Worthless trash ships why

Hi, I’m a former 2.5k rating player. I recently got to 2.5k rating, got drunk and decided to play in T3. My rating has been falling like rain ever since thanks to your garbage excuse for a T3 gunship. This is one of the things about this game that I utterly hate and have stopped playing this game because of several times.


I don’t appreciate being given a pathetic excuse for a ship, a class I probably don’t even want to play, and being forced to synergise the garbage just to unlock a ship I actually want to play. I don’t appreciate being forced to play a 3 active module T3 ship to unlock a proper 4 module ship. I’ve spent more time in this game playing ships I don’t want to play, than actually playing ships I like.


Literally why. Why am I forced to play garbage ships to get the good ones? Why am I forced to grind for hours while playing a ship I hate? Why can’t the ships in this game be a choice, rather than one useless and one good? Why can’t every ship be a choice and an enjoyable experience?


Why’re you so dead set on forcing me to play awful ships and locking actives and weapons away from me, rather than giving me good competitive ships/modules/weapons to play with? Why can’t grinding through your game just be an evolving enjoyable experience instead of being a boring grind fest half the time?


On a side note, why is the scatter gun restricted to T4/T5? As an awful player with terrible aim, I’d like to have this weapon as an option in T2/T3. Why is it restricted to T4/5 players that’re already really experienced with the game and don’t need it?


Please consider remaking your ship ranks/weapon ranks to be more engaging and fun. I wouldn’t put this game down as much as I do if I didn’t get bored. I not only struggle to get my friend to play this with me, but I also struggle to find any kind of fun in T1. This game is extremely boring when everything only gets one weapon option and one module/two active modules.


On the other hand, I find it very hard to bother playing trashy rank 1 ships against opponents that’re R2-3 and have high synergy and green+ modules. I personally find grinding the trashy R7 gunship I currently have to be a very boring chore. My only reward for wasting hours of my life is to be given access to the R8 command ship I actually wanted to play.


Please fix this. I don’t want this game to feel like a chore, I just want it to feel fun.

Garbage excuse for a T3 gunship?


Funnily enough, i’ve never had a problem with the Achilles or Wolf, and I quite like the wolf M.


If you’re whining about the Phobos though, which is a decent ship despite only having 3 mod slots,


Get Gud.

I hate Phobos everyone does.

That aside wolf wolf-m, achilles great ships.


Epic, sorry to inform you, but scatter gun is dead… It was playable previous to this patch only in that it allowed you to maneuver then attack, rinse repeat. Much like bubble gun. Now the projectiles have a lessened maneuverability.

Previously it had poor true DPS, but it was acceptable because it allowed you to maneuver with a fast ship. Now the real DPS is incredibly low, most projectiles miss. Still good vs friggate, poor vs fighter, don’t bother vs inty.


Good news, there is a new EM weapon for fighters that has manual tracking, and it blinds your target for about a second on hit. Great range and acceptable damage. Also you can shoot around objects with it after some practice.

I don’t recall the name, but it was on the ms. summers missions.

“was” so he won’t get it unless they release it later :stuck_out_tongue: In any case you can get by with a Phobos, think of it as practice and stay close to the team may help you get through it. It can still deal ok damage being a gunship.

When flown right the Wolf M is one of the best ships in T3.  If not the best. (Everyone is welcome to bash but Its really good)


The phobos was my ship of choice when I started, I still fly it now and again.


With a Phobos, think of it as practice and stay close to the team may help you get through it. It can still deal ok damage being a gunship.


RenieAshll I think said it best.  Stay close to your team don t over commit.  If you really hate this ship, try flying a ship you love build up your free synergy and put it on the ship you hate.  Personally I HATE LRF.  I have not flown more than 10 matches in a LRF>  However, I have numerous LRF’s synergized fully because of Free Synergy that I got with My Eagle B or Wolf M.

All rank 7 ships are trash by comparison even to rank 8, and far more so to rank 9. Compare:


Rank 7

  • 3 modules
  • 5 modifiers
  • lowest base stats in T3

This is practically worse than a T2 - at least in T2 your rank 6 ships are good.

Playable: Absolutely none.

Borderline: Acid Hydra/Templar AE, if you can snipe really well. Decent support at that point.


Rank 8

  • 4 modules
  • 6 modifiers
  • meh base stats

These mostly suck, with a few gems like the Grim and Prometheus. The Prom 8 is awesome for tournaments and dreads, but has to suffer from a lack of rank 9 implant and lack of a passive modifier slot, which hurts a lot. The rest are more or less worthless.

Playable: Prometheus, Ricasso, Hawk-M
Borderline: Cerberus (dreadnoughts, some PvP), Swarm, Grim


Rank 9

  • 4 modules
  • 7 modifiers
  • highest base stats in t3

Playable: Everything except those listed below.

Borderline: Kris AE, Dragonfly, Katana S


If ships had the same number of modifiers, implants, and modules across a tier, regardless of the ship’s rank in that tier, then I’d have to take back everything I said about the Silent Fox. Because it would actually be pretty good.

I would hate having to do that, but it would be worth it.

Silent fox is an epic ship :stuck_out_tongue: And I’m not kidding! Fit that badboy with gauss and a cruise engine, and you can get maniac medals (done before but I can’t find the screenshot again)

Playable: Everything except those listed below.

Borderline: Kris AE, Dragonfly, Katana S

I find this really confusing. From my standpoint Kris AE and Katana S are some of the best T3 ships. Care to elaborate on why you consider them bad?

Dragonfly also shines with the Flux Phaser

Yay for drunk posting I guess.



I hate Phobos everyone does.

That aside wolf wolf-m, achilles great ships.


