Wormhole Manipulator

Name: Wormhole Manipulator

Type: Active Module for all Alien Ships (Even destroyers, but theirs is much bigger)

Recharge: 100 seconds

Energy: 500pts

Energy if destroyer: 2000pts

Wormhole Diameter: 150m

Wormhole Diameter if destroyer: 250m

Wormhole Duration: 12 seconds

Wormhole Duration if destroyer: 21 seconds

Tooltip: Uses modified alien rift generators to form a wormhole 350m in front of the user. Once activated, the user will be prompted by a map of the sector. The user can then select any point on the map within 7,500-15,000m to open the other end of the wormhole. The wormhole will stay open and allow any ships and objects to pass through either way for a set duration. Includes enemy ships. Each ship must wait for 3 seconds after exiting a wormhole to be able to use it again, or else their ship will not be in phase and will be lost in subspace. In open space, activation will open the local map, but will allow the user to select any sector within 5 jumps to open the other wormhole in. Wormholes work in only one direction when opened in open space.



(Local wormhole placement range is 7,500m for standard ships and 15,000m for destroyers.)

I like it. Thumbs up!


I like this particular wormhole module particularly because you can hijack another ships’ wormhole to follow it, or even use it to back-track to their previous location quickly, and attack strategic places.

It also isn’t a relatively useful “GTFO Button” simply because you must manually place the wormhole, and are immobile while doing so. This means it’s actually pretty balanced compared to other transportation modules. Just with much greater range and functionality.

I like the idea of porting a whole squad to one beacon in a few seconds. It is like a mini version of the last battle in ME3. So maybe just maybe you could remove the limiter that every ship must wait 3 seconds to jump. Maybe let it have a kind of “spread” which rises when too many ships pass it in a too little time.

It’s something I already wanted for OS.


I like it.

Bypassing the mechanics of jumping to the next gate won’t make the missions in OS more enjoyable, but it will lower the tedious traveling. The best thing is it could end the reign of fast ships in OS.

1 minute ago, ntboble said:

I like it.

Bypassing the mechanics of jumping to the next gate won’t make the missions in OS more enjoyable, but it will lower the tedious traveling. The best thing is it could end the reign of fast ships in OS.

Ahm yay no more Jaguars and Cynings trying to kill everybodey with station protetion off?!

16 minutes ago, GeMichi said:

Ahm yay no more Jaguars and Cynings trying to kill everybodey with station protetion off?!

This suggestion won’t address the problem with players with big guns killing weaker players. There are other options for that,

In PVP it could make players in beacons games trying to capture beacons. Instead of just sitting on spawn point and shooting from far away. I envision this wormhole manipulator and a black hole in the opening swallowing everyone at the spawning point.

30 minutes ago, ntboble said:

 I envision this wormhole manipulator and a black hole in the opening swallowing everyone at the spawning point.

Ohmg yas omg omg omg. I love it.

Neat idea. +1


From zero to spawncamp in just one click! I like it! :Đ hahah ++++

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

From zero to spawncamp in just one click! I like it! :Đ hahah ++++

Don’t forget that this works in both directions for only a limited amount of time. ;3

good idea but not a big fan of all system ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

  1. need to add a debuff when the ships exiting a whormoles ,  wait 10 sec before use an whormole and all resist. hull & shield down by 50pts for 20 sec.

2 ) frigate and destroyer can’t use the whormoles

  1. couldown set at 180 sec minimum

  2. limit the module to one class alien ship

all this stuff prevent to have on PvP , Pve , OS :

  • spawn kill on short map

  • change the dynamic for large map with Beacon objectif

  • keep the main goal of each class , cover ops , iinti. , support , …etc

2 hours ago, zzzfrogzzz said:

good idea but not a big fan of all system ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

  1. need to add a debuff when the ships exiting a whormoles ,  wait 10 sec before use an whormole and all resist. hull & shield down by 50pts for 20 sec.

No. This is an insanely long and awful debuff. Nobody would use it then.

2 hours ago, zzzfrogzzz said:

2 ) frigate and destroyer can’t use the whormoles

also no.

2 hours ago, zzzfrogzzz said:

  1. couldown set at 180 sec minimum

I thought about it, but 3 minutes is kinda crazy.

2 hours ago, zzzfrogzzz said:

  1. limit the module to one class alien ship

No tho. That’s awful. All aliens can use wormholes.

2 hours ago, zzzfrogzzz said:

all this stuff prevent to have on PvP , Pve , OS :

  • spawn kill on short map

  • change the dynamic for large map with Beacon objectif

  • keep the main goal of each class , cover ops , iinti. , support , …etc

I don’t understand any of this. You sound kind of like an inverse me about three years ago. No idea what balance is and just wants to make everything awful.

i understant you want more strategy with the whormole module , but keep in mind  this kind of tool get an awesome advantage .

if you want , this module may be stay a “risk” , indeed that can make great counter with team gameplay but i’m a bit afraid as explain before without a debuff or limit that enforce more unbalance game …

Limit to one class , avoid to spam the ability

grow up the CD at more 120 sec , avoid to spam the whormole and keep it an option 1 or 2 time on a game ( pvp game above 6-9min )

i like the idea but not like the first post without some more weakness for the module ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)




34 minutes ago, zzzfrogzzz said:

i understant you want more strategy with the whormole module , but keep in mind  this kind of tool get an awesome advantage .

The point is to have an awesome advantage.

34 minutes ago, zzzfrogzzz said:

if you want , this module may be stay a “risk” , indeed that can make great counter with team gameplay but i’m a bit afraid as explain before without a debuff or limit that enforce more unbalance game …

The debuff is that if you try to use a wormhole too often, your ship is lost.

34 minutes ago, zzzfrogzzz said:

Limit to one class , avoid to spam the ability

It is limited to only one faction, and said faction only has 15 ships.

34 minutes ago, zzzfrogzzz said:

grow up the CD at more 120 sec , avoid to spam the whormole and keep it an option 1 or 2 time on a game ( pvp game above 6-9min )

Probably a good idea.

34 minutes ago, zzzfrogzzz said:

i like the idea but not like the first post without some more weakness for the module ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

So getting completely destroyed isn’t enough of a debuff? Gotcha.


16 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Don’t forget that this works in both directions for only a limited amount of time. ;3

Imagine, Wormhole Conflict hahaha, that would be actually fun instead of this Than’Ga Conflict xD

…yeaaaah, how about no.

4 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Imagine, Wormhole Conflict hahaha, that would be actually fun instead of this Than’Ga Conflict xD

Nah at this point it’s “Gargoyle Conflict” and “Dart Conflict.”

Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

Nah at this point it’s “Gargoyle Conflict” and “Dart Conflict.”

True dat, in any case i hate them ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)