World exploration Idea (World 1: "Dreamworld")

Story: After the Ellydium has found a strange anomaly at the center of the galaxy, which is a huge wormhole, leads to anywhere in the universe, or even to other realityes, worlds. After the ellydium named it “World’s center Anomaly”, they started to study it. They have been found out, the anomaly is similar to the “shining”'s gates that aliens use, and can lead to different worlds, realityes. They found 3 avaible paths inside the the Anomaly. One leads to the “Dreamworld”, which is an alternative world. Another leads to the Arcturus, and the last leads into an sector, with a shining gate that ellydium already captured. Now the gate is travelable, and leads to th world of aliens…

Red: System name
White: Sector name
Circle: Sector
Circle with Point: Station with dock

First Path
World’s center Anomaly
-Sci-Tech path
:descryption: The Sci-Tech made the first steps to make the travel in that world easier. They made the first gates, and outposts in this zone.
:clearance level: 13
:difficulty: easy
-Gravitational Anomaly
:descryption: That sector is far away from the Anomaly, however that place is controlled by a strong gravitational anomaly, which gives advantages and disadvantages while fights.
:clearance level: 13
:difficulty: Medium
-Anomaly Ring
:descryption: That sector is at the last ring of the anomaly. The view is beutiful here, and the Artuga’s pirates also came here to watch it.
:clearance level: 13
:difficulty: hard
-Crystalline Belt
:descryption: An asteroid belt rich in crystals and ores. Most of the miners came this world, made stations and outposts here, and that’s all what pirates need.
:clearance level: 13
:difficulty: Hard
-Dreamworld’s Citadella
:descryption: A Rebuilt ancient station at the Anomaly. The view is beautiful, the space is calm, and you can dock in a luxury station. What else needs?
:clearance level: 13
:difficulty: Easy
-Thermal Station
:descryption: A station built by the Sparta scouts, which is using the energy of the Siluklis star.
:clearance level: 14
:difficulty: medium
-Pirate Hangar
:descryption: A Hangar built by unknown pirates, is not in the hand of the Legion, which is trying to capture Sparta’s territory to show them their power.
:clearance level: 14
:difficulty: Hard
-Twin Stars
:descryption: A Station and a Storge built by cybers in the orbit of 2 twin stars orbiting each other.
:clearance level: 15
:difficulty: Hard
-Galaxy Guardian Station
:descryption: The main station of galaxy guardians, the Indepedent guardians trying to bring peace, and destroy all agressive creatures and pirates.
:clearance level: 16
:difficulty: Medium
:descryption: A sector filled with anicent and “new” debris and wrecks. Sometimes pirates are raiding the sector, to find modules which they can sell.
:clearance level: 16
:difficulty: Medium
-Jericho’s Remains
:descryption: An abandoned city of jericho, and a powerful invisible anomaly. Nothing more.
:clearance level: 16
:difficulty: Easy
-Red Giant
:descryption: An unfinished station orbiting a Red Giant built by the Ironside.
:clearance level: 16
:difficulty: Medium
-Dream Factory
:descryption: A Factory where the components made with the ores of this world. The Factory is Indepedent, but there’s too many Sentinels guarding it.
:clearance level: 15
:difficulty: Hard
-Miner’s Paradise
:descryption: A huge asteroid, with several types of ores and gems, and an overpoplated Miner city. Currently the RSW is trying to capture the zone.
:clearance level: 15
:difficulty: Medium
-Magical World
:descrpytion: A planet controlled by magical, strange powers and creatures. Nobody knows, what it hides, but there’s too much anomaly for an expedition.
:clearance level: 17
:difficulty: Hard
-Ancient Station
:descryption: A station built by an ancient and unknown race. Now it’s abandoned, and strange Iridium-Infected ships patrolling nearby.
:clearance level: 17
:difficulty: Hard
Shining Anomaly
-Dreamworld Leviathan
:descryption: A Leviathan similar to the one in the Line system, but with many differences. One of them, that leviathan is connected with ancient buildings and can move. And the Fun Fact: This leviathan’s shape is similar to a pokéball.
:clearance level: 17
:difficulty: Hard
-Iridium Belt
:descryption: An asteroid belt rich in iridium, and invaded by aliens. like it needs to be.
:clearnce level: 17
:difficulty: Hard
-Ellydium Station
:descryption: A station built by Ellydium to study the new leviathan. It seems, that leviathan isn’t built for Iridium extraction, but it’s a Weapon. However, the scientist can’t enter the zone, because if they aren’t hiding behind obstacles, the leviathan’s super-fast emitter projectiles destroy their ships.
:clearance level: 17
:difficulty: hard
-Portal Storm
:descryption: A Zone filled with Portals, where Hunters and Predators are coming to regroup. Nobody knows where are they going, but the goal is in this world
:clearance level: 17
:difficulty: hard




