I dont care about how cheap the tactics are as long as they grant me the win and Im totally fine with it, if i havent killed one ship in the whole battle. 


There were some “lets duke it out bro” Tourneys a few month ago, but this one is about to “capture the beacons”. And thats what I do to win.


Still, I give you that: This game is far from being balanced. 

just lol. i care a xxxx of the win when you dont fight…

and esb will sure Not go this lame retard3d tactic with recon  ecm in the tourney

and another worst crap is the tournament? srsly why tournament when you dont need to kill anyone in tournament? you can go with 8 recons rush 2 becons selfkill and rush with 8 ecms last beacon to bubble cap it, where is the point to make a tourney?



Agreed - Having 3 / 4 ships available in the tournament is just wrong

just lol. i care a xxxx of the win when you dont fight…

and esb will sure Not go this lame retard3d tactic with recon  ecm in the tourney


I hope nobody will go with this. It takes out all the fun of the game - it should be about fighting.

for recons u still can use a lame Particle Purge tactic it works mostly u just need a fast gunship


but on beacons we had some times a match lose because the recons just  capped and capped no kills but they cap! you kill them, they spawn warp already to next bacon :facepalm:


But that works if you have gunship, with any other ship you’re screwed with that drones, even the engis can’t heal you properly

just lol. i care a xxxx of the win when you dont fight…

and esb will sure Not go this lame retard3d tactic with recon  ecm in the tourney



I hope nobody will go with this. It takes out all the fun of the game - it should be about fighting.


What Ray forgot to say is, why this " retard3d tactic" was invented in the first place: Out of pragmatism and desperation.

Its the answer to counter the 6x Gunshit 2x Healer Powerhouse (or let it be 5x Gunshits 1x Recon 2x Healer), which renders any “balanced” combination of ships useless. Intswarms will pulsed away in 3 purges maximum, Even a Frigball will come to a complete halt vs that massive firepower.


So lets stop being hypocrites: You dont go with a balanced comp in battle, you take the ships that are FotM. That said: Anyone who takes a CovOps, Tackler, LRF, even ECM (if not bubble-rush) is just a burden to the team. Stop pretending that flying Gunshit with IWIN-Button while having a healer in the background takes ANY kind of skill. difficulty.


Also, dont forget: you want to win, at any costs (at least thats for me the very idea of a tourney). And if you really dont care about the win, Ray, I really really hope we are not in the same team. 


Sorry for the harsh words, I know that you are both outstanding pilots, but I cant stand it, when only half the truth is told.  


And in a way the last tournament was/will be (in retroperspective) the more balanced one, since you had far more variety on guns and fittings. But with the restrictions to guns nowadays its pretty obvious what PPL bring on the field… given they want to be effective.  

I hope nobody will go with this. It takes out all the fun of the game - it should be about fighting.

It’s about more than just ship based combat.  The beacons are part of the strategy.  Rushing is great counter to a frigball.  Winning is about strategy and skill.  How many of the great battles of history have been against impossible odds?  Recall Nova repeatedly changing strategies in the last tournament?

 Anyone who takes a CovOps is just a burden to the team.

I am not a burden to the team :frowning:

I am not a burden to the team :frowning:


Read it in the context ol fella  :yes_yes:

particule pugre gunships are annoying but they can be taken out with 1 ecm and some focus fire

particule pugre gunships are annoying but they can be taken out with 1 ecm and some focus fire


Again, read the context. Im talking not about a PUG, Im talking of a good organized team in (relatively) close formation. 

Raymaru crying about frigates instead of ECMs?


Must be a cold day in hell today.




P.S. I almost feel vindicated.

well the gunship have to leave the engy to do their shenanigans and that is when you ecm them