wost balance ingame

well the gunship have to leave the engy to do their shenanigans and that is when you ecm them


Go ahead, try!  ;)wt  I wonder what will last longer: The stasis of the ECM or the ECM itself   :Dwop

Go ahead, try!  ;)wt  I wonder what will last longer: The stasis of the ECM or the ECM itself   :Dwop

Considering the range on Ion emitters…

well the gunship have to leave the engy to do their shenanigans and that is when you ecm them

Then you melt in a puddle of your “why did I try to take on a gunship with an interceptor” tears, and then he pops his engine overcharge and flies back to his engy to heal up trollfacing the chasers. Or just follows up melting them into the same puddle.

Ask NeoCodex on how I fly my frigates…

Overall, if we’re discussing pure combat, the three superclasses feel balanced. The issue, imo, comes from objectives. There is no real counter to inty speed when capping. Capture the Beacons is the one exception simply because the frigs and fighters are already at the beacons, and so attacking intys can be mopped up with ease.

True game balance will rely upon more modes where lack of speed is not an inherent penalty.