Epic, sorry to inform you, but scatter gun is dead… It was playable previous to this patch only in that it allowed you to maneuver then attack, rinse repeat. Much like bubble gun. Now the projectiles have a lessened maneuverability.

Previously it had poor true DPS, but it was acceptable because it allowed you to maneuver with a fast ship. Now the real DPS is incredibly low, most projectiles miss. Still good vs friggate, poor vs fighter, don’t bother vs inty.


Good news, there is a new EM weapon for fighters that has manual tracking, and it blinds your target for about a second on hit. Great range and acceptable damage. Also you can shoot around objects with it after some practice.

I don’t recall the name, but it was on the ms. summers missions.


To be fair, I’ve nothing against the R2-3 ships as they’re generally good and don’t feel like they’re tedious to grind and level. I’m currently working on grinding the money to buy the Achilles and I’m really looking forward to unlocking the Wolf-M soon as I’m a big fan of bubble gunships.


As for the scatter gun, I’m not really sure if a homing primary should even be a thing. I’m mostly just confused why it’s restricted to T4-5 instead of being given to lower tier players like myself who have trouble in inty vs inty turning fights.


Lastly, I was mostly inactive when that event was going on so I don’t have access to the new weapons. I think I heard someone say something about them being possibly released around Christmas tho. Who knows, maybe I’ll end up liking that enough to slot two gunships instead of only the Wolf-M.



When flown right the Wolf M is one of the best ships in T3.  If not the best. (Everyone is welcome to bash but Its really good)


The phobos was my ship of choice when I started, I still fly it now and again.



RenieAshll I think said it best.  Stay close to your team don t over commit.  If you really hate this ship, try flying a ship you love build up your free synergy and put it on the ship you hate.  Personally I HATE LRF.  I have not flown more than 10 matches in a LRF>  However, I have numerous LRF’s synergized fully because of Free Synergy that I got with My Eagle B or Wolf M.


Yes, I’ve seen the videos. Actually, I’ve seen your video and it shows the exact reason why the Wolf-M is one of my most wanted ships. I’ve liked bubbles ever since I unlocked them, but I never felt any of the Empire gunships complimented them.


Regarding the Phobos, I honestly haven’t hated a ship that much since I played the first T2 gunship. I just can’t find anything enjoyable about it. It just felt tedious and boring to grind. Luckily, I was really drunk and barely remember any of the grinding, so there’s that I guess.


As for RenieAshll’s advice, yes that’s mostly what I try to do when I’m not playing a recon. I’m not great at dogfighting, so I mostly just stay near my team in cover and support. I’ll keep your advice in mind for the next time I need to grind a guard to unlock something.



All rank 7 ships are trash by comparison even to rank 8, and far more so to rank 9. Compare:


Rank 7

  • 3 modules
  • 5 modifiers
  • lowest base stats in T3

This is practically worse than a T2 - at least in T2 your rank 6 ships are good.

Playable: Absolutely none.

Borderline: Acid Hydra/Templar AE, if you can snipe really well. Decent support at that point.


Rank 8

  • 4 modules
  • 6 modifiers
  • meh base stats

These mostly suck, with a few gems like the Grim and Prometheus. The Prom 8 is awesome for tournaments and dreads, but has to suffer from a lack of rank 9 implant and lack of a passive modifier slot, which hurts a lot. The rest are more or less worthless.

Playable: Prometheus, Ricasso, Hawk-M
Borderline: Cerberus (dreadnoughts, some PvP), Swarm, Grim


Rank 9

  • 4 modules
  • 7 modifiers
  • highest base stats in t3

Playable: Everything except those listed below.

Borderline: Kris AE, Dragonfly, Katana S


If ships had the same number of modifiers, implants, and modules across a tier, regardless of the ship’s rank in that tier, then I’d have to take back everything I said about the Silent Fox. Because it would actually be pretty good.

I would hate having to do that, but it would be worth it.


The Prometheus is actually the reason I started T3 with Empire. I like command ships and I really like 6.9k range buffs. I wasn’t aware implants only affected ships of equal or higher rank, I just assumed they’d affect all ships in and above their tier.


As for the scatter gun, I’m not really sure if a homing primary should even be a thing. I’m mostly just confused why it’s restricted to T4-5 instead of being given to lower tier players like myself who have trouble in inty vs inty turning fights.


Scatter Gun is pretty useless in inty vs inty turn fights, much more suited for longer range engagements.

I find this really confusing. From my standpoint Kris AE and Katana S are some of the best T3 ships. Care to elaborate on why you consider them bad?

Kris AE Kinetic bonus is useless most of the time, and Katana S is too squishy and has no other positive bonuses, just high energy regen (fine for afterburner and diffusion but loooooow base tank).

The Strong is a better command since it offers more to the team and is less squishy due to higher resistances from the command boosts, and higher speed/damage thanks to improved activations of graviscanner and valkyrie. The Prometheus X is far tankier (gotta love Empire) and has room for passive-armor-based diffusion which can tank HARD without sacrificing much. For ECM, the Spirit is faster/better bonuses, and the Black Swarm has the lovely Empire tank + range boost. Kinetic bonus pales in comparison - if I don’t use Shrapnel (which is completely unusable with over 100 ping - and Kinetic Supercharger is 100% trash) then I have no lv 8 bonus at all.


I consider them Borderline as opposed to Unplayable, because they’re still capable of doing some damage, but they’re seriously outclassed by their premium and Empire counterparts.


Dragonfly also shines with the Flux Phaser

You’re right, but that’s mostly corner case. And it’s super squishy when you’re 2000m or closer.

And if only players could still get that gun…